package ohex

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Convert from and to hexadecimal representation.

val required_length : ?skip_whitespace:bool -> string -> int

required_length ~skip_whitespace s returns the length needed when the hex string s would be decoded into a sequence of octets. The argument skip_whitespace defaults to true, and skips any whitespace characters (' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'). This function is useful for estimating the space required for decode_into.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if any character in s is not a hex character, or an odd amount of characters are present.

val decode : ?skip_whitespace:bool -> string -> string

decode ~skip_whitespace s decodes a hex string s into a sequence of octets. The argument skip_whitespace defaults to true, and skips any whitespace characters in s (' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'). An example: decode "4142" = "AB".

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if any character in s is not a hex character, or an odd amount of characters are present.

val decode_into : ?skip_whitespace:bool -> string -> bytes -> ?off:int -> unit -> unit

decode_into ~skip_whitespace s dst ~off () decodes s into dst starting at off (defaults to 0). The argument skip_whitespace defaults to true and skips any whitespace characters.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if any character in s is not a hex character, an odd amount of characters are present, or dst does not contain enough space.

val encode : string -> string

encode s encodes s into a freshly allocated string of double size, where each character in s is encoded as two hex digits in the returned string. An example: encode "AB" = "4142".

val encode_into : string -> bytes -> ?off:int -> unit -> unit

encode_into s dst ~off () encodes s into dst starting at off (defaults to 0). Each character is encoded as two hex digits in dst.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if dst does not contain enough space.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> unit

pp ppf s pretty-prints the string s in hexadecimal. Some spaces are emitted for easier readability. No newline is emitted.

val pp_hexdump : ?row_numbers:bool -> ?chars:bool -> unit -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> unit

pp_hexdump ~row_numbers ~chars () ppf s pretty-prints the string s in hexadecimal (similar to hexdump -C). If row_numbers is provided (defaults to true), each output line is prefixed with the row number. If chars is provided (defaults to true), in the last column the ASCII string is printed (non-printable characters are printed as '.').


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