package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Functions common to OCamlbuild build and doc plugin

type args = {
  1. plugin_tags : string option;
  2. extra : string list;
val ocamlbuild_clean_ev : string
val ocamlbuildflags : unit -> string
val fix_args : args -> string array -> string list

Fix special arguments depending on environment

val run_clean : ctxt:OASISContext.t -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run 'ocamlbuild -clean' if not already done

val run_ocamlbuild : ctxt:OASISContext.t -> args -> OASISTypes.arg array -> unit

Run ocamlbuild, unregister all clean events

val build_dir : string array -> string

Determine real build directory

module Tag : sig ... end
val check_ocaml_version : string -> OASISTypes.package -> bool

Check OCaml version constraint defined in _oasis.

val ocamlbuild_more_args : OASISFeatures.t
val ocamlbuild_supports_ocamlfind : OASISTypes.package -> bool
val ocamlbuild_supports_plugin_tags : OASISTypes.package -> bool
val ocamlbuild_common_generator : args OASISPlugin.prop -> 'a OASISSchema.t -> OASISPlugin.all_t -> PropList.Data.t -> args
val odn_of_args : args -> OASISDataNotation.t

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