package octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type eval_step =
  1. | Tick

    Tick per tick

  2. | Result

    Up to Eval (Result (SK_Result _ | SK_Trap _))

  3. | Kernel_run

    Up to the end of the current `kernel_run`

  4. | Inbox

    Until input requested

type profile_options = {
  1. collapse : bool;
  2. with_time : bool;
  3. no_reboot : bool;
type commands =
  1. | Time of commands
  2. | Show_inbox
  3. | Show_outbox of int32
  4. | Show_status
  5. | Show_durable_storage
  6. | Show_subkeys of string
  7. | Show_key of string * Repl_helpers.printable_value_kind
  8. | Show_memory of int32 * int * Repl_helpers.printable_value_kind
  9. | Dump_function_symbols
  10. | Step of eval_step
  11. | Load_inputs
  12. | Reveal_preimage of string option
  13. | Reveal_metadata
  14. | Profile of profile_options
  15. | Unknown of string
  16. | Help
  17. | Stop
val parse_eval_step : string -> eval_step option
val parse_memory_commands : string list -> commands option
val parse_profile_options : string list -> profile_options option
type command_description = {
  1. parse : string list -> commands option;
  2. documentation : string;
val commands_docs : command_description list
val try_parse : string list -> commands option
val parse_commands : string -> commands
val build_metadata : Config.config -> string
val read_data_from_file : string -> string
val read_data_from_stdin : int -> string Lwt.t
val read_data : kind:string -> directory:string -> filename:string -> int -> string Lwt.t
val reveal_preimage_builtin : Config.config -> int -> Tezos_protocol_alpha.Protocol.Sc_rollup_reveal_hash.t -> string Lwt.t

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