package octez-smart-rollup-node-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type +'a t

The type of indexed file store.

Returns true if the key has a value associated in the store.

Returns the header for a key if it exists in the store.

Read a full value and header from the indexed file store.

Append a new binding to the indexed file store.

val load : path:string -> cache_size:int -> 'a Tezos_layer2_store.Store_sigs.mode -> 'a t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

Loads a new or existing indexed file store in the directory path.

Close the index and the file. One must call load again to read or write data in the store.

val readonly : [> `Read ] t -> [ `Read ] t

readonly t returns a read only version of the store t.


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