package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type simple_name = {
  1. sn_name : string;
  2. sn_type : Types.type_expr;
  3. mutable sn_text : Odoc_types.text option;
type param_info =
  1. | Simple_name of simple_name
  2. | Tuple of param_info list * Types.type_expr
type parameter = param_info
val complete_name : param_info -> string
val update_parameter_text : (string -> Odoc_types.text option) -> param_info -> unit
val desc_by_name : param_info -> string -> Odoc_types.text option
val names : param_info -> string list
val type_by_name : param_info -> string -> Types.type_expr
val desc_from_info_opt : option -> string -> Odoc_types.text option

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