package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Plugins creation and management

The whole module is not exported.

  • author Sylvain Le Gall


val mem_no_version : OASISTypes.plugin_kind OASISTypes.plugin -> SetPlugin.t -> bool
type 'a setter = OASISTypes.plugin_data ref -> 'a -> unit
type 'a getter = OASISTypes.plugin_data ref -> 'a
type 'a prop = 'a setter * 'a getter
type modul = string

OCaml module embedded code.

type ('a, 'b) setup_changes = {
  1. chng_moduls : modul list;

    OCaml module to be added to setup file

  2. chng_main : 'a OASISDataNotation.func;

    Main function to be added to BaseSetup.t (i.e. the one that that really do something: configure, build, test...)

  3. chng_clean : 'b OASISDataNotation.func option;

    Function to be called when cleaning

  4. chng_distclean : 'b OASISDataNotation.func option;

    Function to be called when distcleaning


Describe setup file changes.

type context_act = {
  1. ctxt : OASISContext.t;

    Global context.

  2. update : OASISSetupUpdate.t;

    What is the value given to -setup-update ?

  3. error : bool;

    Are there errors?

  4. files : OASISFileTemplate.templates;

    Generated files.

  5. other_actions : (unit -> unit) list;

    Extra actions.


Describe context when applying a plugin.

type ('a, 'b) section_act = context_act -> OASISTypes.package -> (OASISTypes.common_section * 'a) -> context_act * (ctxt:OASISContext.t -> OASISTypes.package -> (OASISTypes.common_section * 'a) -> string array -> 'b, ctxt:OASISContext.t -> OASISTypes.package -> (OASISTypes.common_section * 'a) -> string array -> unit) setup_changes

Generator for sections (document, test).

type package_act = context_act -> OASISTypes.package -> context_act * (ctxt:OASISContext.t -> OASISTypes.package -> string array -> unit, ctxt:OASISContext.t -> OASISTypes.package -> string array -> unit) setup_changes

Generator with a package argument only (build, install).

type 'a t

Base types to build plugin: register fields, action, generators...

Base types for all plugins

val register_quickstart_completion : all_t -> (OASISTypes.package -> OASISTypes.package) -> unit

Register a quickstart completion for this plugin

Get quickstart completion

val register_generator_package : all_t -> 'a prop -> (PropList.Data.t -> 'a) -> unit

Register a generator for package, to store data of a plugin

Call generator for provided plugin

val register_generator_section : OASISTypes.section_kind -> all_t -> 'a prop -> (PropList.Data.t -> 'a) -> unit

Register a generator for a section, to store data of a plugin

Call generator for provided plugin on a section

List available plugins.

val all_plugins : unit -> OASISTypes.plugin_kind OASISTypes.plugin list
type help = {
  1. help_template : string list;
  2. help_order : int;
val help_default : string list -> help
val register_help : [ `All | OASISTypes.plugin_kind ] OASISTypes.plugin -> help -> unit

Register general help. We only rely on plugin name and version. The replacement field will be computed using the kind of the plugin.

val help : [ `All ] OASISTypes.plugin -> help

Get general help text

val to_plugin : 'a t -> 'a OASISTypes.plugin

Convert back to plugin

module type PLUGINS = sig ... end

Module to manage a set of plugins, of the same type.

Modules for plugin type

module Configure : PLUGINS with type act = package_act and type data = OASISTypes.package and type kind = [ `Configure ]

This module manage plugin that can handle configure step.

module Build : PLUGINS with type act = package_act and type data = OASISTypes.package and type kind = [ `Build ]

This module manage plugin that can handle build step.

module Doc : PLUGINS with type act = (OASISTypes.doc, unit) section_act and type data = OASISTypes.common_section * OASISTypes.doc and type kind = [ `Doc ]

This module manage plugin that can handle building documents.

module Test : PLUGINS with type act = (OASISTypes.test, float) section_act and type data = OASISTypes.common_section * OASISTypes.test and type kind = [ `Test ]

This module manage plugin that can handle running tests.

module Install : PLUGINS with type act = package_act * package_act and type data = OASISTypes.package and type kind = [ `Install ]

This module manage plugin that can handle install/uninstall steps.

module Extra : PLUGINS with type act = context_act -> OASISTypes.package -> context_act and type data = OASISTypes.package and type kind = [ `Extra ]

This module manage plugin that can handle configure step.

General plugin functions

val test_field_name : string -> bool

Check that a field name has the form to match a plugin. Don't check that the plugin exists. This functions help to ignore plugin fields.

val builtin : 'a -> -> 'a OASISTypes.plugin

Use a builtin plugin (i.e. version = OASIS version).

Add a template to context

val set_error : bool -> string -> context_act -> context_act

Define an error in context. It doesn't stop processing, it just sets the context_act.error value.

val plugin_of_string : 'a -> string -> 'a OASISTypes.plugin

Get a plugin from a string

val plugins_of_string : 'a -> string -> 'a OASISTypes.plugin list

Get a list of plugins from a string

val string_of_plugin : 'a OASISTypes.plugin -> string

Get a list of plugins from a string

val plugin_compare : 'a OASISTypes.plugin -> 'a OASISTypes.plugin -> int

Compare plugin, caseless for name and don't take into account version if one is not set.

val plugin_equal : 'a OASISTypes.plugin -> 'a OASISTypes.plugin -> bool

Test equality for plugins, a special case of plugin_compare.

val data_create : unit -> OASISTypes.plugin_data ref

Create storage for plugin data.

data_new_property plg Create a property that can store plugin data. Beware that the the couple (plg, purpose) must be unique.

  • parameter purpose

    An identifier to make possible the use of several properties for the same plugin. If not defined, it is derived from the kind of plugin.


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