package octez-shell-libs
History modes for the chain history storage
History modes allow a node to require less disk storage. Indeed, depending on the chosen history mode, some parts of the complete chain history can be deleted as they are not required anymore. Three history modes are provided:
- Full mode (default mode): The node stores the minimal data since the genesis required to reconstruct (or 'replay') the complete chain's ledger state.
- Rolling mode: This is the lightest mode as it only maintains a minimal rolling fragment of the chain data so the node can still validate new blocks and synchronize with the head.
- Archive: This is the heaviest mode as it keeps the whole chain data to be able to query any information stored on the chain since the genesis. It is particularly suitable for indexers or block explorers.
The type for defining the number of additional cycles to preserve.
The type for defining an history mode.
val default_additional_cycles : additional_cycles
The default value for the number of additional cycles to preserve.
val default_full : t
The default full history mode value. Based on default_additional_cycles
val default_rolling : t
The default rolling history mode value. Based on default_additional_cycles
val default : t
The default history mode value.
val encoding : t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
Returns true if the modes are equal. The number of additional cycles are not checked.
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_short : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val tag : t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Tag.def
module Legacy : sig ... end
The module for handling legacy history modes. It is only used for legacy support, see Tezos_store.Legacy
and Tezos_store.Snapshots