package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Simple approximations to the runtime results of computations. This pass is designed for speed rather than accuracy; the performance is important since it is used heavily during inlining.

type 'a boxed_int =
  1. | Int32 : int32 boxed_int
  2. | Int64 : int64 boxed_int
  3. | Nativeint : nativeint boxed_int
type value_string = {
  1. contents : string option;
  2. size : int;
type unresolved_value =
  1. | Set_of_closures_id of Set_of_closures_id.t
  2. | Symbol of Symbol.t
type unknown_because_of =
  1. | Unresolved_value of unresolved_value
  2. | Other
type t = private {
  1. descr : descr;
  2. var : Variable.t option;
  3. symbol : (Symbol.t * int option) option;

A value of type t corresponds to an "approximation" of the result of a computation in the program being compiled. That is to say, it represents what knowledge we have about such a result at compile time. The simplification pass exploits this information to partially evaluate computations.

At a high level, an approximation for a value v has three parts:

  • the "description" (for example, "the constant integer 42");
  • an optional variable;
  • an optional symbol or symbol field. If the variable (resp. symbol) is present then that variable (resp. symbol) may be used to obtain the value v.

The exact semantics of the variable and symbol fields follows.

Approximations are deduced at particular points in an expression tree, but may subsequently be propagated to other locations.

At the point at which an approximation is built for some value v, we can construct a set of variables (call the set S) that are known to alias the same value v. Each member of S will have the same or a more precise descr field in its approximation relative to the approximation for v. (An increase in precision may currently be introduced for pattern matches.) If S is non-empty then it is guaranteed that there is a unique member of S that was declared in a scope further out ("earlier") than all other members of S. If such a member exists then it is recorded in the var field. Otherwise var is None.

Analogous to the construction of the set S, we can construct a set T consisting of all symbols that are known to alias the value whose approximation is being constructed. If T is non-empty then the symbol field is set to some member of T; it does not matter which one. (There is no notion of scope for symbols.)

Note about mutable blocks:

Mutable blocks are always represented by Value_unknown or Value_bottom. Any other approximation could leave the door open to a miscompilation. Such bad scenarios are most likely a user using Obj.magic or Obj.set_field in an inappropriate situation. Such a situation might be: let x = (1, 1) in Obj.set_field (Obj.repr x) 0 (Obj.repr 2); assert(fst x = 2) The user would probably expect the assertion to be true, but the compiler could in fact propagate the value of x across the Obj.set_field.

Insisting that mutable blocks have Value_unknown or Value_bottom approximations certainly won't always prevent this kind of error, but should help catch many of them.

It is possible that there may be some false positives, with correct but unreachable code causing this check to fail. However the likelihood of this seems sufficiently low, especially compared to the advantages gained by performing the check, that we include it.

An example of a pattern that might trigger a false positive is: type a = { a : int } type b = { mutable b : int } type _ t = | A : a t | B : b t let f (type x) (v:x t) (r:x) = match v with | A -> r.a | B -> r.b <- 2; 3 let v = let r = ref A in r := A; (* Some pattern that the compiler can't understand *) f !r { a = 1 } When inlining f, the B branch is unreachable, yet the compiler cannot prove it and must therefore keep it.

and descr = private
  1. | Value_block of Tag.t * t array
  2. | Value_int of int
  3. | Value_char of char
  4. | Value_constptr of int
  5. | Value_float of float option
  6. | Value_boxed_int : 'a boxed_int * 'a -> descr
  7. | Value_set_of_closures of value_set_of_closures
  8. | Value_closure of value_closure
  9. | Value_string of value_string
  10. | Value_float_array of value_float_array
  11. | Value_unknown of unknown_because_of
  12. | Value_bottom
  13. | Value_extern of Export_id.t
  14. | Value_symbol of Symbol.t
  15. | Value_unresolved of unresolved_value
and value_closure = {
  1. set_of_closures : t;
  2. closure_id : Closure_id.t;
and value_set_of_closures = private {
  1. function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations;
  2. bound_vars : t Var_within_closure.Map.t;
  3. invariant_params : Variable.Set.t Variable.Map.t lazy_t;
  4. size : int option Variable.Map.t lazy_t;

    For functions that are very likely to be inlined, the size of the function's body.

  5. specialised_args : Flambda.specialised_to Variable.Map.t;
  6. freshening : Freshening.Project_var.t;
  7. direct_call_surrogates : Closure_id.t Closure_id.Map.t;
and value_float_array_contents =
  1. | Contents of t array
  2. | Unknown_or_mutable
and value_float_array = {
  1. contents : value_float_array_contents;
  2. size : int;
val descr : t -> descr

Extraction of the description of approximation(s).

val descrs : t list -> descr list
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-printing of approximations to a formatter.

val print_descr : Format.formatter -> descr -> unit
val print_value_set_of_closures : Format.formatter -> value_set_of_closures -> unit
val create_value_set_of_closures : function_decls:Flambda.function_declarations -> bound_vars:t Var_within_closure.Map.t -> invariant_params:Variable.Set.t Variable.Map.t lazy_t -> specialised_args:Flambda.specialised_to Variable.Map.t -> freshening:Freshening.Project_var.t -> direct_call_surrogates:Closure_id.t Closure_id.Map.t -> value_set_of_closures
val update_freshening_of_value_set_of_closures : value_set_of_closures -> freshening:Freshening.Project_var.t -> value_set_of_closures
val value_unknown : unknown_because_of -> t

Basic construction of approximations.

val value_int : int -> t
val value_char : char -> t
val value_float : float -> t
val value_any_float : t
val value_mutable_float_array : size:int -> t
val value_immutable_float_array : t array -> t
val value_string : int -> string option -> t
val value_boxed_int : 'i boxed_int -> 'i -> t
val value_constptr : int -> t
val value_block : Tag.t -> t array -> t
val value_extern : Export_id.t -> t
val value_symbol : Symbol.t -> t
val value_bottom : t
val value_unresolved : unresolved_value -> t
val value_closure : ?closure_var:Variable.t -> ?set_of_closures_var:Variable.t -> ?set_of_closures_symbol:Symbol.t -> value_set_of_closures -> Closure_id.t -> t

Construct a closure approximation given the approximation of the corresponding set of closures and the closure ID of the closure to be projected from such set. closure_var and/or set_of_closures_var may be specified to augment the approximation with variables that may be used to access the closure value itself, so long as they are in scope at the proposed point of use.

val value_set_of_closures : ?set_of_closures_var:Variable.t -> value_set_of_closures -> t

Construct a set of closures approximation. set_of_closures_var is as for the parameter of the same name in value_closure, above.

val make_const_int : int -> Flambda.t * t

Take the given constant and produce an appropriate approximation for it together with an Flambda expression representing it.

val make_const_char : char -> Flambda.t * t
val make_const_ptr : int -> Flambda.t * t
val make_const_bool : bool -> Flambda.t * t
val make_const_float : float -> Flambda.t * t
val make_const_boxed_int : 'i boxed_int -> 'i -> Flambda.t * t
val make_const_int_named : int -> Flambda.named * t
val make_const_char_named : char -> Flambda.named * t
val make_const_ptr_named : int -> Flambda.named * t
val make_const_bool_named : bool -> Flambda.named * t
val make_const_float_named : float -> Flambda.named * t
val make_const_boxed_int_named : 'i boxed_int -> 'i -> Flambda.named * t
val augment_with_variable : t -> Variable.t -> t

Augment an approximation with a given variable (see comment above). If the approximation was already augmented with a variable, the one passed to this function replaces it within the approximation.

val augment_with_symbol : t -> Symbol.t -> t

Like augment_with_variable, but for symbol information.

val augment_with_symbol_field : t -> Symbol.t -> int -> t

Like augment_with_symbol, but for symbol field information.

val replace_description : t -> descr -> t

Replace the description within an approximation.

val augment_with_kind : t -> Lambda.value_kind -> t

Improve the description by taking the kind into account

val augment_kind_with_approx : t -> Lambda.value_kind -> Lambda.value_kind

Improve the kind by taking the description into account

val equal_boxed_int : 'a boxed_int -> 'a -> 'b boxed_int -> 'b -> bool
val meet : really_import_approx:(t -> t) -> t -> t -> t
val known : t -> bool

An approximation is "known" iff it is not Value_unknown.

val useful : t -> bool

An approximation is "useful" iff it is neither unknown nor bottom.

val all_not_useful : t list -> bool

Whether all approximations in the given list do *not* satisfy useful.

val warn_on_mutation : t -> bool

Whether to warn on attempts to mutate a value. It must have been resolved (it cannot be Value_extern or Value_symbol). (See comment above for further explanation.)

type simplification_summary =
  1. | Nothing_done
  2. | Replaced_term
type simplification_result = Flambda.t * simplification_summary * t
type simplification_result_named = Flambda.named * simplification_summary * t
val simplify : t -> Flambda.t -> simplification_result

Given an expression and its approximation, attempt to simplify the expression to a constant (with associated approximation), taking into account whether the expression has any side effects.

val simplify_using_env : t -> is_present_in_env:(Variable.t -> bool) -> Flambda.t -> simplification_result

As for simplify, but also enables us to simplify based on equalities between variables. The caller must provide a function that tells us whether, if we simplify to a given variable, the value of that variable will be accessible in the current environment.

val simplify_named : t -> Flambda.named -> simplification_result_named
val simplify_named_using_env : t -> is_present_in_env:(Variable.t -> bool) -> Flambda.named -> simplification_result_named
val simplify_var_to_var_using_env : t -> is_present_in_env:(Variable.t -> bool) -> Variable.t option

If the given approximation identifies another variable and is_present_in_env deems it to be in scope, return that variable (wrapped in a Some), otherwise return None.

val simplify_var : t -> (Flambda.named * t) option
type get_field_result =
  1. | Ok of t
  2. | Unreachable
val get_field : t -> field_index:int -> get_field_result

Given the approximation t of a value, expected to correspond to a block (in the Pmakeblock sense of the word), and a field index then return an appropriate approximation for that field of the block (or Unreachable if the code with the approximation t is unreachable). N.B. Not all cases of unreachable code are returned as Unreachable.

type checked_approx_for_block =
  1. | Wrong
  2. | Ok of Tag.t * t array
val check_approx_for_block : t -> checked_approx_for_block

Try to prove that a value with the given approximation may be used as a block.

val approx_for_bound_var : value_set_of_closures -> Var_within_closure.t -> t

Find the approximation for a bound variable in a set-of-closures approximation. A fatal error is produced if the variable is not bound in the given approximation.

val freshen_and_check_closure_id : value_set_of_closures -> Closure_id.t -> Closure_id.t

Given a set-of-closures approximation and a closure ID, apply any freshening specified by the approximation to the closure ID, and return the resulting ID. Causes a fatal error if the resulting closure ID does not correspond to any function declaration in the approximation.

type strict_checked_approx_for_set_of_closures =
  1. | Wrong
  2. | Ok of Variable.t option * value_set_of_closures
val strict_check_approx_for_set_of_closures : t -> strict_checked_approx_for_set_of_closures
type checked_approx_for_set_of_closures =
  1. | Wrong
  2. | Unresolved of unresolved_value
  3. | Unknown
  4. | Unknown_because_of_unresolved_value of unresolved_value
  5. | Ok of Variable.t option * value_set_of_closures
val check_approx_for_set_of_closures : t -> checked_approx_for_set_of_closures

Try to prove that a value with the given approximation may be used as a set of closures. Values coming from external compilation units with unresolved approximations are permitted.

type checked_approx_for_closure =
  1. | Wrong
  2. | Ok of value_closure * Variable.t option * Symbol.t option * value_set_of_closures
val check_approx_for_closure : t -> checked_approx_for_closure

Try to prove that a value with the given approximation may be used as a closure. Values coming from external compilation units with unresolved approximations are not permitted.

type checked_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved =
  1. | Wrong
  2. | Unresolved of unresolved_value
  3. | Unknown
  4. | Unknown_because_of_unresolved_value of unresolved_value
  5. | Ok of value_closure * Variable.t option * Symbol.t option * value_set_of_closures
val check_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved : t -> checked_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved

As for check_approx_for_closure, but values coming from external compilation units with unresolved approximations are permitted.

val check_approx_for_float : t -> float option

Returns the value if it can be proved to be a constant float

val float_array_as_constant : value_float_array -> float list option

Returns the value if it can be proved to be a constant float array

val check_approx_for_string : t -> string option

Returns the value if it can be proved to be a constant string

type switch_branch_selection =
  1. | Cannot_be_taken
  2. | Can_be_taken
  3. | Must_be_taken
val potentially_taken_const_switch_branch : t -> int -> switch_branch_selection

Check that the branch is compatible with the approximation

val potentially_taken_block_switch_branch : t -> int -> switch_branch_selection

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