package octez-protocol-018-Proxford-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type block_to_bake = {
  1. predecessor : Baking_state.block_info;
  2. round : Tezos_protocol_018_Proxford.Protocol.Alpha_context.Round.t;
  3. delegate : Baking_state.consensus_key_and_delegate;
  4. kind : block_kind;
  5. force_apply : bool;

    if true, while baking the block, try and apply the block and its operations instead of only validating them. this can be permanently set using the --force-apply flag (see force_apply_switch_arg in

type action =
  1. | Do_nothing
  2. | Inject_block of {
    1. block_to_bake : block_to_bake;
    2. updated_state : Baking_state.state;
  3. | Inject_preattestations of {
    1. preattestations : (Baking_state.consensus_key_and_delegate * Tezos_protocol_018_Proxford.Protocol.Alpha_context.consensus_content) list;
  4. | Inject_attestations of {
    1. attestations : (Baking_state.consensus_key_and_delegate * Tezos_protocol_018_Proxford.Protocol.Alpha_context.consensus_content) list;
  5. | Update_to_level of level_update
  6. | Synchronize_round of round_update
  7. | Watch_proposal
and level_update = {
  1. new_level_proposal : Baking_state.proposal;
  2. compute_new_state : current_round: Tezos_protocol_018_Proxford.Protocol.Alpha_context.Round.t -> delegate_slots:Baking_state.delegate_slots -> next_level_delegate_slots:Baking_state.delegate_slots -> (Baking_state.state * action) Lwt.t;
and round_update = {
  1. new_round_proposal : Baking_state.proposal;
  2. handle_proposal : Baking_state.state -> (Baking_state.state * action) Lwt.t;
type t = action
val inject_block : state_recorder: (new_state:Baking_state.state -> unit Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t) -> Baking_state.state -> block_to_bake -> updated_state:Baking_state.state -> Baking_state.state Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
val inject_consensus_vote : Baking_state.state -> (Baking_state.consensus_key_and_delegate * Tezos_protocol_018_Proxford.Protocol.Alpha_context.consensus_content) list -> [ `Preattestation | `Attestation ] -> unit Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
val start_waiting_for_preattestation_quorum : Baking_state.state -> unit Lwt.t
val start_waiting_for_attestation_quorum : Baking_state.state -> unit Lwt.t
val update_to_level : Baking_state.state -> level_update -> (Baking_state.state * t) Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
val pp_action : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val perform_action : state_recorder: (new_state:Baking_state.state -> unit Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t) -> Baking_state.state -> t -> Baking_state.state Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

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