package octez-plompiler
include LIB
val ret : 'a -> 'a t
module Input : sig ... end
val serialize : 'a Input.t -> Csir.Scalar.t array
val input : ?kind:input_kind -> 'a Input.t -> 'a repr t
val begin_input_com : 'b -> 'b open_input_com
val (|:) : ('c repr -> 'd) open_input_com -> 'c Input.t -> 'd open_input_com
val end_input_com : 'a open_input_com -> 'a t
val unit : unit repr
val constant_scalar : Csir.Scalar.t -> scalar repr t
Returns a list of Boolean variables representing the little endian bit decomposition of the given scalar (with the least significant bit on the head).
module Ecc : sig ... end
module Poseidon : sig ... end
module Anemoi : sig ... end
module Bool : sig ... end
module Num : sig ... end
module Bytes : sig ... end
val constant_uint32 : ?le:bool -> Stdint.uint32 -> repr t
type cs_result = {
nvars : int;
free_wires : int list;
cs : Csir.CS.t;
input_com_sizes : int list;
tables : Csir.Table.t list;
solver : Solver.t;
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"