package ocamlformat

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val build_config : enable_outside_detected_project:Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool -> root:Ocamlformat_stdlib.Fpath.t Ocamlformat_stdlib.option -> file:Ocamlformat_stdlib.string -> is_stdin:Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool -> (Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.t, Ocamlformat_stdlib.string) Ocamlformat_stdlib.Result.t
type file =
  1. | Stdin
  2. | File of Ocamlformat_stdlib.string
type input = {
  1. kind : Ocamlformat_lib.Syntax.t;
  2. name : Ocamlformat_stdlib.string;
  3. file : file;
  4. conf : Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.t;
type action =
  1. | In_out of input * Ocamlformat_stdlib.string Ocamlformat_stdlib.option

    Format input file (or - for stdin) of given kind to output file, or stdout if None.

  2. | Inplace of input Ocamlformat_stdlib.list

    Format in-place, overwriting input file(s).

  3. | Check of input Ocamlformat_stdlib.list

    Check whether the input files already are formatted.

  4. | Print_config of Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.t

    Print the configuration and exit.


Formatting action: input type and source, and output destination.

val action : Ocamlformat_stdlib.unit -> (action Cmdliner.Cmd.eval_ok, Cmdliner.Cmd.eval_error) Ocamlformat_stdlib.Result.t

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