package moonpool
Dune Dependency
A pool within a bigger pool (ie the ocean). Here, we're talking about pools of Thread.t
which live within a fixed pool of Domain.t
This fixed pool of domains is shared between all the pools in moonpool. The rationale is that we should not have more domains than cores, so it's easier to pre-allocate exactly that many domains, and run more flexible thread pools on top.
In addition, some concurrency and parallelism primitives are provided:
provides futures/promises that execute on these thread pools. The futures are thread safe.Moonpool.Chan
provides simple cooperative and thread-safe channels to use within pool-bound tasks. They're essentially re-usable futures.On OCaml 5 (meaning there's actual domains and effects, not just threads), a
primitive is provided. It's simpler and more powerful than the monadic combinators.Moonpool.Fork_join
provides the fork-join parallelism primitives to use within tasks running in the pool.
The user can create several thread pools. These pools use regular posix threads, but the threads are spread across multiple domains (on OCaml 5), which enables parallelism.
The function Pool.run_async pool task
runs task()
on one of the workers of pool
, as soon as one is available. No result is returned.
# #require "threads";;
# let pool = Moonpool.Pool.create ~min:4 ();;
val pool : Moonpool.Runner.t =
{Moonpool.Pool.run_async = <fun>; shutdown = <fun>; size = <fun>;
num_tasks = <fun>}
# begin
Moonpool.Pool.run_async pool
(fun () ->
Thread.delay 0.1;
print_endline "running from the pool");
print_endline "running from the caller";
Thread.delay 0.3; (* wait for task to run before returning *)
end ;;
running from the caller
running from the pool
- : unit = ()
To wait until the task is done, you can use Pool.run_wait_block
# begin
Moonpool.Pool.run_wait_block pool
(fun () ->
Thread.delay 0.1;
print_endline "running from the pool");
print_endline "running from the caller (after waiting)";
end ;;
running from the pool
running from the caller (after waiting)
- : unit = ()
The function Fut.spawn ~on f
schedules f ()
on the pool on
, and immediately returns a future which will eventually hold the result (or an exception).
The function Fut.peek
will return the current value, or None
if the future is still not completed. The functions Fut.wait_block
and Fut.wait_block_exn
will block the current thread and wait for the future to complete. There are some deadlock risks associated with careless use of these, so be sure to consult the documentation of the Fut
# let fut = Moonpool.Fut.spawn ~on:pool
(fun () ->
Thread.delay 0.5;
val fut : int Moonpool.Fut.t = <abstr>
# Moonpool.Fut.peek fut;
- : int Moonpool.Fut.or_error option = None
# Moonpool.Fut.wait_block_exn fut;;
- : int = 2
Some combinators on futures are also provided, e.g. to wait for all futures in an array to complete:
# let rec fib x =
if x <= 1 then 1 else fib (x-1) + fib (x-2);;
val fib : int -> int = <fun>
# List.init 10 fib;;
- : int list = [1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55]
# let fibs = Array.init 35 (fun n -> Moonpool.Fut.spawn ~on:pool (fun () -> fib n));;
val fibs : int Moonpool.Fut.t array =
[|<abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>;
<abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>;
<abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>;
<abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>;
<abstr>; <abstr>; <abstr>|]
# Moonpool.Fut.join_array fibs |> Moonpool.Fut.wait_block;;
- : int array Moonpool.Fut.or_error =
[|1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144; 233; 377; 610; 987; 1597; 2584;
4181; 6765; 10946; 17711; 28657; 46368; 75025; 121393; 196418; 317811;
514229; 832040; 1346269; 2178309; 3524578; 5702887; 9227465|]
Support for await
On OCaml 5, effect handlers can be used to implement Fut.await : 'a Fut.t -> 'a
The expression Fut.await some_fut
, when run from inside some thread pool, suspends its caller task; the suspended task is then parked, and will be resumed when the future is completed. The pool worker that was executing this expression, in the mean time, moves on to another task. This means that await
is free of the deadlock risks associated with Fut.wait_block
In the following example, we bypass the need for Fut.join_array
by simply using regular array functions along with Fut.await
# let main_fut =
let open Moonpool.Fut in
spawn ~on:pool @@ fun () ->
(* array of sub-futures *)
let tasks: _ Moonpool.Fut.t array = Array.init 100 (fun i ->
spawn ~on:pool (fun () ->
Thread.delay 0.01;
Array.fold_left (fun n fut -> n + await fut) 0 tasks
val main_fut : int Moonpool.Fut.t = <abstr>
# let expected_sum = Array.init 100 (fun i->i+1) |> Array.fold_left (+) 0;;
val expected_sum : int = 5050
# assert (expected_sum = Moonpool.Fut.wait_block_exn main_fut);;
- : unit = ()
On OCaml 5, again using effect handlers, the module Fork_join
implements the fork-join model. It must run on a pool (using [] or inside a future via [Future.spawn]).
# let rec select_sort arr i len =
if len >= 2 then (
let idx = ref i in
for j = i+1 to i+len-1 do
if arr.(j) < arr.(!idx) then idx := j
let tmp = arr.(!idx) in
arr.(!idx) <- arr.(i);
arr.(i) <- tmp;
select_sort arr (i+1) (len-1)
val select_sort : 'a array -> int -> int -> unit = <fun>
# let rec quicksort arr i len : unit =
if len <= 10 then select_sort arr i len
else (
let pivot = arr.(i + (len / 2)) in
let low = ref (i - 1) in
let high = ref (i + len) in
while !low < !high do
incr low;
decr high;
while arr.(!low) < pivot do
incr low
while arr.(!high) > pivot do
decr high
if !low < !high then (
let tmp = arr.(!low) in
arr.(!low) <- arr.(!high);
arr.(!high) <- tmp
(fun () -> quicksort arr i (!low - i))
(fun () -> quicksort arr !low (len - (!low - i)))
val quicksort : 'a array -> int -> int -> unit = <fun>
# let arr = [| 4;2;1;5;1;10;3 |];;
val arr : int array = [|4; 2; 1; 5; 1; 10; 3|]
# Moonpool.Fut.spawn
~on:pool (fun () -> quicksort arr 0 (Array.length arr))
|> Moonpool.Fut.wait_block_exn;;
- : unit = ()
# arr;;
- : int array = [|1; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 10|]
# let arr =
let rand = Random.State.make [| 42 |] in
Array.init 40 (fun _-> rand 300);;
val arr : int array =
[|64; 220; 247; 196; 51; 186; 22; 106; 58; 58; 11; 161; 243; 111; 74; 109;
49; 135; 59; 192; 132; 38; 19; 44; 126; 147; 182; 83; 95; 231; 204; 121;
142; 255; 72; 85; 95; 93; 73; 202|]
# Moonpool.Fut.spawn ~on:pool
(fun () -> quicksort arr 0 (Array.length arr))
|> Moonpool.Fut.wait_block_exn
- : unit = ()
# arr;;
- : int array =
[|11; 19; 22; 38; 44; 49; 51; 58; 58; 59; 64; 72; 73; 74; 83; 85; 93; 95; 95;
106; 109; 111; 121; 126; 132; 135; 142; 147; 161; 182; 186; 192; 196; 202;
204; 220; 231; 243; 247; 255|]
More intuition
To quote gasche:
You are assuming that, if pool P1 has 5000 tasks, and pool P2 has 10 other tasks, then these 10 tasks will get to run faster than if we just added them at the end of pool P1. This sounds like a “fairness” assumption: separate pools will get comparable shares of domain compute ressources, or at least no pool will be delayed too much from running their first tasks.[…]
each pool uses a fixed number of threads, all running simultaneously; if there are more tasks sent to the pool, they are delayed and will only get one of the pool threads when previous tasks have finished
separate pools run their separate threads simultaneously, so they compete for compute resources on their domain using OCaml’s systhreads scheduler – which does provide fairness in practice
as a result, running in a new pool enables quicker completion than adding to an existing pool (as we will be scheduled right away instead of waiting for previous tasks in our pool to free some threads)
the ratio of compute resources that each pool gets should be roughly proportional to its number of worker threads
OCaml versions
This works for OCaml >= 4.08.
On OCaml 4.xx, there are no domains, so this is just a library for regular thread pools with not actual parallelism (except for threads that call C code that releases the runtime lock, that is).
on OCaml 5.xx, there is a fixed pool of domains (using the recommended domain count). These domains do not do much by themselves, but we schedule new threads on them, and group threads from each domain into pools. Each domain might thus have multiple threads that belong to distinct pools (and several threads from the same pool, too — this is useful for threads blocking on IO).
A useful analogy is that each domain is a bit like a CPU core, and
is a logical thread running on a core. Multiple threads have to share a single core and do not run in parallel on it[^1]. We can therefore build pools that spread their worker threads on multiple cores to enable parallelism within each pool.
TODO: actually use to pin domains to cores, possibly optionally using select
in dune.
MIT license.
$ opam install moonpool
[^1]: let's not talk about hyperthreading.