package mrmime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Location module.

type point = int

Type of point to a flow.

type zone = {
  1. a : int;
  2. b : int;

Type of zone to a flow.

type t

Type of location to a flow

type 'a with_location
type 'a w = 'a with_location
val make : point -> point -> t

make a b makes a new location of b - a byte(s) starting at a.

val some : zone -> t

some z makes a new location from a zone z.

val none : t

none is a unknowable location.

val pp : t Fmt.t

Pretty-printer of t.

val left : t -> point option

left location returns starting index of location.

val left_exn : t -> point

left_exn location is same as left but it raises an exception if location is an unknowable location (see none).

val right : t -> point option

right location returns stopping index of location.

val right_exn : t -> point

right_exn location is same as right but it raises an exception if location is an unknowable location (see none).

val length : t -> int option

length location returns length of location - how many bytes we have on location.

val length_exn : t -> int

Same as length but it raises an exception if location is an unknowable location (see none).

val with_location : location:t -> 'a -> 'a with_location

with_location ~location x injects location into x as a meta-data.

val inj : location:t -> 'a -> 'a with_location

Alias of with_location.

val without_location : 'a with_location -> 'a

without_location x extracts value without location meta-data.

val prj : 'a with_location -> 'a
val location : 'a with_location -> t

location t extracts location from a value.

val union : t -> t -> t

union a b merges two locations.