package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type version =
  1. | V0
  2. | V1
  3. | V2
  4. | V3
val versions : (string * version) list
val versions_flip : (version * string) list
val version_encoding : version Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.encoding
type input_info = {
  1. inbox_level : Tezos_base.Bounded.Non_negative_int32.t;

    The inbox level at which the message exists.

  2. message_counter : Z.t;

    The index of the message in the inbox.


Represents the location of an input message.

type output_info = {
  1. outbox_level : Tezos_base.Bounded.Non_negative_int32.t;

    The outbox level at which the message exists.

  2. message_index : Z.t;

    The index of the message in the outbox.


Represents the location of an output message.

type reveal = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Host_funcs.reveal =
  1. | Reveal_raw of string
val reveal_raw_data_tag : char
val reveal_raw_data : string -> reveal
val reveal_metadata_payload : string
val reveal_metadata : reveal
module Compatibility : sig ... end
type input_request =
  1. | No_input_required

    The VM does not expect any input.

  2. | Input_required

    The VM needs input in order to progress.

  3. | Reveal_required of reveal

Represents the state of input requests.

type info = {
  1. current_tick : Z.t;

    The number of ticks processed by the VM, zero for the initial state. current_tick must be incremented for each call to step

  2. last_input_read : input_info option;

    The last message to be read by the VM, if any.

  3. input_request : input_request;

    The current VM input request.


Represents the state of the VM.

module Internal_state : sig ... end

This module type defines the state for the PVM. For use in lib_scoru_wasm only.


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