package octez-injector

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module defines an instance of the injector functor used in the standalone injector server binary in bin_injector_server, which is independent of the rollup node and is meant to inject manager operations (only transactions are currently supported).

Other modules in this library which are only used for the injector binary are prefixed with injector_server*. The injector server supports multiple protocols. Each protocol is supported using a plugin module proto_*/lib_injector/

module Configuration : sig ... end
type state = {
  1. cctxt : Tezos_client_base.Client_context.full;
  2. fee_parameters : Configuration.fee_parameters;

    minimal_block_delay and delay_increment_per_round are protocol constants required for the injector plugin to compute the time remaining until the following block

  3. minimal_block_delay : int64;
  4. delay_increment_per_round : int64;
include Injector_sigs.S with type state := state and type tag := Configuration.tag and type operation := Injector_server_operation.t
type injected_info = {
  1. op : Inj_operation.t;

    The injector operation.

  2. oph : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Operation_hash.t;

    The hash of the operation which contains op (this can be an L1 batch of several manager operations).

  3. op_index : int;

    The index of the operation op in the L1 batch corresponding to oph.


Information stored about an L1 operation that was injected on a Tezos node.

type included_info = {
  1. op : Inj_operation.t;

    The injector operation.

  2. oph : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Operation_hash.t;

    The hash of the operation which contains op (this can be an L1 batch of several manager operations).

  3. op_index : int;

    The index of the operation op in the L1 batch corresponding to oph.

  4. l1_block : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t;

    The hash of the L1 block in which the operation was included.

  5. l1_level : int32;

    The level of l1_block.


Information stored about an L1 operation that was included in a Tezos block.

type status =
  1. | Pending of Injector_server_operation.t

    The operation is pending injection.

  2. | Injected of injected_info

    The operation has been injected successfully in the node.

  3. | Included of included_info

    The operation has been included in a L1 block.


Status of an operation in the injector.

val init : Tezos_client_base.Client_context.full -> data_dir:string -> ?retention_period:int -> ?allowed_attempts:int -> ?injection_ttl:int -> ?reconnection_delay:float -> state -> signers: (Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Signature.public_key_hash list * Injector_sigs.injection_strategy * Configuration.tag list) list -> unit Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

Initializes the injector with the rollup node state, for a list of signers, and start the workers. Each signer's list has its own worker with a queue of operations to inject.

retention_period is the number of blocks for which the injector keeps the included information for, must be positive or zero. By default (when 0), the injector will not keep information longer than necessary. It can be useful to set this value to something > 0 if we want to retrieve information about operations included on L1 for a given period.

allowed_attempts is the number of attempts that will be made to inject an operation. Operations whose injection fails a number of times greater than this value will be discarded from the queue.

injection_ttl is the number of blocks after which an operation that is injected but never include is retried.

The injector monitors L1 heads to update the statuses of its operations accordingly. The argument reconnection_delay gives an initial value for the delay before attempting a reconnection (see Layer_1.init).

Each pkh's list and tag list of signers must be disjoint.

val add_pending_operation : Injector_server_operation.t -> Inj_operation.Hash.t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

Add an operation as pending injection in the injector. It returns the hash of the operation in the injector queue.

val inject : ?tags:Configuration.tag list -> ?header:Tezos_base.Block_header.shell_header -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

Trigger an injection of the pending operations for all workers. If tags is given, only the workers which have a tag in tags inject their pending operations. header must be provided for the `Delay_block strategy to compute the next block timestamp.

val shutdown : unit -> unit Lwt.t

Shutdown the injectors, waiting for the ongoing request to be processed.

val operation_status : Inj_operation.Hash.t -> status option

The status of an operation in the injector.

val register_proto_client : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Protocol_hash.t -> (module Injector_sigs.PROTOCOL_CLIENT with type operation = Injector_server_operation.t and type state = state) -> unit

Register a protocol client for a specific protocol to be used by the injector. This function must be called for all protocols that the injector is meant support.


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