package morbig

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val is_other_script : string -> bool

is_other_script s returns true when the file with name s starts with a magic string that indicates a script other than posix shell, otherwise it returns false. Raises Sys_error when the file cannot be opened.

val is_elf : string -> bool

is_elf s returns true when the file with name s starts with the magic number for ELF, otherwise it returns false. Raises Sys_error when the file cannot be opened.

val parse_file : string -> CST.program

parse_file s attempts to parse the file with name s, and returns its concrete syntax tree.

val parse_string : string -> string -> CST.program

parse_string s c attempts to parse the file with name s whose contents is c, and returns its concrete syntax tree.


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