package ocaml-base-compiler
type ref_kind =
| RK_module
| RK_module_type
| RK_class
| RK_class_type
| RK_value
| RK_type
| RK_extension
| RK_exception
| RK_attribute
| RK_method
| RK_section of text
| RK_recfield
| RK_const
and text_element =
| Raw of string
| Code of string
| CodePre of string
| Verbatim of string
| Bold of text
| Italic of text
| Emphasize of text
| Center of text
| Left of text
| Right of text
| List of text list
| Enum of text list
| Newline
| Block of text
| Title of int * string option * text
| Latex of string
| Link of string * text
| Ref of string * ref_kind option * text option
| Superscript of text
| Subscript of text
| Module_list of string list
| Index_list
| Custom of string * text
| Target of string * string
and text = text_element list
type param = string * text
type raised_exception = string * text
val dummy_info : info
val dummy_loc : location
val all_merge_options : merge_option list
val magic : magic
val make_dump : 'a -> 'a dump
val open_dump : 'a dump -> 'a
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"