package multipart_form-lwt
Dune Dependency
is a little library which allows to parse and generate the body of an HTTP request with several parts. The library wants to be agnostic to the underlying HTTP implementation used. As far as the HTTP implementation is able to give you a stream of the body and the Content-Type
value, you are able use multipart_form
is specially designed to stream the process to parse or emit a multipart/form-data
For example, if you want to upload a file, with others implementations, you are mainly limited by the memory consumption. If you want to upload a file of 4 Go for example, you need 4 Go in memory...
wants to pass to a /stream/ as soon as it can parts. The best example is available with multipart_form.lwt
val stream :
?bounds:int ->
?identify:(Multipart_form.Header.t -> 'id) ->
string Lwt_stream.t ->
Multipart_form.Content_type.t ->
[ `Parse of ('id Multipart_form.t, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t ]
* ('id * Multipart_form.Header.t * string Lwt_stream.t) Lwt_stream.t
With such function, the user is able to pass a stream of the body (which can be directly connected to the read
syscall). Then, the function return a stream of parts and a promise of the end of the parsing. By this way, the user can concurrently execute both:
val save_into_a_file : filename:string -> string Lwt_stream.t -> unit Lwt.t
val random_unique_filename : unit -> string
let request_handler content_type body =
let identify _ = random_unique_filename () in
let `Parse th, stream = stream ~identify body content_type in
let rec saves () = Lwt_stream.get stream >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some (filename, _hdr, stream) ->
save_into_a_file ~filename stream >>= saves in
Lwt.both th (saves ()) >>= fun (res, ()) ->
Lwt.return res
Such code saves parts into files and it runs concurrently with the parsing th
. /streams/ are bounded (see Lwt_stream.create_bounded
). So, if one is full, we enforce lwt
to execute save_into_a_file
to consume it. By this way, we keep a stable usage of memories.
Agnostic to the scheduler
Even if multipart_form.lwt
is easy to use, the distribution comes with a lower level of abstraction without lwt
. By this way, the user is able to extend multipart_form
with async
or something else if it want.
The lower-level of the API provides multiples functions to help to user to manipulate the result:
type 'id t =
| Leaf of 'id elt
| Multipart of 'id t option list elt
and 'id elt = { header : Header.t; body : 'id }
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val flatten : 'a t -> 'a elt list
An encoder
The library is able to generate a multipart/form-data
if you wants. You can create several parts which contain a stream of their bodies. Then, you are able to compose these parts into one a single multipart
object. Finally, multipart_form
is able to produce a stream:
val stream_of_string : string -> (string * int * int) stream
val stream_of_file : string -> (string * int * int) stream
val rng : int -> string
let part0 = part
~disposition:(Content_disposition.v ~filename:"image.png" ~kind:`Attachment "my-image"
(stream_of_file "image.png")
let part1 = part
~disposition:(Content_disposition.v ~kind:`Inline "my-text"
(stream_of_string "My super image!")
let contents = multipart ~rng [ part0; part1 ]
let rec to_output stream oc = match stream () with
| Some (str, off, len) ->
output_substring oc str off len ; to_output stream oc
| None -> ()
let () = to_output (to_stream contents) stdout