package obytelib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type !'a ident_data = {
  1. ident : Symb.ident;
  2. data : 'a;
  3. previous : 'a ident_data option;
type !'a ident_tbl =
  1. | Empty
  2. | Node of 'a ident_tbl * 'a ident_data * 'a ident_tbl * int
type compilation_env = {
  1. ce_stack : int ident_tbl;
  2. ce_heap : int ident_tbl;
  3. ce_rec : int ident_tbl;
type location_t = {
  1. loc_start : Lexing.position;
  2. loc_end : Lexing.position;
  3. loc_ghost : bool;
type env_summary
type subst_t
type types_type_expr
type debug_event = {
  1. mutable ev_pos : int;
  2. ev_module : string;
  3. ev_loc : location_t;
  4. ev_kind : debug_event_kind;
  5. ev_info : debug_event_info;
  6. ev_typenv : env_summary;
  7. ev_typsubst : subst_t;
  8. ev_compenv : compilation_env;
  9. ev_stacksize : int;
  10. ev_repr : debug_event_repr;
and debug_event_kind =
  1. | Event_before
  2. | Event_after of types_type_expr
  3. | Event_pseudo
and debug_event_info =
  1. | Event_function
  2. | Event_return of int
  3. | Event_other
and debug_event_repr =
  1. | Event_none
  2. | Event_parent of int ref
  3. | Event_child of int ref
type t = (int * debug_event list * string list) array
val empty : t
val print : out_channel -> t -> unit
val read : Index.t -> in_channel -> t
val write : out_channel -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.