package multicont

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Multi-shot continuations in OCaml


Dune Dependency





Multicont: Continuations with multi-shot semantics in OCaml

This library provides a thin abstraction on top of OCaml's regular linear continuations that enables programming with multi-shot continuations, i.e. continuations that can be applied more than once.

See the examples/ directory for concrete uses of this library (or multi-shot continuations) in practice.

Installing the library

The library can be installed via OPAM. The latest release can be installed directly from the default OPAM repository, e.g.

$ opam install multicont

Alternatively, the latest development version can be installed by pinning this repository, e.g.

$ opam pin multicont

Building and installing from source

It is straightforward to build and install this library from source as its only dependencies are an OCaml 5.0+ compiler, dune, and dune-configurator. To build the whole library simply invoke the all rule, i.e.

$ make all

The Makefile also gives you more fine-grained control over what is being built. For example, you may only want to build either the byte code or native code compatible version of the library.

To install the library built from source simply invoke the install rule:

$ make install

Similarly to uninstall the library again invoke the uninstall rule:

$ make uninstall

Configurable options

The primary reason to build from source is to toggle configurable options of this library, which are not readily available via OPAM install. Currently, the following options are supported:

  • UNIQUE_FIBERS (default: disabled): Since commit ocaml/ocaml#e12b508 stock OCaml fibers have been equipped with unique identifiers. Enable this option to preserve unique identities amongst fibers as without this option a fiber clone is an exact copy of the original fiber, including its identity. By enabling this option, a cloned fiber will be assigned a new unique identity.

  • USE_MMAP_MAP_STACK (default: disabled): Enable to use virtual memory mapped stacks rather than stacks allocated by malloc.

Configurable options are toggled directly on the command line as a prefix to the make command. For instance, the following enables unique fiber identities and mmap stacks:


Setting an option to 1 enables it, whereas any other possible assignment disables it.

The multi-shot continuations interface

This library is designed to be used in tandem with the Effect module, which provides the API for regular linear continuations. The structure of this library mirrors that of Effect as it provides submodules for the Deep and Shallow variations of continuations. This library intentionally uses a slightly different terminology than Effect in order to allow both libraries to be opened in the same scope. For example, this library uses the terminology resumption in place of continuation. A resumption essentially amounts to a GC managed variation of a regular OCaml continuation, which in addition can be continued multiple times. The signature file multicont.mli contains the interface for this library, which I have inlined below:

module Deep: sig
  type ('a, 'b) resumption
  (** a [resumption] is a managed variation of
     [Effect.Deep.continuation] that can be used multiple times. *)

  val promote : ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation -> ('a, 'b) resumption
  (** [promote k] converts a regular linear deep continuation to a
      multi-shot deep resumption. This function fully consumes the
      supplied continuation [k]. *)

  val resume : ('a, 'b) resumption -> 'a -> 'b
  (** [resume r v] reinstates the context captured by the multi-shot
      deep resumption [r] with value [v]. *)

  val abort : ('a, 'b) resumption -> exn -> 'b
  (** [abort r e] injects the exception [e] into the context captured
      by the multi-shot deep resumption [r]. *)

  val abort_with_backtrace : ('a, 'b) resumption -> exn ->
                             Printexc.raw_backtrace -> 'b
  (** [abort_with_backtrace k e bt] aborts the deep multi-shot
      resumption [r] by raising the exception [e] in [k] using [bt] as
      the origin for the exception. *)

  (* Primitives *)
  val clone_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation
  (** [clone_continuation k] clones the linear deep continuation [k]. The
      supplied continuation is *not* consumed. *)

  val drop_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation -> unit
  (** [drop_continuation k] deallocates the memory occupied by the
      continuation [k]. Note, however, that this function does not clean
      up acquired resources captured by the continuation. In order to
      delete the continuation and free up the resources the programmer
      should instead use `discontinue` from the [Effect.Deep] module. *)

module Shallow: sig
  type ('a, 'b) resumption
  (** a [resumption] is a managed variation of
     [Effect.Shallow.continuation] that can be used multiple times. *)

  val promote : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> ('a, 'b) resumption
 (** [promote k] converts a regular linear shallow continuation to a
     multi-shot shallow resumption. This function fully consumes the
     supplied continuation [k]. *)

  val resume_with : ('c, 'a) resumption -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) handler -> 'b
  (** [resume r v h] reinstates the context captured by the multi-shot
      shallow resumption [r] with value [v] under the handler [h]. *)

  val abort_with  : ('c, 'a) resumption -> exn -> ('a, 'b) handler -> 'b
  (** [abort r e h] injects the exception [e] into the context captured
      by the multi-shot shallow resumption [r] under the handler [h]. *)

  val abort_with_backtrace : ('c, 'a) resumption -> exn ->
                             Printexc.raw_backtrace -> ('a, 'b) handler -> 'b
  (** [abort_with_backtrace k e bt] aborts the shallow multi-shot
      resumption [r] by raising the exception [e] in [k] using [bt] as
      the origin for the exception. *)

  (* Primitives *)
  val clone_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation
  (** [clone_continuation k] clones the linear shallow continuation [k]. The
      supplied continuation is *not* consumed. *)

  val drop_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> unit
  (** [drop_continuation k] deallocates the memory occupied by the
      continuation [k]. Note, however, that this function does not clean
      up acquired resources captured by the continuation. In order to
      delete the continuation and free up the resources the programmer
      should instead use [discontinue_with] from the [Effect.Shallow] module. *)

It is worth stressing that both resume/resume_with and abort/abort_with exhibit multi-shot semantics, meaning in the latter case that it is possible to abort a given resumption multiple times.

Cautionary tales in programming with multi-shot continuations in OCaml

The OCaml compiler and runtime make some assumptions that are false in the presence of multi-shot continuations. This phenomenon is perhaps best illustrated by an example. Concretely, we can consider some optimisations performed by the compiler which are undesirable (or outright wrong) when programming with multi-shot continuations. An instance of a wrong compiler optimisation is heap to stack conversion, e.g.

(* An illustration of how the heap to stack optimisation is broken.
 * This example is adapted from de Vilhena and Pottier (2021).
 * file:
 * compile: ocamlopt -I $(opam var lib)/multicont multicont.cmxa
 * run: ./a.out *)

(* We first require a little bit of setup. The following declares an
   operation `Twice' which we use to implement multiple returns. *)
type _ Effect.t += Twice : unit Effect.t

(* The handler `htwice' interprets `Twice' by simply invoking its
   continuation twice. *)
let htwice : (unit, unit) Effect.Deep.handler
  = { retc = (fun x -> x)
    ; exnc = (fun e -> raise e)
    ; effc = (fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) ->
      let open Effect.Deep in
      match eff with
      | Twice -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) ->
         continue (Multicont.Deep.clone_continuation k) ();
         continue k ())
      | _ -> None) }

(* Now for the interesting stuff. In the code below, the compiler will
   perform an escape analysis on the reference `i' and deduce that it
   does not escape the local scope, because it is unaware of the
   semantics of `perform Twice', hence the optimiser will transform
   `i' into an immediate on the stack to save a heap allocation. As a
   consequence, the assertion `(!i = 1)' will succeed twice, whereas
   it should fail after the second return of `perform Twice'. *)
let heap2stack () =
    (fun () ->
      let i = ref 0 in
      Effect.perform Twice;
      i := !i + 1;
      Printf.printf "i = %d\n%!" !i;
      assert (!i = 1))
    () htwice

(* The following does not trigger an assertion failure. *)
let _ = heap2stack ()

(* To fix this issue, we can wrap reference allocations in an instance
   of `Sys.opaque_identity'. However, this is not really a viable fix
   in general, as we may not have access to the client code that
   allocates the reference! *)
let heap2stack' () =
    (fun () ->
      let i = Sys.opaque_identity (ref 0) in
      Effect.perform Twice;
      i := !i + 1;
      Printf.printf "i = %d\n%!" !i;
      assert (!i = 1))
    () htwice

(* The following triggers an assertion failure. *)
let _ = heap2stack' ()

The wrong behaviour of heap2stack is only observed when compiling with ocamlc or ocamlopt. As of writing, the read-eval-print loop interpreter does not perform the heap to stack conversion, therefore running it through ocaml will cause heap2stack to trigger the assertion failure as desired.

Notes on the implementation

Under the hood the library uses regular linear OCaml continuation and a variation of clone_continuation that used to reside in the Obj module of earlier versions of Multicore OCaml. Internally, the resumption types are aliases of the respective continuation types from the Effect module. The ability to resume a continuation more than once is achieved by cloning the original continuation on demand. The key functions resume, resume_with, abort, and abort_with all clone the provided continuation argument and invoke the resulting clone rather than the original continuation. The library guarantees that the original continuation remains cloneable as the call promote k deattaches the stack embedded in the continuation object k, meaning that the programmer cannot inadvertently destroy the stack by a call to continue.


This work was supported by the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship "Effect Handler Oriented Programming" (reference number MR/T043830/1).


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