package obuilder

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Configuration information to set up a store.

type t = [
  1. | `Btrfs of string
  2. | `Zfs of string
  3. | `Rsync of string * Rsync_store.mode
val is_absolute : string -> bool
val of_string : string -> ([> `Btrfs of string | `Rsync of string | `Zfs of string ], [> `Msg of string ]) result
val pp : Format.formatter -> [< `Btrfs of string | `Rsync of string | `Zfs of string ] -> unit
type store =
  1. | Store : (module S.STORE with type t = 'a) * 'a -> store
val to_store : [< `Btrfs of string | `Rsync of string * Rsync_store.mode | `Zfs of string ] -> store Lwt.t
val store_t : [ `Btrfs of string | `Rsync of string | `Zfs of string ] Cmdliner.Arg.conv
val store : ?docs:string -> string list -> [ `Btrfs of string | `Rsync of string | `Zfs of string ] option Cmdliner.Arg.t
val rsync_mode_opt : Rsync_store.mode option Cmdliner.Arg.t
val rsync_mode : Rsync_store.mode option Cmdliner.Term.t
val of_t : [> `Btrfs of 'a | `Rsync of 'b | `Zfs of 'c ] option -> 'd option -> [> `Btrfs of 'a | `Rsync of 'b * 'd | `Zfs of 'c ]

Transform a store and rsync-mode into a validated combination.

For example an rsync store must supply an rsync-mode.

val v : [> `Btrfs of string | `Rsync of string * Rsync_store.mode | `Zfs of string ] Cmdliner.Term.t

Parse cli arguments for t

val cmdliner : store Lwt.t Cmdliner.Term.t

Parse cli arguments for t and initialise a store.


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