package ocsipersist-pgsql

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

PostgreSQL (>= 9.5) backend for Ocsipersist.

module type TABLE = Ocsipersist_lib.Sigs.TABLE
val section : Lwt_log_core.section
module Lwt_thread : sig ... end
module PGOCaml : sig ... end
exception Ocsipersist_error
module Config = Ocsipersist_settings
val connect : unit -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t PGOCaml.t Lwt.t
val (>>) : 'a Lwt.t -> 'b Lwt.t -> 'b Lwt.t
val conn_pool : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t PGOCaml.t Lwt_pool.t ref
val use_pool : ((string, unit) Hashtbl.t PGOCaml.t -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t
val escape_string : string -> string
val unescape_string : string -> string
type 'a parameter =
  1. | Key of string
  2. | Value of 'a
val pack : 'a parameter -> string
val unpack_value : string -> 'a
val list_last : 'a list -> 'b
val one_value : string option list list -> 'a
val prepare : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t PGOCaml.t -> string -> string Lwt.t
val exec : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t PGOCaml.t -> string -> 'a parameter list -> PGOCaml.row list Lwt.t
val exec_ : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t PGOCaml.t -> string -> 'a parameter list -> unit Lwt.t
module Functorial : sig ... end
module Polymorphic : sig ... end
type 'value table = 'value Polymorphic.table
module Store : sig ... end
module Ref : sig ... end
type store =
type 'a variable = 'a Store.t
val init : unit -> unit

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