package obus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Message serialization/deserialization

exception Data_error of string

Exception raised when a message can not be sent. The parameter is an error message.

Possible reasons are: the message is too big or contains arrays that are too big.

exception Protocol_error of string

Exception raised when a received message is not valid.

Possible reasons are:

  • a size limit is exceeded
  • a name/string/object-path is not valid
  • a boolean value is other than 0 or 1
  • ...
val read_message : Lwt_io.input_channel -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t

read_message ic deserializes a message from a channel. It fails if the message contains file descriptors.

val write_message : Lwt_io.output_channel -> ?byte_order:Lwt_io.byte_order -> OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t

write_message oc ?byte_order message serializes a message to a channel. It fails if the message contains file descriptors.

val message_of_string : string -> Unix.file_descr array -> OBus_message.t

message_of_string buf fds returns a message from a string. fds is used to resolv file descriptors the message may contains.

val string_of_message : ?byte_order:Lwt_io.byte_order -> OBus_message.t -> string * Unix.file_descr array

Marshal a message into a string. Returns also the list of file descriptors that must be sent with the message.

type reader

A reader which support unix fd passing

val reader : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> reader

reader unix_socket creates a reader from a unix socket

val read_message_with_fds : reader -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t

Read a message with its file descriptors from the given reader

val close_reader : reader -> unit Lwt.t

close_reader reader closes the given reader.

Note: this does not close the underlying file descriptor.

type writer

A writer which support unix fd passing

val writer : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> writer

writer unix_socket creates a writer from a unix socket

val write_message_with_fds : writer -> ?byte_order:Lwt_io.byte_order -> OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t

Write a message with its file descriptors on the given writer

val close_writer : writer -> unit Lwt.t

close_writer writer closes the given writer.

Note: this does not close the underlying file descriptor.


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