package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Test
  2. Expression
Module type
Class type

Boolean expressions

This module provides a boolean expression evaluator. See OASIS manual for the precise syntax of the boolean expression

  • author Sylvain Le Gall


type test

Test definition.

val tests : test list

Mandatory tests.

val string_of_test : test -> string

Convert a test to string.

val test_of_string : string -> test

Convert a string to test.


type flag = string
type t =
  1. | EBool of bool

    true or false

  2. | ENot of t

    ! e

  3. | EAnd of t * t

    e1 && e2

  4. | EOr of t * t

    e1 || e2

  5. | EFlag of flag

    flag(foo), a boolean value.

  6. | ETest of test * string

    os_type(Win32), a value compared to a string.


Boolean expression definition.

type 'a choices = (t * 'a) list

Choose among different values

val eval : (string -> string) -> t -> bool

eval eval_tst t Evaluates the expression. Use eval_tst to get values of flags and tests.

val choose : ?printer:('a -> string) -> ?name:string -> (string -> string) -> 'a choices -> 'a

choose ~printer ~name eval_tst choices Evaluate each conditions of choices and choose the last condition that evaluates to true. If something goes wrong, use printer to display values and ~name as the choice list name.

See also eval.

val check : flag list -> t -> unit

Check that a boolean expression only use available flags. Not exported.

val reduce : t -> t

Try to reduce the size of a boolean expression. Not exported.

val reduce_choices : 'a choices -> 'a choices

Try to reduce the size of a choice list. Not exported.

val if_then_else : t -> 'a choices -> 'a choices -> 'a choices

if_then_else cond choices_if choices_else Combine choices, if_then_else style.

val odn_of_choices : ('a -> OASISDataNotation.t) -> 'a choices -> OASISDataNotation.t

Dump OASISDataNotation.t. Not exported.

val to_string : t -> string

Transform an expression into a string. Not exported

val string_of_choices : ('a -> string) -> 'a choices -> string

Transform a list of choice into a string. Not exported


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