package ocamlformat-mlx-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Path sets
Module type
Class type

Path sets.

Path sets

include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt := path and type t := set
val empty : set
val add : path -> set -> set
val singleton : path -> set
val remove : path -> set -> set
val union : set -> set -> set
val inter : set -> set -> set
val disjoint : set -> set -> bool
val diff : set -> set -> set
val cardinal : set -> int
val elements : set -> path list
val min_elt_opt : set -> path option
val max_elt_opt : set -> path option
val choose_opt : set -> path option
val find_opt : path -> set -> path option
val find_first : (path -> bool) -> set -> path
val find_first_opt : (path -> bool) -> set -> path option
val find_last : (path -> bool) -> set -> path
val find_last_opt : (path -> bool) -> set -> path option
val iter : (path -> unit) -> set -> unit
val fold : (path -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> set -> 'acc -> 'acc
val map : (path -> path) -> set -> set
val filter : (path -> bool) -> set -> set
val filter_map : (path -> path option) -> set -> set
val partition : (path -> bool) -> set -> set * set
val split : path -> set -> set * bool * set
val is_empty : set -> bool
val mem : path -> set -> bool
val equal : set -> set -> bool
val compare : set -> set -> int
val subset : set -> set -> bool
val for_all : (path -> bool) -> set -> bool
val exists : (path -> bool) -> set -> bool
val to_list : set -> path list
val to_seq_from : path -> set -> path Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_seq : set -> path Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : set -> path Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : path Stdlib.Seq.t -> set -> set
val of_seq : path Stdlib.Seq.t -> set
type t = set
val min_elt : set -> path option

Exception safe Set.S.min_elt.

val get_min_elt : set -> path

get_min_let is like min_elt but

  • raises Invalid_argument

    on the empty set.

val max_elt : set -> path option

Exception safe Set.S.max_elt.

val get_max_elt : set -> path

get_max_elt is like max_elt but

  • raises Invalid_argument

    on the empty set.

val choose : set -> path option

Exception safe Set.S.choose.

val get_any_elt : set -> path

get_any_elt is like choose but

  • raises Invalid_argument

    on the empty set.

val find : path -> set -> path option

Exception safe Set.S.find.

val get : path -> set -> path

get is like Set.S.find but

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if elt is not in s.

val of_list : path list -> set

of_list ps is a set from the list ps.

val pp : ?sep:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> path -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set -> unit

pp ~sep pp_elt ppf ps formats the elements of ps on ppf. Each element is formatted with pp_elt and elements are separated by ~sep (defaults to Format.pp_print_cut). If the set is empty leaves ppf untouched.

val dump : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set -> unit

dump ppf ps prints an unspecified representation of ps on ppf.


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