package octez-shell-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The configurable constants used by shell components as maximum, with their encodings and default values.

type operation_metadata_size_limit =
  1. | Unlimited
  2. | Limited of int

States whether or not the operation metadata size must be caped and potentially discard if the given size limit is exceeded.

val operation_metadata_size_limit_encoding : operation_metadata_size_limit Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
type block_validator_limits = {
  1. protocol_timeout : Tezos_base.Time.System.Span.t;
  2. operation_metadata_size_limit : operation_metadata_size_limit;
val default_block_validator_limits : block_validator_limits
type prevalidator_limits = {
  1. max_refused_operations : int;

    The maximum number of operations tracked by the mempool for each of the refused, branch delayed, branch refused and outdated operation classifications. Default is 1000

  2. operation_timeout : Tezos_base.Time.System.Span.t;

    The maximum time allowed to fetch the contents of an operation advertised by a remote peer. Default is 10 seconds

  3. operations_batch_size : int;

    Maximum number of pending operations processed (or classified) at the end of each request to the prevalidator worker. Default is 50


This record contains the different limits and settings that can be updated from a node configuration for a prevalidator

val default_prevalidator_limits : prevalidator_limits

Sane default values for limits

type peer_validator_limits = {
  1. new_head_request_timeout : Tezos_base.Time.System.Span.t;
  2. block_header_timeout : Tezos_base.Time.System.Span.t;
  3. block_operations_timeout : Tezos_base.Time.System.Span.t;
  4. protocol_timeout : Tezos_base.Time.System.Span.t;
val default_peer_validator_limits : peer_validator_limits
type synchronisation_limits = {
  1. latency : int;

    latency is the time interval (seconds) used to determine if a node is synchronized with a chain. For instance, a node that knows head with timestamp T is synchronized if T >= now - max_latency. This parameter depends on the baking rate and the latency of the network.

  2. threshold : int;

    threshold determines the number of peers the synchronization heuristic looks at to determine if the node is synchronized or not.


Constants parameterizing the bootstrap heuristics.

type chain_validator_limits = {
  1. synchronisation : synchronisation_limits;
val default_chain_validator_limits : chain_validator_limits
type limits = {
  1. block_validator_limits : block_validator_limits;
  2. prevalidator_limits : prevalidator_limits;
  3. peer_validator_limits : peer_validator_limits;
  4. chain_validator_limits : chain_validator_limits;
  5. history_mode : History_mode.t option;
val default_limits : limits

Innovation. Community. Security.