package ocamlformat-mlx-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Base.Int_conversions end
val int_to_int32 : int -> int32 option

Ocaml has the following integer types, with the following bit widths on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

                            arch  arch
                type        32b   64b
                int          31    63  (32 when compiled to JavaScript)
                nativeint    32    64
                int32        32    32
                int64        64    64

In both cases, the following inequalities hold:

width(int) < width(nativeint)
&& width(int32) <= width(nativeint) <= width(int64)

The conversion functions come in one of two flavors.

If width(foo) <= width(bar) on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, then we have

val foo_to_bar : foo -> bar 

otherwise we have

val foo_to_bar     : foo -> bar option
val foo_to_bar_exn : foo -> bar
val int_to_int32_exn : int -> int32
val int_to_int32_trunc : int -> int32
val int_to_int64 : int -> int64
val int_to_nativeint : int -> nativeint
val int32_to_int : int32 -> int option
val int32_to_int_exn : int32 -> int
val int32_to_int_trunc : int32 -> int
val int32_to_int64 : int32 -> int64
val int32_to_nativeint : int32 -> nativeint
val int32_is_representable_as_int : int32 -> bool
val int64_to_int : int64 -> int option
val int64_to_int_exn : int64 -> int
val int64_to_int_trunc : int64 -> int
val int64_to_int32 : int64 -> int32 option
val int64_to_int32_exn : int64 -> int32
val int64_to_int32_trunc : int64 -> int32
val int64_to_nativeint : int64 -> nativeint option
val int64_to_nativeint_exn : int64 -> nativeint
val int64_to_nativeint_trunc : int64 -> nativeint
val int64_fit_on_int63_exn : int64 -> unit
val int64_is_representable_as_int63 : int64 -> bool
val nativeint_to_int : nativeint -> int option
val nativeint_to_int_exn : nativeint -> int
val nativeint_to_int_trunc : nativeint -> int
val nativeint_to_int32 : nativeint -> int32 option
val nativeint_to_int32_exn : nativeint -> int32
val nativeint_to_int32_trunc : nativeint -> int32
val nativeint_to_int64 : nativeint -> int64
val num_bits_int : int
val num_bits_int32 : int
val num_bits_int64 : int
val num_bits_nativeint : int
module Make (I : sig ... end) : sig ... end

human-friendly string (and possibly sexp) conversions

module Make_hex (I : sig ... end) : sig ... end

in the output, to_string, of_string, sexp_of_t, and t_of_sexp convert between t and signed hexadecimal with an optional "0x" or "0X" prefix.

module Make_binary (I : sig ... end) : sig ... end

in the output, to_string, to_string_hum, and sexp_of_t convert t to an unsigned binary representation with an "0b" prefix.

val sexp_of_int_style : [ `No_underscores | `Underscores ] Stdlib.ref

global ref affecting whether the sexp_of_t returned by Make is consistent with the to_string input or the to_string_hum output

val insert_delimiter_every : string -> delimiter:char -> chars_per_delimiter:int -> string

utility for defining to_string_hum on numeric types -- takes a string matching (-|+)?0-9a-fA-F+ and puts delimiter every chars_per_delimiter characters starting from the right.

val insert_delimiter : string -> delimiter:char -> string

insert_delimiter_every ~chars_per_delimiter:3

val insert_underscores : string -> string

insert_delimiter ~delimiter:'_'


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