package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Understanding odoc Internals

This manual page describes the constituents of the compilation process and their relationships in the different compilation phases.

  1. Constituents
  2. Compilation Phases



Compilation Phases

Whenever odoc attempts to compile a new .odoc file from a compiler output, it will go through 3 distinct compilation phases:

  1. Prepping,
  2. Loading, and
  3. Cross-referencing

In the case of HTML generation, an additional 2 phases happen:

  1. Tree building, and
  2. Printing.


Every compilation step will begin by building an Env.t (environment) by looking into the import directories (specified with -I), and acquiring a File.t file descriptor to the input file. This will make all of the compilation units compiled earlier, available to the current one.

Output directories will be made sure exist and are writeable too.

Once this is all done, dispatching based on the file extension will happen and loading will begin.


It always begins by creating a Odoc_model.Root.Odoc_file.t file representation. This happens equally for all formats, including .mld files where Odoc_model.Root.Odoc_file.create_page is used.

This representation specifies whether we are about to compile a Page or if we in fact have an OCaml Compilation_unit. It will be used to create a broader record of type Odoc_model.Root.t, that will contain all the information relevant to our current document.

For .cmt(i) files, however, this record isn't yet created. We will come by it as soon as a module name and a digest are read. The process then continues and Odoc_loader.read_cmti will attempt to read this file, accessing the digest, creating the Odoc_model.Root.t, and, subsequently, when the .cmti typed tree is read and parsed, building a Compilation_unit.t.

While building the Compilation_unit.t, the .cmti file will be read into a Cmt_format.cmt_infos value using the OCaml library Cmt_format. This could end up in a few error cases, but if we don't catch any exceptions on our way, we will get a value of Cmt_format.binary_annots (binary annotations) indicating whether this file is indeed an Interface or some other thing (a Packed module, an Implementation, a Partial_implementation, or even a Partial_interface).

Given that we do have an Interface, we can extract its module name, the list of modules that need to be imported (and tag them as Unresolved), and finally build Compilation_unit.t out of them. This list will be important later on, as we attempt to resolve all references.

Cross Referencing

Now that we have a brand new compilation unit, we need to make sure that the things it references (such as functions or types in other modules) are properly resolved.

To do this, we will begin by making a lookup. This will create a new Lookup.lookup object, and use our current compilation unit to grow its name environment (Name_env.t) by adding whatever new signatures we've defined in the current module.

Immediately after, we will attempt to build a resolving environment (of type Env.t). This environment will then be used to resolve this modlule's references in Odoc_xref.resolve.

This process occurs two times! For legacy reasons, we need to repeat this twice, the second time with the result of the first. Then we can proceed to expand these references, which we can use for saving our .odoc file.

We expand the cross-referencing environment one more time, and hand it over to so it will be marshalled and saved.

Tree Building

In case we are compiling an .odoc file to .html, we will continue the process after cross-referencing by delegating to one of the To_html_tree modules. If the HTML is to have Reason syntax, Odoc_html.To_html_tree.RE will be used, otherwise Odoc_html.To_html_tree.ML.

TODO(@ostera): explain how Odoc_html.To_html_tree.ML.compilation_unit works


After the HTML tree is fully built, we can just ask Tyxml.Html to print it into a string for us. So folders will be created to make sure the output can be written, and then for each page and compilation unit an .html file will be created and written to.

That's pretty much all there is to printing.


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