package naboris

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Simple http server


Dune Dependency






Simple, fast, minimalist web framework for OCaml/ReasonML built on httpaf and lwt.

odocs avialable here

// ReasonML
let serverConfig: Naboris.ServerConfig.t(unit) = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler((route, req, res) => switch(Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
    | ["hello"] =>
        |> Naboris.Res.status(200)
        |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Hello world!");
    | _ =>
        |> Naboris.Res.status(404)
        |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Resource not found.");
  });, serverConfig));
/* In a browser navigate to http://localhost:3000/hello */
(* OCaml *)
let server_config: unit Naboris.ServerConfig.t = Naboris.ServerConfig.create ()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler(fun route req res ->
    match (Naboris.Route.path route) with
      | ["hello"] ->
          |> Naboris.Res.text req "Hello world!";
      | _ ->
          |> Naboris.Res.status 404
          |> Naboris.Res.text req "Resource not found.";
  ) in

let _ = 3000 server_config)
(* In a browser navigate to http://localhost:3000/hello *)


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Getting Started



Naboris makes heavy use of Lwt. For better performance it is highly recommended (however optional) to also install conf-libev which will configure Lwt to run with the libev scheduler. If you are using esy you will have to install conf-libev using a special package.

conf-libev also requires that the libev be installed. This can usually be done via your package manager.

brew install libev


apt install libev-dev
opam install naboris
"@opam/naboris": "^0.1.1"
(libraries naboris)

Server Config

The Naboris.ServerConfig.t('sessionData) type will define the way your server will handle requests.

Creating a Server Config

There are a number of helper functions for building server config records.


create is used to generate a default server config object, this will be the starting point.

// ReasonML
let create: unit => ServerConfig.t('sessionData);
(* OCaml *)
val create: unit -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t

setOnListen will set the function that will be called once the server has started and is listening for connections. The onListen function has the type signature unit => unit.

// ReasonML
let setOnListen: (unit => unit, ServerConfig.t('sessionData)) => ServerConfig.t('sessionData)
(* OCaml *)
val setOnListen: (unit -> unit) -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t

setRequestHandler will set the main request handler function on the config. This function is the main entry point for http requests and usually where routing the request happens. The requestHandler function has the type signature (Route.t, Req.t('sessionData), Res.t) => Lwt.t(Res.t).

// ReasonML
let setRequestHandler: (
  (Route.t, Req.t('sessionData), Res.t) => Lwt.t(Res.t),
) => ServerConfig.t('sessionData)
(* OCaml *)
val setRequestHandler: (Route.t -> 'sessionData Req.t -> Res.t -> Res.t Lwt.t)
  -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t


Routin is intended to be done via pattern matching in the main requestHandler function. This function takes as it's first argument a Route.t record. The Route module looks like this:

// ReasonML
/* module Naboris.Route */
module type Route = {
  type t;
  let path: t => list(string),
  let meth: t => Method.t,
  let rawQuery: t => string,
  let query: t =>Query.QueryMap.t(list(string)),
(* OCaml *)
module Route : sig
  type t;
  val path = t -> string list
  val meth = t -> Method.t
  val rawQuery = t -> string
  val query = t -> string list Qyery.QueryMap.t

For these examples we'll be matching on path and meth.

// ReasonML
let requestHandler = (route, req, res) => switch (Naboris.Route.meth(route), Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
  | (Naboris.Method.GET, ["user", userId, "contacts"]) =>
    /* Use pattern matching to pull parameters out of the url */
    let contacts = getContactsByUserId(userId);
    let contactsJsonString = serializeToJson(contacts);
      |> Naboris.Res.status(200)
      |> Naboris.Res.json(req, contactsJsonString);
  | (Naboris.Method.PUT, ["user", userId, "contacts"]) =>
    /* for the sake of this example we're not using ppx or infix */
    /* lwt promises can be made much easier to read by using these */
      bodyStr => {
      	let newContacts = parseJsonString(bodyStr);
        let _ = addNewContactsToUser(userId, newContacts);
          |> Naboris.Res.status(201)
          |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Created");
  | _ =>
        |> Naboris.Res.status(404)
        |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Resource not found.");
(* OCaml *)
let request_handler route req res =
  match ((Naboris.Route.meth route), (Naboris.Route.path route)) with
    | (Naboris.Method.GET, ["user"; user_id; "contacts"]) ->
      (* Use pattern matching to pull parameters out of the url *)
      let contatcs = get_contacts_by_user_id user_id in
      let contacts_json_string = serialize_to_json contacts in
        |> Naboris.Res.status 200
        |> Naboris.Res.json req contacts_json_string;
    | (Naboris.Method.PUT, ["user"; user_id; "contacts"]) ->
      (* for the sake of this example we're not using ppx or infix *)
      (* lwt promises can be made much easier to read by using these *)
        (Naboris.Req.getBody req)
        (fun body_str ->
          let new_contacts = parse_json_string body_str in
          let _ = add_new_contacts_to_user user_id new_contacts in
            |> Naboris.Res.status 201
            |> Naboris.Res.text req "Created"
    | _ ->
        |> Naboris.Res.status 404
        |> Naboris.Res.text req "Resource not found."

Static Files

Static middleware

ServerConfig.addStaticMiddleware makes it easy to add a virtual path prefix for static assets during server configuration.

// ReasonML
let addStaticMiddleware : (list(string), string, ServerConfig.t('sessionData)) => ServerConfig.t('sessionData)
(* OCaml *)
val addStaticMiddleware : string list -> string -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t
  • string list: Split path that will match against incoming requests

  • string: Root directory from which to read static files

  • 'sessionData ServerConfig.t: Naboris server configuration

  • Returns 'sessionData ServerConfig.t: New configuration with the static middleware

// ReasonML
let serverConfig = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.addStaticMiddleware(["static"], Sys.getenv("cur__root") ++ "/public/");
(* OCaml *)
let server_conf = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.addStaticMiddleware ["static"] ((Sys.getenv "cur__root") ^ "/static-assets/")

In the case above /static/images/icon.png would be served from $cur__root/public/images/icon.png

Static response

Res.static is available to help make it easy to serve static files.

// ReasonML
let static : (string, list(string), Req.t('sessionData), Res.t) => Lwt.t(Res.t)
(* OCaml *)
val static : string -> string list -> 'sessionData Req.t -> Res.t -> Res.t Lwt.t
  • string: Being the root directory from which to read static files

  • string list: Being the split path from the root directory to read the specific static file

  • 'sessionData Req.t: The current naboris request

  • Res.t: The current naobirs response

A pattern matcher for static file routes might look like this

// ReasonML
switch (Naboris.Route.meth(route), Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
  | (Naboris.Method.GET, ["static", ...staticPath]) =>
    let publicDir = Sys.getenv("cur__root") ++ "/public/";
    Naboris.Res.static(publicDir, staticPath, req, res);
(* OCaml *)
match ((Naboris.Route.meth route), (Naboris.Route.path route)) with
  | (Naboris.Method.GET, "static" :: static_path) ->
    let public_dir = (Sys.getenv "cur__root") ^ "/static-assets/") in
    Naboris.Res.static public_dir static_path req res

In the case above /static/images/icon.png would be served from $cur__root/public/images/icon.png

Session Data

Many Naboris types take the parameter 'sessionData this represents a custom data type that will define session data that will be attached to an incoming request.


Naboris.ServerConfig.setSessionConfig will return a new server configuration with the desired session configuration. This call consists of one required argument mapSession and two optional arguments ~maxAge and ~sidKey.

let setSessionConfig: (~maxAge: int=?, ~sidKey: string=?, option(string) => Lwt.t(option(Session.t('sessionData))), ServerConfig.t('sessionData)) => ServerConfig.t('sessionData);
val setSessionConfig: ?maxAge: int -> ?sidKey: string -> string option -> 'sessionData Session.t option Lwt.t -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t

A special function that is used to set session data on an incoming reuquest based on the requests cookies. The signature looks like: option(string) => Lwt.t(option(Naboris.Session.t('sessionData))). That's a complicated type signature that expresses that the request may or may not have a sessionId; and given that fact it may or may not return a session.

// ReasonML
// Your custom data type
type userData = {
  userId: int,
  username: string,
  firstName: string,
  lastName: string,
  isAdmin: bool,

let serverConfig: Naboris.ServerConfig(userData) = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setSessionConfig(sessionId => switch(sessionId) {
    | Some(id) =>
      /* for the sake of this example we're not using ppx or infix */
      /* lwt promises can be made much easier to read by using these */
        userData => {
          let session = Naboris.Session.create(id, userData);
    | None => Lwt.return(None);
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler((route, req, res) => switch(Naboris.Route.meth(meth), Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
    | (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) =>
      let (req2, res2, _sessionId) =
        /* Begin a session */
            userId: 1,
            username: "foo",
            firstName: "foo",
            lastName: "bar",
            isAdmin: false,
        Naboris.Res.status(200, res2) |> Naboris.Res.text(req2, "OK");
    | (Naboris.Method.GET, ["who-am-i"]) =>
      /* Get session data from the request */
      switch (Naboris.Req.getSessionData(req)) {
      | None =>
        Naboris.Res.status(404, res) |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Not found")
      | Some(userData) =>
        Naboris.Res.status(200, res)
        |> Naboris.Res.text(req, userData.username)
(* OCaml *)
(* Your custom session data *)
type user_data = {
  userId: int;
  username: string;
  first_name: string;
  last_name: string;
  is_admin: bool

let serverConfig: user_data Naboris.ServerConfiguserData = Naboris.ServerConfig.create ()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setSessionConfig (fun session_id ->
    match (session_id) with
      | Some(id) =>
        (* for the sake of this example we're not using ppx or infix *)
        (* lwt promises can be made much easier to read by using these *)
        Lwt.bind (get_user_data_by_id id) (fun user_data ->
          let session = Naboris.Session.create id user_data in
	  Lwt.return Some(session)
    | None => Lwt.return None)
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler (fun route, req, res ->
    match ((Naboris.Route.meth route), (Naboris.Route.path route)) with
      | (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) ->
        let (req2, res2, _session_id) =
        (* Begin a session *)
          Naboris.SessionManager.startSession req res {
            userId= 1;
            username= "foo";
            first_name= "foo";
            last_name= "bar";
            is_admin= false
          } in
        Naboris.Res.status 200 res2
          |> Naboris.Res.text req2, "OK"
    | (Naboris.Method.GET, ["who-am-i"]) ->
      (* Get session data from the request *)
      match (Naboris.Req.getSessionData req) with
        | None ->
          Naboris.Res.status 404 res
            |> Naboris.Res.text req "Not found"
        | Some(user_data) ->
          Naboris.Res.status 200 res
            |> Naboris.Res.text req user_data.username)
sidKey and maxAge
  • sidKey - string (optional) - The key used to store the session id in browser cookies. Defaults to "nab.sid".

  • maxAge - int (optional) - The max age of session cookies in seconds. Defaults to 2592000 (30 days.)


Generates a new session id string value and adds Set-Cookie header to a new Res.t. Useful for handling a login request.

let startSession: (Req.t('sessionData), Res.t, 'sessionData) => (Req.t('sessionData), Res.t, string);
val startSession: 'sessionData Req.t -> Res.t -> 'sessionData -> 'sessionData Req.t * Res.t * string

An example login request might look like this:

| (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) =>
  let (req2, res2, _sid) =
      TestSession.{username: "realsessionuser"},
  Naboris.Res.status(200, res2) |> Naboris.Res.text(req2, "OK");
| (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) ->
  let (req2, res2, _sid) = Naboris.SessionManager.startSession
    TestSession.{username= "realsessionuser"} in
  (Naboris.Res.status 200 res2) |> Naboris.Res.text req2 "OK"

Adds Set-Cookie header to a new Res.t to expire the session id cookie. Useful for handling a logout request.

let removeSession: (Req.t('sessionData), Res.t) => Res.t;
val removeSession: 'sessionData Req.t -> Res.t -> Res.t

An example logout request might look like this:

| (Naboris.Method.GET, ["logout"]) =>
  Naboris.SessionManager.removeSession(req, res)
    |> Naboris.Res.status(200)
    |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "OK");
| (Naboris.Method.GET, ["logout"]) ->
  Naboris.SessionManager.removeSession req res
    |> Naboris.Res.status 200
    |> Naboris.Res.text req "OK";



Middlewares have a wide variety of uses. They are executed in the order in which they are registered so be sure to keep that in mind. Middlewares are functions with the following signature:

Naboris.RequestHandler.t -> Naboris.Route.t -> Naboris.Req.t -> Naboris.Res.t -> Res.t Lwt.t

Middlewares can either handle the http request/repsonse lifecycle themselves or call the passed in request handler, which is the next middleware in the list, passing the route, req, and res. Once the list of middlewares has been exaused it will then be passed on to the main request handler.

One simple example of a middleware would be one that protects certain routes from users without specific permissions.

Given the Sesson Data example above, one such middleware might look like this:

// ReasonML
let serverConf: Naboris.ServerConfig.t(userData) = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.addMiddleware((next, route, req, res) => switch (Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
    | ["admin", ..._] => switch (Naboris.Req.getSessionData(req)) {
      | Some({ is_admin: true, ..._}) => next(route, req, res)
      | _ =>
          |> Naboris.Res.status(401)
          |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Unauthorized");
    | _ => next(route, req, res)
(* OCaml *)
let server_conf: user_data Naboris.ServerConfig.t = Naboris.ServerConfig.create ()
  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.addMiddleware (fun next route req res ->
    match (Naboris.Route.path route) with
      | "admin" :: _ ->
        (match (Naboris.Req.getSessionData req) with
          | Some({ is_admin = true; _}) -> next route req res
          | _ ->
              |> Naboris.Res.status 401
              |> Naboris.Res.text req "Unauthorized")
      | _ -> next route req res)

RequestHandler.t also return Lwt.t(Res.t) and this can be used to inspect the response record after the request has been served. This could be useful for logging as an example:

  // ResonML
  let serverConfig = Naboris.ServerConfig.addMiddleware((next, route, req, res) => {
    Lwt.bind(() => next(route, req, res), (servedResponse) => {
      print_endline("Server responded with status " ++ int_of_string(Res.status(servedResponse)));
  }, oldServerConfig);
  (* OCaml *)
  let serverConfig = Naboris.ServerConfig.addMiddleware (fun (next, route, req, res) ->
      (fun () -> next route req res)
      (fun (served_res) ->
        print_endline "Server responded with status " ^ (int_of_string (Res.status served_res))
    oldServerConfig in


Any help would be greatly appreciated! 👍

To run tests

esy install
npm run test

Breaking Changes

From To Breaking Change
0.1.0 0.1.1 ServerConfig.setSessionGetter changed to ServerConfig.setSessionConfig which also allows ~maxAge and ~sidKey to be passed in optionally.
0.1.0 0.1.1 All RequestHandler.t and Middleware.t now return Lwt.t(Res.t) instead of Lwt.t(unit)
0.1.0 0.1.1 Res.reportError now taxes exn as the first argument to match more closely the rest of the Res API.

Innovation. Community. Security.