package octez-baker-PsParisC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Error log

octez-baker-PsParisC 20.1

Error log

The package failed to build. The error log from opam follows.

[NOTE] Package dune is already installed (current version is 3.17.2).
[NOTE] Package ocamlfind is already installed (current version is 1.9.8).
The following actions will be performed:
=== install 291 packages
  - install aches                                   1.1.0
  - install aches-lwt                               1.1.0
  - install alcotest                                1.8.0
  - install angstrom                                0.16.1
  - install asetmap                                 0.8.1
  - install asn1-combinators                        0.2.6
  - install astring                                 0.8.5
  - install base                                    v0.16.3
  - install base-bytes                              base
  - install base64                                  3.5.1
  - install bheap                                   2.0.0
  - install bigarray-compat                         1.1.0
  - install bigstring                               0.3
  - install bigstringaf                             0.10.0
  - install bls12-381                               20.1
  - install bos                                     0.2.1
  - install ca-certs                                0.2.3
  - install camlp-streams                           5.0.1
  - install camlzip                                 1.11
  - install checkseum                               0.5.2
  - install clap                                    0.3.0
  - install class_group_vdf                         0.0.5
  - install cmdliner                                1.3.0
  - install cohttp                                  5.3.1
  - install cohttp-lwt                              5.3.0
  - install cohttp-lwt-unix                         5.3.0
  - install conduit                                 6.2.3
  - install conduit-lwt                             6.2.3
  - install conduit-lwt-unix                        6.2.3
  - install conf-autoconf                           0.2
  - install conf-bash                               1
  - install conf-cmake                              1
  - install conf-g++                                1.0
  - install conf-gmp                                4
  - install conf-gmp-powm-sec                       3
  - install conf-hidapi                             0
  - install conf-libev                              4-12
  - install conf-libffi                             2.0.0
  - install conf-pkg-config                         4
  - install conf-rust                               0.1
  - install conf-rust-2021                          1
  - install conf-which                              1
  - install conf-zlib                               1
  - install cppo                                    1.8.0
  - install csexp                                   1.5.2
  - install cstruct                                 6.2.0
  - install cstruct-lwt                             6.2.0
  - install ctypes                                  0.23.0
  - install ctypes-foreign                          0.23.0
  - install ctypes_stubs_js                         0.1
  - install data-encoding                           1.0.1
  - install decompress                              1.5.3
  - install digestif                                1.2.0
  - install domain-name                             0.4.0
  - install dune-configurator                       3.17.2
  - install duration                                0.2.1
  - install either                                  1.0.0
  - install eqaf                                    0.9
  - install ezjsonm                                 1.3.0
  - install fmt                                     0.9.0
  - install fpath                                   0.7.3
  - install gen                                     1.1
  - install gmap                                    0.3.0
  - install hacl-star                               0.7.2
  - install hacl-star-raw                           0.7.2
  - install hashcons                                1.4.0
  - install hex                                     1.5.0
  - install hidapi                                  1.2.1
  - install hidapi-lwt                              1.2.1
  - install hkdf                                    1.0.4 (deprecated)
  - install index                                   1.6.2
  - install integers                                0.7.0
  - install integers_stubs_js                       1.0
  - install ipaddr                                  5.6.0
  - install ipaddr-sexp                             5.6.0
  - install jane-street-headers                     v0.16.0
  - install js_of_ocaml                             5.9.1
  - install js_of_ocaml-compiler                    5.9.1
  - install json-data-encoding                      1.0.1
  - install json-data-encoding-bson                 1.0.1
  - install jsonm                                   1.0.2
  - install jst-config                              v0.16.0
  - install lambda-term                             3.3.2
  - install ledgerwallet                            0.4.1
  - install ledgerwallet-tezos                      0.4.1
  - install logs                                    0.7.0
  - install lru                                     0.3.1
  - install lwt                                     5.9.0
  - install lwt-canceler                            0.3
  - install lwt-exit                                1.0
  - install lwt-watcher                             0.2
  - install lwt_react                               1.2.0
  - install macaddr                                 5.6.0
  - install magic-mime                              1.3.1
  - install menhir                                  20240715
  - install menhirCST                               20240715
  - install menhirLib                               20240715
  - install menhirSdk                               20240715
  - install mew                                     0.1.0
  - install mew_vi                                  0.5.0
  - install mirage-crypto                           0.11.3
  - install mirage-crypto-ec                        0.11.3
  - install mirage-crypto-pk                        0.11.3
  - install mirage-crypto-rng                       0.11.3
  - install mirage-crypto-rng-lwt                   0.11.3
  - install mtime                                   2.1.0
  - install num                                     1.5-1
  - install ocaml-compiler-libs                     v0.12.4
  - install ocaml-migrate-parsetree                 2.4.0 (deprecated)
  - install ocaml-syntax-shims                      1.0.0
  - install ocamlbuild                              0.15.0
  - install ocamlgraph                              2.1.0
  - install ocp-ocamlres                            0.4
  - install ocplib-endian                           1.2
  - install octez                                   20.1
  - install octez-accuser-Proxford                  20.1
  - install octez-accuser-PsParisC                  20.1
  - install octez-accuser-PtParisB                  20.1
  - install octez-alcotezt                          20.1
  - install octez-baker-Proxford                    20.1
  - install octez-baker-PsParisC                    20.1
  - install octez-baker-PtParisB                    20.1
  - install octez-client                            20.1
  - install octez-codec                             20.1
  - install octez-crawler                           20.1
  - install octez-dac-client                        20.1
  - install octez-dac-node                          20.1
  - install octez-dal-node                          20.1
  - install octez-distributed-internal              20.1
  - install octez-distributed-lwt-internal          20.1
  - install octez-injector                          20.1
  - install octez-internal-libs                     20.1
  - install octez-l2-libs                           20.1
  - install octez-libs                              20.1
  - install octez-node                              20.1
  - install octez-node-config                       20.1
  - install octez-proto-libs                        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-000-Ps9mPmXa-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-001-PtCJ7pwo-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-002-PsYLVpVv-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-003-PsddFKi3-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-005-PsBabyM1-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-007-PsDELPH1-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-009-PsFLoren-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-010-PtGRANAD-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-011-PtHangz2-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-012-Psithaca-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-013-PtJakart-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-014-PtKathma-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-015-PtLimaPt-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-016-PtMumbai-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-017-PtNairob-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-018-Proxford-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-019-PtParisB-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs        20.1
  - install octez-protocol-alpha-libs               20.1
  - install octez-protocol-compiler                 20.1
  - install octez-proxy-server                      20.1
  - install octez-rpc-process                       20.1
  - install octez-shell-libs                        20.1
  - install octez-signer                            20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-node                 20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-node-lib             20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-node-Proxford        20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-node-PsParisC        20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-node-PtParisB        20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger        20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-lib    20.1
  - install octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-plugin 20.1
  - install octez-version                           20.1
  - install optint                                  0.3.0
  - install parsexp                                 v0.16.0
  - install pbkdf                                   1.2.0
  - install pprint                                  20230830
  - install ppx_assert                              v0.16.0
  - install ppx_base                                v0.16.0
  - install ppx_cold                                v0.16.0
  - install ppx_compare                             v0.16.0
  - install ppx_derivers                            1.2.1
  - install ppx_deriving                            6.0.3
  - install ppx_enumerate                           v0.16.0
  - install ppx_expect                              v0.16.1
  - install ppx_globalize                           v0.16.0
  - install ppx_hash                                v0.16.0
  - install ppx_here                                v0.16.0
  - install ppx_import                              1.11.0
  - install ppx_inline_test                         v0.16.1
  - install ppx_optcomp                             v0.16.0
  - install ppx_repr                                0.7.0
  - install ppx_sexp_conv                           v0.16.0
  - install ppxlib                                  0.35.0
  - install prbnmcn-basic-structures                0.0.1
  - install prbnmcn-linalg                          0.0.1
  - install prbnmcn-stats                           0.0.6
  - install pringo                                  1.3
  - install progress                                0.4.0
  - install prometheus                              1.2
  - install prometheus-app                          1.2
  - install psq                                     0.2.1
  - install ptime                                   1.2.0
  - install pure-splitmix                           0.3
  - install pyml                                    20231101
  - install qcheck-alcotest                         0.23
  - install qcheck-core                             0.23
  - install re                                      1.12.0
  - install react                                   1.2.2
  - install repr                                    0.7.0
  - install resto                                   1.2
  - install resto-acl                               1.2
  - install resto-cohttp                            1.2
  - install resto-cohttp-client                     1.2
  - install resto-cohttp-self-serving-client        1.2
  - install resto-cohttp-server                     1.2
  - install resto-directory                         1.2
  - install result                                  1.5
  - install ringo                                   1.1.0
  - install rresult                                 0.7.0
  - install rusage                                  1.0.0
  - install secp256k1-internal                      0.4.0
  - install sedlex                                  3.3
  - install semaphore-compat                        1.0.2
  - install seq                                     base
  - install seqes                                   0.3
  - install sexplib                                 v0.16.0
  - install sexplib0                                v0.16.0
  - install stdcompat                               19
  - install stdint                                  0.7.2
  - install stdio                                   v0.16.0
  - install stdlib-random                           1.2.0
  - install stdlib-shims                            0.3.0
  - install stringext                               1.6.0
  - install tar                                     2.6.0
  - install tar-unix                                2.6.0
  - install terminal                                0.4.0
  - install tezos-benchmark                         20.1
  - install tezos-dac-client-lib                    20.1
  - install tezos-dac-lib                           20.1
  - install tezos-dac-node-lib                      20.1
  - install tezos-dal-node-lib                      20.1
  - install tezos-dal-node-services                 20.1
  - install tezos-openapi                           20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-000-Ps9mPmXa             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-001-PtCJ7pwo             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-002-PsYLVpVv             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-003-PsddFKi3             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-005-PsBABY5H             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-005-PsBabyM1             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-007-PsDELPH1             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-008-PtEdoTez             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-009-PsFLoren             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-010-PtGRANAD             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-011-PtHangz2             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-012-Psithaca             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-013-PtJakart             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-016-PtMumbai             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-017-PtNairob             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-018-Proxford             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-019-PtParisB             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC             20.1
  - install tezos-protocol-alpha                    20.1
  - install tezos-proxy-server-config               20.1
  - install tezos-rust-libs                         1.6
  - install tezos-sapling-parameters                1.1.0
  - install tezt                                    4.2.0
  - install tezt-tezos                              20.1
  - install time_now                                v0.16.0
  - install tls                                     0.17.5
  - install tls-lwt                                 0.17.5
  - install topkg                                   1.0.7
  - install trie                                    1.0.0
  - install uchar                                   0.0.2
  - install uri                                     4.4.0
  - install uri-sexp                                4.4.0
  - install uucp                                    16.0.0
  - install uuseg                                   16.0.0
  - install uutf                                    1.0.3
  - install vector                                  1.0.0
  - install x509                                    0.16.5
  - install yaml                                    3.2.0
  - install yojson                                  2.2.2
  - install zarith                                  1.13
  - install zarith_stubs_js                         v0.16.1
  - install zed                                     3.2.3

The following system packages will first need to be installed:
    autoconf cargo cmake libev-dev libffi-dev libgmp-dev libhidapi-dev pkg-config zlib1g-dev

<><> Handling external dependencies <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

opam believes some required external dependencies are missing. opam can:
> 1. Run apt-get to install them (may need root/sudo access)
  2. Display the recommended apt-get command and wait while you run it manually (e.g. in another terminal)
  3. Continue anyway, and, upon success, permanently register that this external dependency is present, but not detectable
  4. Abort the installation

[1/2/3/4] 1

+ /usr/bin/sudo "apt-get" "install" "-qq" "-yy" "autoconf" "cargo" "cmake" "libev-dev" "libffi-dev" "libgmp-dev" "libhidapi-dev" "pkg-config" "zlib1g-dev"
- debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
- Selecting previously unselected package libpipeline1:amd64.
- (Reading database ... 
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 18745 files and directories currently installed.)
- Preparing to unpack .../libpipeline1_1.5.7-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpipeline1:amd64 (1.5.7-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package binfmt-support.
- Preparing to unpack .../binfmt-support_2.2.2-2_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking binfmt-support (2.2.2-2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libpython3.11-minimal:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../libpython3.11-minimal_3.11.2-6+deb12u5_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpython3.11-minimal:amd64 (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package python3.11-minimal.
- Preparing to unpack .../python3.11-minimal_3.11.2-6+deb12u5_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking python3.11-minimal (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Setting up libpython3.11-minimal:amd64 (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Setting up python3.11-minimal (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package python3-minimal.
- (Reading database ... 
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 19074 files and directories currently installed.)
- Preparing to unpack .../python3-minimal_3.11.2-1+b1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking python3-minimal (3.11.2-1+b1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package media-types.
- Preparing to unpack .../media-types_10.0.0_all.deb ...
- Unpacking media-types (10.0.0) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libpython3.11-stdlib:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../libpython3.11-stdlib_3.11.2-6+deb12u5_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpython3.11-stdlib:amd64 (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package python3.11.
- Preparing to unpack .../python3.11_3.11.2-6+deb12u5_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking python3.11 (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libpython3-stdlib:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../libpython3-stdlib_3.11.2-1+b1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpython3-stdlib:amd64 (3.11.2-1+b1) ...
- Setting up python3-minimal (3.11.2-1+b1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package python3.
- (Reading database ... 
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 19484 files and directories currently installed.)
- Preparing to unpack .../00-python3_3.11.2-1+b1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking python3 (3.11.2-1+b1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package m4.
- Preparing to unpack .../01-m4_1.4.19-3_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking m4 (1.4.19-3) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package autoconf.
- Preparing to unpack .../02-autoconf_2.71-3_all.deb ...
- Unpacking autoconf (2.71-3) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package autotools-dev.
- Preparing to unpack .../03-autotools-dev_20220109.1_all.deb ...
- Unpacking autotools-dev (20220109.1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package automake.
- Preparing to unpack .../04-automake_1%3a1.16.5-1.3_all.deb ...
- Unpacking automake (1:1.16.5-1.3) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libhttp-parser2.9:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../05-libhttp-parser2.9_2.9.4-5_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libhttp-parser2.9:amd64 (2.9.4-5) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libmbedcrypto7:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../06-libmbedcrypto7_2.28.3-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libmbedcrypto7:amd64 (2.28.3-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libmbedx509-1:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../07-libmbedx509-1_2.28.3-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libmbedx509-1:amd64 (2.28.3-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libmbedtls14:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../08-libmbedtls14_2.28.3-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libmbedtls14:amd64 (2.28.3-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libgit2-1.5:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../09-libgit2-1.5_1.5.1+ds-1+deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libgit2-1.5:amd64 (1.5.1+ds-1+deb12u1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libicu72:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../10-libicu72_72.1-3_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libicu72:amd64 (72.1-3) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libxml2:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../11-libxml2_2.9.14+dfsg-1.3~deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libxml2:amd64 (2.9.14+dfsg-1.3~deb12u1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libz3-4:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../12-libz3-4_4.8.12-3.1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libz3-4:amd64 (4.8.12-3.1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libllvm14:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../13-libllvm14_1%3a14.0.6-12_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libllvm14:amd64 (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libstd-rust-1.63:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../14-libstd-rust-1.63_1.63.0+dfsg1-2_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libstd-rust-1.63:amd64 (1.63.0+dfsg1-2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libstd-rust-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../15-libstd-rust-dev_1.63.0+dfsg1-2_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libstd-rust-dev:amd64 (1.63.0+dfsg1-2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package rustc.
- Preparing to unpack .../16-rustc_1.63.0+dfsg1-2_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking rustc (1.63.0+dfsg1-2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package cargo.
- Preparing to unpack .../17-cargo_0.66.0+ds1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking cargo (0.66.0+ds1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libarchive13:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../18-libarchive13_3.6.2-1+deb12u2_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libarchive13:amd64 (3.6.2-1+deb12u2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libjsoncpp25:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../19-libjsoncpp25_1.9.5-4_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libjsoncpp25:amd64 (1.9.5-4) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package librhash0:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../20-librhash0_1.4.3-3_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking librhash0:amd64 (1.4.3-3) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libuv1:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../21-libuv1_1.44.2-1+deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libuv1:amd64 (1.44.2-1+deb12u1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package cmake-data.
- Preparing to unpack .../22-cmake-data_3.25.1-1_all.deb ...
- Unpacking cmake-data (3.25.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package cmake.
- Preparing to unpack .../23-cmake_3.25.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking cmake (3.25.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package icu-devtools.
- Preparing to unpack .../24-icu-devtools_72.1-3_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking icu-devtools (72.1-3) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libclang-cpp14.
- Preparing to unpack .../25-libclang-cpp14_1%3a14.0.6-12_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libclang-cpp14 (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libnspr4:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../26-libnspr4_2%3a4.35-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libnspr4:amd64 (2:4.35-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libnss3:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../27-libnss3_2%3a3.87.1-1+deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libnss3:amd64 (2:3.87.1-1+deb12u1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package nss-plugin-pem:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../28-nss-plugin-pem_1.0.8+1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking nss-plugin-pem:amd64 (1.0.8+1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libcurl3-nss:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../29-libcurl3-nss_7.88.1-10+deb12u8_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libcurl3-nss:amd64 (7.88.1-10+deb12u8) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libev4:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../30-libev4_1%3a4.33-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libev4:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libev-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../31-libev-dev_1%3a4.33-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libev-dev:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libffi-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../32-libffi-dev_3.4.4-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libffi-dev:amd64 (3.4.4-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libgmpxx4ldbl:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../33-libgmpxx4ldbl_2%3a6.2.1+dfsg1-1.1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libgmpxx4ldbl:amd64 (2:6.2.1+dfsg1-1.1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libgmp-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../34-libgmp-dev_2%3a6.2.1+dfsg1-1.1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libgmp-dev:amd64 (2:6.2.1+dfsg1-1.1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libusb-1.0-0:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../35-libusb-1.0-0_2%3a1.0.26-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libusb-1.0-0:amd64 (2:1.0.26-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libhidapi-libusb0:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../36-libhidapi-libusb0_0.13.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libhidapi-libusb0:amd64 (0.13.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libhidapi-hidraw0:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../37-libhidapi-hidraw0_0.13.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libhidapi-hidraw0:amd64 (0.13.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libhidapi-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../38-libhidapi-dev_0.13.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libhidapi-dev:amd64 (0.13.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libicu-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../39-libicu-dev_72.1-3_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libicu-dev:amd64 (72.1-3) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libncurses6:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../40-libncurses6_6.4-4_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libncurses6:amd64 (6.4-4) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libncurses-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../41-libncurses-dev_6.4-4_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libncurses-dev:amd64 (6.4-4) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libpfm4:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../42-libpfm4_4.13.0-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpfm4:amd64 (4.13.0-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libpkgconf3:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../43-libpkgconf3_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libtinfo-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../44-libtinfo-dev_6.4-4_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libtinfo-dev:amd64 (6.4-4) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libxml2-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../45-libxml2-dev_2.9.14+dfsg-1.3~deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libxml2-dev:amd64 (2.9.14+dfsg-1.3~deb12u1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libyaml-0-2:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../46-libyaml-0-2_0.2.5-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libyaml-0-2:amd64 (0.2.5-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libz3-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../47-libz3-dev_4.8.12-3.1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libz3-dev:amd64 (4.8.12-3.1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package llvm-14-runtime.
- Preparing to unpack .../48-llvm-14-runtime_1%3a14.0.6-12_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking llvm-14-runtime (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package llvm-14-linker-tools.
- Preparing to unpack .../49-llvm-14-linker-tools_1%3a14.0.6-12_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking llvm-14-linker-tools (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package llvm-14.
- Preparing to unpack .../50-llvm-14_1%3a14.0.6-12_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking llvm-14 (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package python3-pkg-resources.
- Preparing to unpack .../51-python3-pkg-resources_66.1.1-1+deb12u1_all.deb ...
- Unpacking python3-pkg-resources (66.1.1-1+deb12u1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package python3-pygments.
- Preparing to unpack .../52-python3-pygments_2.14.0+dfsg-1_all.deb ...
- Unpacking python3-pygments (2.14.0+dfsg-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package python3-yaml.
- Preparing to unpack .../53-python3-yaml_6.0-3+b2_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking python3-yaml (6.0-3+b2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package llvm-14-tools.
- Preparing to unpack .../54-llvm-14-tools_1%3a14.0.6-12_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking llvm-14-tools (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package llvm-14-dev.
- Preparing to unpack .../55-llvm-14-dev_1%3a14.0.6-12_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking llvm-14-dev (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf-bin.
- Preparing to unpack .../56-pkgconf-bin_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../57-pkgconf_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkg-config:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../58-pkg-config_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package zlib1g-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../59-zlib1g-dev_1%3a1.2.13.dfsg-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking zlib1g-dev:amd64 (1:1.2.13.dfsg-1) ...
- Setting up media-types (10.0.0) ...
- Setting up libpipeline1:amd64 (1.5.7-1) ...
- Setting up libicu72:amd64 (72.1-3) ...
- Setting up libyaml-0-2:amd64 (0.2.5-1) ...
- Setting up libev4:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Setting up libpython3.11-stdlib:amd64 (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Setting up m4 (1.4.19-3) ...
- Setting up libhidapi-hidraw0:amd64 (0.13.1-1) ...
- Setting up libffi-dev:amd64 (3.4.4-1) ...
- Setting up autotools-dev (20220109.1) ...
- Setting up libz3-4:amd64 (4.8.12-3.1) ...
- Setting up libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up libgmpxx4ldbl:amd64 (2:6.2.1+dfsg1-1.1) ...
- Setting up libuv1:amd64 (1.44.2-1+deb12u1) ...
- Setting up libpfm4:amd64 (4.13.0-1) ...
- Setting up libmbedcrypto7:amd64 (2.28.3-1) ...
- Setting up libnspr4:amd64 (2:4.35-1) ...
- Setting up libncurses6:amd64 (6.4-4) ...
- Setting up binfmt-support (2.2.2-2) ...
- invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel
- invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start.
- Setting up libjsoncpp25:amd64 (1.9.5-4) ...
- Setting up icu-devtools (72.1-3) ...
- Setting up pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up autoconf (2.71-3) ...
- Setting up zlib1g-dev:amd64 (1:1.2.13.dfsg-1) ...
- Setting up librhash0:amd64 (1.4.3-3) ...
- Setting up cmake-data (3.25.1-1) ...
- Setting up libusb-1.0-0:amd64 (2:1.0.26-1) ...
- Setting up libev-dev:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Setting up libicu-dev:amd64 (72.1-3) ...
- Setting up libxml2:amd64 (2.9.14+dfsg-1.3~deb12u1) ...
- Setting up libhttp-parser2.9:amd64 (2.9.4-5) ...
- Setting up libpython3-stdlib:amd64 (3.11.2-1+b1) ...
- Setting up automake (1:1.16.5-1.3) ...
- update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/automake-1.16 to provide /usr/bin/automake (automake) in auto mode
- Setting up libz3-dev:amd64 (4.8.12-3.1) ...
- Setting up python3.11 (3.11.2-6+deb12u5) ...
- Setting up libncurses-dev:amd64 (6.4-4) ...
- Setting up libgmp-dev:amd64 (2:6.2.1+dfsg1-1.1) ...
- Setting up libmbedx509-1:amd64 (2.28.3-1) ...
- Setting up libmbedtls14:amd64 (2.28.3-1) ...
- Setting up libarchive13:amd64 (3.6.2-1+deb12u2) ...
- Setting up python3 (3.11.2-1+b1) ...
- running python rtupdate hooks for python3.11...
- running python post-rtupdate hooks for python3.11...
- Setting up libnss3:amd64 (2:3.87.1-1+deb12u1) ...
- Setting up pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up libxml2-dev:amd64 (2.9.14+dfsg-1.3~deb12u1) ...
- Setting up libhidapi-libusb0:amd64 (0.13.1-1) ...
- Setting up pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up libllvm14:amd64 (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Setting up cmake (3.25.1-1) ...
- Setting up llvm-14-linker-tools (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Setting up libgit2-1.5:amd64 (1.5.1+ds-1+deb12u1) ...
- Setting up python3-pkg-resources (66.1.1-1+deb12u1) ...
- Setting up libtinfo-dev:amd64 (6.4-4) ...
- Setting up libstd-rust-1.63:amd64 (1.63.0+dfsg1-2) ...
- Setting up libhidapi-dev:amd64 (0.13.1-1) ...
- Setting up nss-plugin-pem:amd64 (1.0.8+1-1) ...
- Setting up python3-yaml (6.0-3+b2) ...
- Setting up libstd-rust-dev:amd64 (1.63.0+dfsg1-2) ...
- Setting up python3-pygments (2.14.0+dfsg-1) ...
- Setting up llvm-14-runtime (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Setting up libclang-cpp14 (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Setting up rustc (1.63.0+dfsg1-2) ...
- Setting up libcurl3-nss:amd64 (7.88.1-10+deb12u8) ...
- Setting up llvm-14 (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Setting up llvm-14-tools (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Setting up cargo (0.66.0+ds1-1) ...
- Setting up llvm-14-dev (1:14.0.6-12) ...
- Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.36-9+deb12u9) ...

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved aches.1.1.0, aches-lwt.1.1.0, ringo.1.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved alcotest.1.8.0  (cached)
-> retrieved angstrom.0.16.1  (cached)
-> retrieved asetmap.0.8.1  (cached)
-> retrieved asn1-combinators.0.2.6  (cached)
-> installed base-bytes.base
-> retrieved astring.0.8.5  (cached)
-> retrieved base64.3.5.1  (cached)
-> retrieved base.v0.16.3  (cached)
-> retrieved bheap.2.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved bigarray-compat.1.1.0  (cached)
-> installed ringo.1.1.0
-> retrieved bigstring.0.3  (cached)
-> retrieved bigstringaf.0.10.0  (cached)
-> installed bheap.2.0.0
-> installed base64.3.5.1
-> retrieved bos.0.2.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ca-certs.0.2.3  (cached)
-> retrieved camlp-streams.5.0.1  (cached)
-> retrieved camlzip.1.11  (cached)
-> retrieved checkseum.0.5.2  (cached)
-> retrieved clap.0.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved class_group_vdf.0.0.5  (cached)
-> retrieved cmdliner.1.3.0  (cached)
-> installed bigarray-compat.1.1.0
-> retrieved cohttp.5.3.1  (cached)
-> installed bigstring.0.3
-> retrieved cohttp-lwt.5.3.0, cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved conf-cmake.1  (cached)
-> retrieved conf-gmp.4  (cached)
-> retrieved conf-gmp-powm-sec.3  (cached)
-> retrieved conf-libev.4-12  (cached)
-> retrieved conf-rust-2021.1  (cached)
-> installed aches.1.1.0
-> installed camlp-streams.5.0.1
-> retrieved conduit.6.2.3, conduit-lwt.6.2.3, conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.3  (cached)
-> installed clap.0.3.0
-> retrieved cppo.1.8.0  (cached)
-> installed conf-autoconf.0.2
-> installed conf-bash.1
-> installed conf-cmake.1
-> installed conf-g++.1.0
-> installed conf-gmp.4
-> installed conf-pkg-config.4
-> installed conf-which.1
-> retrieved csexp.1.5.2  (cached)
-> installed conf-libev.4-12
-> retrieved cstruct.6.2.0, cstruct-lwt.6.2.0  (cached)
-> installed conf-gmp-powm-sec.3
-> installed conf-hidapi.0
-> installed conf-libffi.2.0.0
-> installed conf-zlib.1
-> installed conf-rust.0.1
-> retrieved ctypes.0.23.0, ctypes-foreign.0.23.0  (cached)
-> installed conf-rust-2021.1
-> installed csexp.1.5.2
-> retrieved ctypes_stubs_js.0.1  (cached)
-> retrieved data-encoding.1.0.1, json-data-encoding.1.0.1, json-data-encoding-bson.1.0.1  (cached)
-> retrieved decompress.1.5.3  (cached)
-> retrieved domain-name.0.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved digestif.1.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved dune-configurator.3.17.2  (cached)
-> installed camlzip.1.11
-> retrieved duration.0.2.1  (cached)
-> retrieved either.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved eqaf.0.9  (cached)
-> retrieved ezjsonm.1.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved fmt.0.9.0  (cached)
-> retrieved fpath.0.7.3  (cached)
-> retrieved gen.1.1  (cached)
-> retrieved gmap.0.3.0  (cached)
-> installed cmdliner.1.3.0
-> installed cppo.1.8.0
-> installed domain-name.0.4.0
-> retrieved hacl-star.0.7.2, hacl-star-raw.0.7.2  (cached)
-> installed duration.0.2.1
-> installed either.1.0.0
-> retrieved hashcons.1.4.0  (cached)
-> installed gmap.0.3.0
-> retrieved hex.1.5.0  (cached)
-> retrieved hidapi.1.2.1, hidapi-lwt.1.2.1  (cached)
-> retrieved hkdf.1.0.4  (cached)
-> retrieved integers.0.7.0  (cached)
-> retrieved index.1.6.2  (cached)
-> retrieved integers_stubs_js.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ipaddr.5.6.0, ipaddr-sexp.5.6.0, macaddr.5.6.0  (cached)
-> retrieved jane-street-headers.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved jsonm.1.0.2  (cached)
-> retrieved jst-config.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved lambda-term.3.3.2  (cached)
-> retrieved ledgerwallet.0.4.1, ledgerwallet-tezos.0.4.1  (cached)
-> retrieved logs.0.7.0  (cached)
-> retrieved lru.0.3.1  (cached)
-> installed jane-street-headers.v0.16.0
-> retrieved lwt.5.9.0  (cached)
-> installed hashcons.1.4.0
-> installed macaddr.5.6.0
-> retrieved lwt-canceler.0.3  (cached)
-> retrieved lwt-exit.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved lwt-watcher.0.2  (cached)
-> retrieved lwt_react.1.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved magic-mime.1.3.1  (cached)
-> retrieved menhir.20240715, menhirCST.20240715, menhirLib.20240715, menhirSdk.20240715  (cached)
-> installed dune-configurator.3.17.2
-> retrieved js_of_ocaml.5.9.1, js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.9.1  (cached)
-> installed ipaddr.5.6.0
-> installed magic-mime.1.3.1
-> retrieved mew.0.1.0  (cached)
-> installed menhirCST.20240715
-> installed menhirLib.20240715
-> installed menhirSdk.20240715
-> installed bigstringaf.0.10.0
-> installed hidapi.1.2.1
-> retrieved mew_vi.0.5.0  (cached)
-> retrieved mtime.2.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved num.1.5-1  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-migrate-parsetree.2.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlbuild.0.15.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlgraph.2.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved mirage-crypto.0.11.3, mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.3, mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.3, mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.3, mirage-crypto-rng-lwt.0.11.3  (cached)
-> retrieved ocp-ocamlres.0.4  (cached)
-> retrieved ocplib-endian.1.2  (cached)
-> installed ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0
-> installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4
-> installed ocplib-endian.1.2
-> retrieved bls12-381.20.1  (cached)
-> installed num.1.5-1
-> installed ocaml-migrate-parsetree.2.4.0
-> installed angstrom.0.16.1
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.15.0
-> installed lwt.5.9.0
-> installed lwt-watcher.0.2
-> installed lwt-canceler.0.3
-> installed aches-lwt.1.1.0
-> installed hidapi-lwt.1.2.1
-> retrieved octez-accuser-PsParisC.20.1  (cached)
-> installed menhir.20240715
-> retrieved octez-accuser-Proxford.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-accuser-PtParisB.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-alcotezt.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-baker-Proxford.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-baker-PsParisC.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-baker-PtParisB.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-client.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-codec.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-crawler.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-dac-client.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-dac-node.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-dal-node.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-distributed-internal.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-distributed-lwt-internal.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-injector.20.1  (cached)
[ERROR] Failed to get sources of octez-internal-libs.20.1: Sys_error("No space left on device")
-> installed octez-distributed-internal.20.1
[ERROR] Failed to get sources of octez-l2-libs.20.1: "/usr/bin/tar xfj /home/opam/.opam/download-cache/sha256/dd/ddfb5076eeb0b32ac21c1eed44e8fc86a6743ef18ab23fff02d36e365bb73d61 -C /tmp/opam-113-904e71" exited with code 2
[ERROR] Failed to get sources of octez-libs.20.1: "/usr/bin/tar xfj /home/opam/.opam/download-cache/sha256/dd/ddfb5076eeb0b32ac21c1eed44e8fc86a6743ef18ab23fff02d36e365bb73d61 -C /tmp/opam-113-9dfd92" exited with code 2
[ERROR] Failed to get sources of octez-node.20.1: "/usr/bin/tar xfj /home/opam/.opam/download-cache/sha256/dd/ddfb5076eeb0b32ac21c1eed44e8fc86a6743ef18ab23fff02d36e365bb73d61 -C /tmp/opam-113-c3adee" exited with code 2
-> retrieved octez-node-config.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-proto-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-000-Ps9mPmXa-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-001-PtCJ7pwo-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-002-PsYLVpVv-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-003-PsddFKi3-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-005-PsBabyM1-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-007-PsDELPH1-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-009-PsFLoren-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-010-PtGRANAD-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-011-PtHangz2-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-012-Psithaca-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-013-PtJakart-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-014-PtKathma-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-015-PtLimaPt-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-016-PtMumbai-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-017-PtNairob-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-018-Proxford-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-019-PtParisB-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-alpha-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-protocol-compiler.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-proxy-server.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-rpc-process.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-shell-libs.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-signer.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-node.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-node-lib.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-node-Proxford.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-node-PsParisC.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-node-PtParisB.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-lib.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-plugin.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved octez-version.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved optint.0.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved parsexp.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved pbkdf.1.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved pprint.20230830  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_assert.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_base.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_cold.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_compare.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_derivers.1.2.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_enumerate.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_deriving.6.0.3  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_expect.v0.16.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_globalize.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_hash.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_here.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_import.1.11.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_inline_test.v0.16.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_optcomp.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_repr.0.7.0, repr.0.7.0  (cached)
-> installed ppx_derivers.1.2.1
-> retrieved ppx_sexp_conv.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppxlib.0.35.0  (cached)
-> installed optint.0.3.0
-> installed pprint.20230830
-> retrieved prbnmcn-basic-structures.0.0.1  (cached)
-> retrieved prbnmcn-linalg.0.0.1  (cached)
-> retrieved prbnmcn-stats.0.0.6  (cached)
-> retrieved pringo.1.3  (cached)
-> retrieved prometheus.1.2, prometheus-app.1.2  (cached)
-> retrieved psq.0.2.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ptime.1.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved pure-splitmix.0.3  (cached)
-> retrieved pyml.20231101  (cached)
-> retrieved qcheck-alcotest.0.23, qcheck-core.0.23  (cached)
-> retrieved progress.0.4.0, terminal.0.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved re.1.12.0  (cached)
-> installed pure-splitmix.0.3
-> retrieved react.1.2.2  (cached)
-> retrieved resto.1.2, resto-acl.1.2, resto-cohttp.1.2, resto-cohttp-client.1.2, resto-cohttp-self-serving-client.1.2, resto-cohttp-server.1.2, resto-directory.1.2  (cached)
-> retrieved result.1.5  (cached)
-> retrieved rresult.0.7.0  (cached)
-> retrieved rusage.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved semaphore-compat.1.0.2  (cached)
-> retrieved seq.base  (cached)
-> installed seq.base
-> retrieved sedlex.3.3  (cached)
-> retrieved secp256k1-internal.0.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved seqes.0.3  (cached)
-> retrieved sexplib.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved sexplib0.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved stdint.0.7.2  (cached)
-> retrieved stdcompat.19  (cached)
-> retrieved stdio.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved stdlib-random.1.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved stdlib-shims.0.3.0  (cached)
-> installed pringo.1.3
-> installed checkseum.0.5.2
-> installed octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-plugin.20.1
-> installed psq.0.2.1
-> installed result.1.5
-> installed rusage.1.0.0
-> installed semaphore-compat.1.0.2
-> installed sexplib0.v0.16.0
-> installed gen.1.1
-> installed seqes.0.3
-> installed qcheck-core.0.23
-> installed re.1.12.0
-> installed stdint.0.7.2
-> retrieved stringext.1.6.0  (cached)
-> retrieved tar.2.6.0, tar-unix.2.6.0  (cached)
-> installed stdlib-random.1.2.0
-> installed stdlib-shims.0.3.0
-> installed lru.0.3.1
-> installed stringext.1.6.0
-> installed decompress.1.5.3
-> installed parsexp.v0.16.0
-> installed integers.0.7.0
-> installed sexplib.v0.16.0
-> installed ocamlgraph.2.1.0
-> installed base.v0.16.3
-> installed stdio.v0.16.0
-> installed ctypes.0.23.0
-> retrieved tezos-benchmark.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-dac-client-lib.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-dac-lib.20.1  (cached)
-> installed ppxlib.0.35.0
-> retrieved tezos-dac-node-lib.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-dal-node-lib.20.1  (cached)
-> installed ppx_cold.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_compare.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_deriving.6.0.3
-> installed ppx_enumerate.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_globalize.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_here.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_import.1.11.0
-> installed ppx_optcomp.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_sexp_conv.v0.16.0
-> retrieved tezos-dal-node-services.20.1  (cached)
-> installed sedlex.3.3
-> installed ctypes-foreign.0.23.0
-> retrieved tezos-openapi.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-000-Ps9mPmXa.20.1  (cached)
-> installed ipaddr-sexp.5.6.0
-> installed ppx_assert.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_hash.v0.16.0
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-001-PtCJ7pwo.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-002-PsYLVpVv.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-003-PsddFKi3.20.1  (cached)
-> installed jst-config.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_base.v0.16.0
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-005-PsBABY5H.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-005-PsBabyM1.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-006-PsCARTHA.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-007-PsDELPH1.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-008-PtEdoTez.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-009-PsFLoren.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-010-PtGRANAD.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-011-PtHangz2.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-012-Psithaca.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-013-PtJakart.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-016-PtMumbai.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-017-PtNairob.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-018-Proxford.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-019-PtParisB.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-protocol-alpha.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-proxy-server-config.20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-rust-libs.1.6  (cached)
-> retrieved tezos-sapling-parameters.1.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved tezt.4.2.0  (cached)
-> installed hacl-star-raw.0.7.2
-> installed tezos-sapling-parameters.1.1.0
-> retrieved time_now.v0.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved tls.0.17.5, tls-lwt.0.17.5  (cached)
-> retrieved topkg.1.0.7  (cached)
-> retrieved trie.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uchar.0.0.2  (cached)
-> retrieved uri.4.4.0, uri-sexp.4.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uuseg.16.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uutf.1.0.3  (cached)
-> retrieved vector.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uucp.16.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved x509.0.16.5  (cached)
-> installed trie.1.0.0
-> retrieved yaml.3.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved yojson.2.2.2  (cached)
-> installed uchar.0.0.2
-> installed vector.1.0.0
-> retrieved zarith.1.13  (cached)
-> installed mew.0.1.0
-> retrieved zarith_stubs_js.v0.16.1  (cached)
-> retrieved zed.3.2.3  (cached)
-> installed zarith_stubs_js.v0.16.1
-> installed time_now.v0.16.0
-> retrieved tezt-tezos.20.1  (cached)
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
-> installed uri.4.4.0
-> installed yojson.2.2.2
-> installed zarith.1.13
-> installed asetmap.0.8.1
-> installed fmt.0.9.0
-> installed mtime.2.1.0
-> installed ppx_inline_test.v0.16.1
-> installed react.1.2.2
-> installed resto.1.2
-> installed rresult.0.7.0
-> installed uutf.1.0.3
-> installed astring.0.8.5
-> installed ptime.1.2.0
-> installed uri-sexp.4.4.0
-> installed cstruct.6.2.0
-> installed resto-acl.1.2
-> installed prbnmcn-basic-structures.0.0.1
-> installed lwt_react.1.2.0
-> installed hacl-star.0.7.2
-> installed resto-directory.1.2
-> installed prometheus.1.2
-> installed lwt-exit.1.0
-> installed cstruct-lwt.6.2.0
-> installed hex.1.5.0
-> installed mew_vi.0.5.0
-> installed ledgerwallet.0.4.1
-> installed tar.2.6.0
-> installed eqaf.0.9
-> installed fpath.0.7.3
-> installed asn1-combinators.0.2.6
-> installed prbnmcn-stats.0.0.6
-> installed ledgerwallet-tezos.0.4.1
-> installed alcotest.1.8.0
-> installed stdcompat.19
-> installed jsonm.1.0.2
-> installed prbnmcn-linalg.0.0.1
-> installed json-data-encoding.1.0.1
-> installed qcheck-alcotest.0.23
-> installed tar-unix.2.6.0
-> installed digestif.1.2.0
-> installed ocp-ocamlres.0.4
-> installed ezjsonm.1.3.0
-> installed json-data-encoding-bson.1.0.1
-> installed repr.0.7.0
-> installed ppx_expect.v0.16.1
-> installed mirage-crypto.0.11.3
-> installed secp256k1-internal.0.4.0
-> installed hkdf.1.0.4
-> installed pbkdf.1.2.0
-> installed cohttp.5.3.1
-> installed class_group_vdf.0.0.5
-> installed pyml.20231101
-> installed ppx_repr.0.7.0
-> installed data-encoding.1.0.1
-> installed js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.9.1
-> installed uucp.16.0.0
-> installed terminal.0.4.0
-> installed uuseg.16.0.0
-> installed zed.3.2.3
-> installed js_of_ocaml.5.9.1
-> installed integers_stubs_js.1.0
-> installed logs.0.7.0
-> installed tezt.4.2.0
-> installed ctypes_stubs_js.0.1
-> installed bos.0.2.1
-> installed cohttp-lwt.5.3.0
-> installed conduit.6.2.3
-> installed lambda-term.3.3.2
-> installed mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.3
-> installed progress.0.4.0
-> installed resto-cohttp.1.2
-> installed mirage-crypto-rng-lwt.0.11.3
-> installed mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.3
-> installed resto-cohttp-client.1.2
-> installed conduit-lwt.6.2.3
-> installed octez-distributed-lwt-internal.20.1
-> installed octez-alcotezt.20.1
-> installed tezos-openapi.20.1
-> installed index.1.6.2
-> installed yaml.3.2.0
-> installed bls12-381.20.1
-> installed mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.3
-> installed x509.0.16.5
-> installed ca-certs.0.2.3
-> installed tls.0.17.5
-> installed tls-lwt.0.17.5
-> installed conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.3
-> installed cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0
-> installed prometheus-app.1.2
-> installed resto-cohttp-server.1.2
-> installed resto-cohttp-self-serving-client.1.2
-> installed tezos-rust-libs.1.6

#=== ERROR while fetching sources for octez-node.20.1 =========================#
OpamSolution.Fetch_fail("# path                 ~\n# command              /usr/bin/tar xfj /home/opam/.opam/download-cache/sha256/dd/ddfb5076eeb0b32ac21c1eed44e8fc86a6743ef18ab23fff02d36e365bb73d61 -C /tmp/opam-113-c3adee\n# exit-code            2\n# env-file             ~/.opam/log/log-113-c3c93f.env\n# output-file          ~/.opam/log/log-113-c3c93f.out\n### output ###\n# /usr/bin/tar: tezos-octez-v20.1-1a991a031e88249e187e6d39d979d2533233c17c/src/proto_011_PtHangz2/lib_protocol/ Cannot write: No space left on device\n# /usr/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors\n")

#=== ERROR while fetching sources for octez-libs.20.1 =========================#
OpamSolution.Fetch_fail("# path                 ~\n# command              /usr/bin/tar xfj /home/opam/.opam/download-cache/sha256/dd/ddfb5076eeb0b32ac21c1eed44e8fc86a6743ef18ab23fff02d36e365bb73d61 -C /tmp/opam-113-9dfd92\n# exit-code            2\n# env-file             ~/.opam/log/log-113-4d87c2.env\n# output-file          ~/.opam/log/log-113-4d87c2.out\n### output ###\n# /usr/bin/tar: tezos-octez-v20.1-1a991a031e88249e187e6d39d979d2533233c17c/src/proto_004_Pt24m4xi/lib_protocol/misc.mli: Cannot write: No space left on device\n# /usr/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors\n")

#=== ERROR while fetching sources for octez-l2-libs.20.1 ======================#
OpamSolution.Fetch_fail("# path                 ~\n# command              /usr/bin/tar xfj /home/opam/.opam/download-cache/sha256/dd/ddfb5076eeb0b32ac21c1eed44e8fc86a6743ef18ab23fff02d36e365bb73d61 -C /tmp/opam-113-904e71\n# exit-code            2\n# env-file             ~/.opam/log/log-113-12cf77.env\n# output-file          ~/.opam/log/log-113-12cf77.out\n### output ###\n# /usr/bin/tar: tezos-octez-v20.1-1a991a031e88249e187e6d39d979d2533233c17c/src/proto_020_PsParisC/lib_protocol/test/regression/contracts/ Cannot write: No space left on device\n# /usr/bin/tar: tezos-octez-v20.1-1a991a031e88249e187e6d39d979d2533233c17c/tezt/tests/expected/ opcodes -map_iter--storage1011138251--input532072758-.out: Cannot write: No space left on device\n# /usr/bin/tar: tezos-octez-v20.1-1a991a031e88249e187e6d39d979d2533233c17c/tezt/tests/riscv-tests/generated/rv64ud-p-fdiv: Cannot write: No space left on device\n# /usr/bin/tar: tezos-octez-v20.1-1a991a031e88249e187e6d39d979d2533233c17c/tezt/tests/riscv-tests/generated/rv64ud-v-ldst: Cannot write: No space left on device\n# /usr/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors\n")

#=== ERROR while fetching sources for octez-internal-libs.20.1 ================#
OpamSolution.Fetch_fail("Sys_error(\"No space left on device\")")

<><> Error report <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
+- The following actions failed
| - fetch octez-internal-libs 20.1
| - fetch octez-l2-libs       20.1
| - fetch octez-libs          20.1
| - fetch octez-node          20.1
+- The following changes have been performed (the rest was aborted)
| - install aches                                   1.1.0
| - install aches-lwt                               1.1.0
| - install alcotest                                1.8.0
| - install angstrom                                0.16.1
| - install asetmap                                 0.8.1
| - install asn1-combinators                        0.2.6
| - install astring                                 0.8.5
| - install base                                    v0.16.3
| - install base-bytes                              base
| - install base64                                  3.5.1
| - install bheap                                   2.0.0
| - install bigarray-compat                         1.1.0
| - install bigstring                               0.3
| - install bigstringaf                             0.10.0
| - install bls12-381                               20.1
| - install bos                                     0.2.1
| - install ca-certs                                0.2.3
| - install camlp-streams                           5.0.1
| - install camlzip                                 1.11
| - install checkseum                               0.5.2
| - install clap                                    0.3.0
| - install class_group_vdf                         0.0.5
| - install cmdliner                                1.3.0
| - install cohttp                                  5.3.1
| - install cohttp-lwt                              5.3.0
| - install cohttp-lwt-unix                         5.3.0
| - install conduit                                 6.2.3
| - install conduit-lwt                             6.2.3
| - install conduit-lwt-unix                        6.2.3
| - install conf-autoconf                           0.2
| - install conf-bash                               1
| - install conf-cmake                              1
| - install conf-g++                                1.0
| - install conf-gmp                                4
| - install conf-gmp-powm-sec                       3
| - install conf-hidapi                             0
| - install conf-libev                              4-12
| - install conf-libffi                             2.0.0
| - install conf-pkg-config                         4
| - install conf-rust                               0.1
| - install conf-rust-2021                          1
| - install conf-which                              1
| - install conf-zlib                               1
| - install cppo                                    1.8.0
| - install csexp                                   1.5.2
| - install cstruct                                 6.2.0
| - install cstruct-lwt                             6.2.0
| - install ctypes                                  0.23.0
| - install ctypes-foreign                          0.23.0
| - install ctypes_stubs_js                         0.1
| - install data-encoding                           1.0.1
| - install decompress                              1.5.3
| - install digestif                                1.2.0
| - install domain-name                             0.4.0
| - install dune-configurator                       3.17.2
| - install duration                                0.2.1
| - install either                                  1.0.0
| - install eqaf                                    0.9
| - install ezjsonm                                 1.3.0
| - install fmt                                     0.9.0
| - install fpath                                   0.7.3
| - install gen                                     1.1
| - install gmap                                    0.3.0
| - install hacl-star                               0.7.2
| - install hacl-star-raw                           0.7.2
| - install hashcons                                1.4.0
| - install hex                                     1.5.0
| - install hidapi                                  1.2.1
| - install hidapi-lwt                              1.2.1
| - install hkdf                                    1.0.4
| - install index                                   1.6.2
| - install integers                                0.7.0
| - install integers_stubs_js                       1.0
| - install ipaddr                                  5.6.0
| - install ipaddr-sexp                             5.6.0
| - install jane-street-headers                     v0.16.0
| - install js_of_ocaml                             5.9.1
| - install js_of_ocaml-compiler                    5.9.1
| - install json-data-encoding                      1.0.1
| - install json-data-encoding-bson                 1.0.1
| - install jsonm                                   1.0.2
| - install jst-config                              v0.16.0
| - install lambda-term                             3.3.2
| - install ledgerwallet                            0.4.1
| - install ledgerwallet-tezos                      0.4.1
| - install logs                                    0.7.0
| - install lru                                     0.3.1
| - install lwt                                     5.9.0
| - install lwt-canceler                            0.3
| - install lwt-exit                                1.0
| - install lwt-watcher                             0.2
| - install lwt_react                               1.2.0
| - install macaddr                                 5.6.0
| - install magic-mime                              1.3.1
| - install menhir                                  20240715
| - install menhirCST                               20240715
| - install menhirLib                               20240715
| - install menhirSdk                               20240715
| - install mew                                     0.1.0
| - install mew_vi                                  0.5.0
| - install mirage-crypto                           0.11.3
| - install mirage-crypto-ec                        0.11.3
| - install mirage-crypto-pk                        0.11.3
| - install mirage-crypto-rng                       0.11.3
| - install mirage-crypto-rng-lwt                   0.11.3
| - install mtime                                   2.1.0
| - install num                                     1.5-1
| - install ocaml-compiler-libs                     v0.12.4
| - install ocaml-migrate-parsetree                 2.4.0
| - install ocaml-syntax-shims                      1.0.0
| - install ocamlbuild                              0.15.0
| - install ocamlgraph                              2.1.0
| - install ocp-ocamlres                            0.4
| - install ocplib-endian                           1.2
| - install octez-alcotezt                          20.1
| - install octez-distributed-internal              20.1
| - install octez-distributed-lwt-internal          20.1
| - install octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-plugin 20.1
| - install optint                                  0.3.0
| - install parsexp                                 v0.16.0
| - install pbkdf                                   1.2.0
| - install pprint                                  20230830
| - install ppx_assert                              v0.16.0
| - install ppx_base                                v0.16.0
| - install ppx_cold                                v0.16.0
| - install ppx_compare                             v0.16.0
| - install ppx_derivers                            1.2.1
| - install ppx_deriving                            6.0.3
| - install ppx_enumerate                           v0.16.0
| - install ppx_expect                              v0.16.1
| - install ppx_globalize                           v0.16.0
| - install ppx_hash                                v0.16.0
| - install ppx_here                                v0.16.0
| - install ppx_import                              1.11.0
| - install ppx_inline_test                         v0.16.1
| - install ppx_optcomp                             v0.16.0
| - install ppx_repr                                0.7.0
| - install ppx_sexp_conv                           v0.16.0
| - install ppxlib                                  0.35.0
| - install prbnmcn-basic-structures                0.0.1
| - install prbnmcn-linalg                          0.0.1
| - install prbnmcn-stats                           0.0.6
| - install pringo                                  1.3
| - install progress                                0.4.0
| - install prometheus                              1.2
| - install prometheus-app                          1.2
| - install psq                                     0.2.1
| - install ptime                                   1.2.0
| - install pure-splitmix                           0.3
| - install pyml                                    20231101
| - install qcheck-alcotest                         0.23
| - install qcheck-core                             0.23
| - install re                                      1.12.0
| - install react                                   1.2.2
| - install repr                                    0.7.0
| - install resto                                   1.2
| - install resto-acl                               1.2
| - install resto-cohttp                            1.2
| - install resto-cohttp-client                     1.2
| - install resto-cohttp-self-serving-client        1.2
| - install resto-cohttp-server                     1.2
| - install resto-directory                         1.2
| - install result                                  1.5
| - install ringo                                   1.1.0
| - install rresult                                 0.7.0
| - install rusage                                  1.0.0
| - install secp256k1-internal                      0.4.0
| - install sedlex                                  3.3
| - install semaphore-compat                        1.0.2
| - install seq                                     base
| - install seqes                                   0.3
| - install sexplib                                 v0.16.0
| - install sexplib0                                v0.16.0
| - install stdcompat                               19
| - install stdint                                  0.7.2
| - install stdio                                   v0.16.0
| - install stdlib-random                           1.2.0
| - install stdlib-shims                            0.3.0
| - install stringext                               1.6.0
| - install tar                                     2.6.0
| - install tar-unix                                2.6.0
| - install terminal                                0.4.0
| - install tezos-openapi                           20.1
| - install tezos-rust-libs                         1.6
| - install tezos-sapling-parameters                1.1.0
| - install tezt                                    4.2.0
| - install time_now                                v0.16.0
| - install tls                                     0.17.5
| - install tls-lwt                                 0.17.5
| - install topkg                                   1.0.7
| - install trie                                    1.0.0
| - install uchar                                   0.0.2
| - install uri                                     4.4.0
| - install uri-sexp                                4.4.0
| - install uucp                                    16.0.0
| - install uuseg                                   16.0.0
| - install uutf                                    1.0.3
| - install vector                                  1.0.0
| - install x509                                    0.16.5
| - install yaml                                    3.2.0
| - install yojson                                  2.2.2
| - install zarith                                  1.13
| - install zarith_stubs_js                         v0.16.1
| - install zed                                     3.2.3

<><> ocaml-migrate-parsetree.2.4.0 installed successfully <><><><><><><><><><><>
=> Note: This package is deprecated.

<><> hkdf.1.0.4 installed successfully ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> Note: This package is deprecated.
# To update the current shell environment, run: eval $(opam env)

The former state can be restored with:
    /usr/bin/opam switch import "/home/opam/.opam/4.14/.opam-switch/backup/state-20250206004728.export"

Innovation. Community. Security.