package msgpack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = [
  1. | `Array16 of t list
  2. | `Array32 of t list
  3. | `Bool of bool
  4. | `Double of float
  5. | `FixArray of t list
  6. | `FixMap of (t * t) list
  7. | `FixRaw of char list
  8. | `Float of float
  9. | `Int16 of int
  10. | `Int32 of int32
  11. | `Int64 of int64
  12. | `Int8 of int
  13. | `Map16 of (t * t) list
  14. | `Map32 of (t * t) list
  15. | `NFixnum of int
  16. | `Nil
  17. | `PFixnum of int
  18. | `Raw16 of char list
  19. | `Raw32 of char list
  20. | `Uint16 of int
  21. | `Uint32 of int64
  22. | `Uint64 of Big_int.big_int
  23. | `Uint8 of int
val deserialize_string : string -> t
val serialize_string : t -> string