package multicont

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type ('a, 'b) resumption

a resumption is a managed variation of Effect.Shallow.continuation that can be used multiple times.

val promote : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> ('a, 'b) resumption

promote k converts a regular linear shallow continuation to a multi-shot shallow resumption. This function fully consumes the supplied the continuation k.

val resume_with : ('c, 'a) resumption -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.handler -> 'b

resume r v h reinstates the context captured by the multi-shot shallow resumption r with value v under the handler h.

val abort_with : ('c, 'a) resumption -> exn -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.handler -> 'b

abort r e h injects the exception e into the context captured by the multi-shot shallow resumption r under the handler h.

val abort_with_backtrace : ('c, 'a) resumption -> exn -> Printexc.raw_backtrace -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.handler -> 'b

abort_with_backtrace k e bt aborts the shallow multi-shot resumption r by raising the exception e in k using bt as the origin for the exception.

val clone_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation

clone_continuation k clones the linear shallow continuation k. The supplied continuation is *not* consumed.

val drop_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> unit

drop_continuation k deallocates the memory occupied by the continuation k. Note, however, that this function does not clean up acquired resources captured by the continuation. In order to delete the continuation and free up the resources the programmer should instead use discontinue_with from the Effect.Shallow module.


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