package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Variable.t is the equivalent of a non-persistent Ident.t in the Flambda tree. It wraps an Ident.t together with its source compilation_unit. As such, it is unique within a whole program, not just one compilation unit.

Introducing a new type helps in tracing the source of identifiers when debugging the inliner. It also avoids Ident renaming when importing cmx files.

include Identifiable.S
type t
module T : Identifiable.Thing with type t = t
include Identifiable.Thing with type t := T.t
include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := T.t
val equal : T.t -> T.t -> bool

The equality predicate used to compare keys.

val hash : T.t -> int

A hashing function on keys. It must be such that if two keys are equal according to equal, then they have identical hash values as computed by hash. Examples: suitable (equal, hash) pairs for arbitrary key types include

  • ((=), Hashtbl.hash) for comparing objects by structure (provided objects do not contain floats)
  • ((fun x y -> compare x y = 0), Hashtbl.hash) for comparing objects by structure and handling Pervasives.nan correctly
  • ((==), Hashtbl.hash) for comparing objects by physical equality (e.g. for mutable or cyclic objects).
include Map.OrderedType with type t := T.t
val compare : T.t -> T.t -> int

A total ordering function over the keys. This is a two-argument function f such that f e1 e2 is zero if the keys e1 and e2 are equal, f e1 e2 is strictly negative if e1 is smaller than e2, and f e1 e2 is strictly positive if e1 is greater than e2. Example: a suitable ordering function is the generic structural comparison function

val output : Pervasives.out_channel -> T.t -> unit
val print : Format.formatter -> T.t -> unit
module Set : Identifiable.Set with module T := T
module Map : Identifiable.Map with module T := T
module Tbl : Identifiable.Tbl with module T := T
val create : ?current_compilation_unit:Compilation_unit.t -> string -> t
val create_with_same_name_as_ident : Ident.t -> t
val clambda_name : t -> string
val rename : ?current_compilation_unit:Compilation_unit.t -> ?append:string -> t -> t
val in_compilation_unit : t -> Compilation_unit.t -> bool
val unique_name : t -> string
val get_compilation_unit : t -> Compilation_unit.t
val print_list : Format.formatter -> t list -> unit
val print_opt : Format.formatter -> t option -> unit
val debug_when_stamp_matches : t -> stamp:int -> f:(unit -> unit) -> unit

If the given variable has the given stamp, call the user-supplied function. For debugging purposes only.

type pair = t * t
module Pair : Identifiable.S with type t := pair
val compare_lists : t list -> t list -> int
val output_full : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit

Unlike output, output_full includes the compilation unit.


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