package ocaml9p

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
type fid
type io
exception Socket_error of string
exception Client_error of string
type filemode = private int
val oREAD : filemode
val oWRITE : filemode
val oRDWR : filemode
val oEXEC : filemode
val oEXCL : filemode
val oTRUNC : filemode
val oREXEC : filemode
val oRCLOSE : filemode
val oAPPEND : filemode
val combine_mode : filemode -> filemode -> filemode
type modebit = private int32
val dMDIR : modebit
val dMAPPEND : modebit
val dMEXCL : modebit
val dMMOUNT : modebit
val dMAUTH : modebit
val dMTMP : modebit
val dMREAD : modebit
val dMWRITE : modebit
val dMEXEC : modebit
val connect : string -> t
val attach : t -> ?user:string -> string -> fid
val walk : t -> fid -> ?reuse:unit -> string -> fid
val fopen : t -> fid -> filemode -> io
val clunk : t -> fid -> unit
val stat : t -> fid -> Fcall.stat
val read : t -> fid -> io -> ?offset:int64 -> int32 -> string
val write : t -> fid -> io -> ?offset:int64 -> ?count:int32 -> string -> int32
val create : t -> fid -> filename:string -> perm:int32 -> mode:filemode -> int32
val remove : t -> fid -> unit
val unpack_files : string -> Fcall.stat list