package ocaml-r

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Runtime R graphics library.

type hist = < breaks : float array ; counts : float array ; density : float array ; mids : float array ; xname : string ; equidist : bool >
val hist : ?breaks:[ `n of int | `l of float array | `m of [ `Sturges | `Scott | `FD ] ] -> ?freq:bool -> ?include_lowest:bool -> ?right:bool -> ?main:string -> ?xlab:string -> ?ylab:string -> ?xlim:(float * float) -> ?ylim:(float * float) -> ?plot:bool -> float array -> hist
type plot_type = [
  1. | `Points
  2. | `Lines
  3. | `Both
  4. | `Overplotted
  5. | `Histogram
  6. | `Stair_steps
  7. | `Other_steps
  8. | `Nothing
type log_scale = [
  1. | `X
  2. | `Y
  3. | `XY
val plot : ?main:string -> ?xlab:string -> ?ylab:string -> ?xlim:(float * float) -> ?ylim:(float * float) -> ?plot_type:plot_type -> ?lwd:int -> ?col:string -> ?log:log_scale -> x:float array -> ?y:float array -> unit -> unit
type line_type = [
  1. | `blank
  2. | `solid
  3. | `dashed
  4. | `dotted
  5. | `dotdash
  6. | `longdash
  7. | `twodash
val lines : ?lty:line_type -> ?lwd:int -> ?col:string -> x:float array -> ?y:float array -> unit -> unit
val points : ?pch:int -> ?col:string -> x:float array -> ?y:float array -> unit -> unit
val legend : ?col:string array -> ?lty:line_type array -> ?lwd:float array -> ?pch:int array -> [ `bottomright | `bottom | `bottomleft | `left | `topleft | `top | `topright | `right | `center ] -> string array -> unit
val abline : ?a:float -> ?b:float -> ?h:float -> ?v:float -> ?lty:line_type -> ?lwd:int -> ?col:string -> unit -> unit
val par : ?mfrow:(int * int) -> unit -> unit
val dataframe_boxplot : ?main:string -> ?xlab:string -> ?ylab:string -> OCamlR_base.Formula.t -> OCamlR_base.Dataframe.t -> unit
val list_boxplot : ?main:string -> ?xlab:string -> ?ylab:string -> OCamlR_base.List_.t -> unit
val smooth_scatter : ?main:string -> ?xlab:string -> ?ylab:string -> x:float array -> ?y:float array -> unit -> unit
val text : ?adj:(float option * float option) -> ?pos:int -> ?cex:float -> ?col:string -> x:float array -> ?y:float array -> labels:string array -> unit -> unit
val axis : ?at:float array -> ?labels:[ `Yes | `No | `Custom of string array ] -> ?tick:[ `Yes | `No | `Custom of string array ] -> ?line:int -> ?pos:float -> ?outer:bool -> ?font:int -> ?lty:line_type -> ?lwd:float -> ?lwd'ticks:float -> [ `below | `left | `above | `right ] -> unit
module Enc : sig ... end

Low-level stuff