package obus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type argument_filter =
  1. | AF_string of string
  2. | AF_string_path of string
  3. | AF_namespace of string
type arguments = private (int * argument_filter) list
val make_arguments : (int * argument_filter) list -> arguments
val cast_arguments : arguments -> (int * argument_filter) list
type rule = {
  1. typ : [ `Signal | `Error | `Method_call | `Method_return ] option;
  2. sender : OBus_name.bus;
  3. interface : OBus_name.interface;
  4. member : OBus_name.member;
  5. path : OBus_path.t option;
  6. destination : OBus_name.bus;
  7. arguments : arguments;
  8. eavesdrop : bool option;
val typ : rule -> [ `Signal | `Error | `Method_call | `Method_return ] option
val sender : rule -> OBus_name.bus
val interface : rule -> OBus_name.interface
val member : rule -> OBus_name.member
val path : rule -> OBus_path.t option
val destination : rule -> OBus_name.bus
val arguments : rule -> arguments
val eavesdrop : rule -> bool option
val rule : ?typ:[ `Signal | `Error | `Method_call | `Method_return ] -> ?sender:OBus_name.bus -> ?interface:OBus_name.interface -> ?member:OBus_name.member -> ?path:OBus_path.t -> ?destination:OBus_name.bus -> ?arguments:arguments -> ?eavesdrop:bool -> unit -> rule
val match_message : rule -> OBus_message.t -> bool
val match_values : arguments -> OBus_value.V.sequence -> bool
type comparison_result =
  1. | More_general
  2. | Less_general
  3. | Equal
  4. | Incomparable
val compare_rules : rule -> rule -> comparison_result
exception Parse_failure of string * int * string
val string_of_rule : rule -> string
val rule_of_string : string -> rule
val export : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t -> OBus_connection.t -> rule -> unit Lwt.t

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