package ml2mxml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val join : string -> string list -> string
val decl : string
val create_title : string -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_date : ?name:string -> string -> Cow.Xml.t
module Mode : sig ... end
module Sign : sig ... end
val create_key : int -> [< `Major ] -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_time : int -> int -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_clef : [< `Drum | `F | `G | `Tab ] -> int -> Cow.Xml.t
val drum_clef : Cow.Xml.t
val instrument_clef_to_clef : [< `Drum | `F | `G ] -> [> `Drum | `F | `G ]
module DiatonicScaleStepToTuningStep : sig ... end
val create_instrument_staff_lines : Music.string_instrument -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_transpose : int -> int -> int -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_divisions : int -> Cow.Xml.t
module BeatUnit : sig ... end
val create_metronome : ?default_y:int -> ?beat_unit:[ `Quarter ] -> int -> Cow.Xml.t
val _tie_to_xml : (string -> 'a) -> [< `Start | `Stop ] option -> 'a list
val tied_to_xml : Music.tied option -> Cow.Xml.t list
val tie_to_xml : Music.tied option -> Cow.Xml.t list
val create_pitch : string -> int -> [< `Flat | `Sharp ] option -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_notations : Music.tied option -> (int * int) option -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_pitch_and_notations : string -> int -> [< `Flat | `Sharp ] option -> Music.tied option -> (int * int) option -> Cow.Xml.t * Cow.Xml.t list
val create_string_pitch_and_notations : Music.string_instrument -> Music.played_note -> Music.tied option -> Cow.Xml.t * Cow.Xml.t list
val duration_to_string : [< `Eighth | `Half | `Quarter | `Sixteenth | `Whole ] -> string
val number_of_divions_per_quarter_note : int
val duration_to_duration : [< `Eighth | `Half | `Quarter | `Sixteenth | `Whole ] -> int
val time_modification : [< `Duple | `Triple ] -> Cow.Xml.t list
module Constants : sig ... end
val create_chord_elt_if_necessary : bool -> Cow.Xml.t list
val create_dot_if_necessary : bool -> Cow.Xml.t list
val create_mxml_note : bool -> 'a Cow.Xml.frag as 'a Cow.Xml.frag list -> 'a Cow.Xml.frag list list -> 'a Cow.Xml.frag list list -> 'b Music.measure_elt -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_drum_note : ?chord:bool -> int -> [< `Played of [< `China | `Cowbell | `Crash | `Crash_01 | `Hihat | `Hihat_02 | `Kick | `PedalHiHat | `Ride | `Ride_01 | `Ride_bell | `Snare | `Snare_muted | `Splash | `Tom | `Tom_01 | `Tom_02 | `Tom_03 | `Tom_04 ] | `Rest ] Music.measure_elt -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_string_note : ?chord:bool -> Music.string_instrument -> [< `Played of Music.played_note | `Rest ] Music.measure_elt -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_voice_note : ?chord:bool -> 'a -> [< `Played of Music.Diatonic.t | `Rest ] Music.measure_elt -> Cow.Xml.t
val transform_note : 'a Music.measure_elt -> 'b -> 'b Music.measure_elt
val create_measure : ?tempo:int option -> int -> [< `Chord of 'a list | `Rest | `Single of 'a ] Music.measure_elt list -> ([> `Played of 'a | `Rest ] Music.measure_elt -> Cow.Xml.t) -> ([> `Played of 'a ] Music.measure_elt -> Cow.Xml.t) -> Cow.Xml.t -> Cow.Xml.t list -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_string_measure : ?tempo:int option -> int -> Music.string_instrument -> [< `Chord of Music.played_note list | `Rest | `Single of Music.played_note ] Music.measure_elt list -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_drum_measure : ?tempo:int option -> int -> [< `Chord of [< `China | `Cowbell | `Crash | `Crash_01 | `Hihat | `Hihat_02 | `Kick | `PedalHiHat | `Ride | `Ride_01 | `Ride_bell | `Snare | `Snare_muted | `Splash | `Tom | `Tom_01 | `Tom_02 | `Tom_03 | `Tom_04 ] as 'a list | `Rest | `Single of 'a ] Music.measure_elt list -> int -> Cow.Xml.t
val create_voice_measure : ?tempo:int option -> int -> [< `Chord of Music.Diatonic.t list | `Rest | `Single of Music.Diatonic.t ] Music.measure_elt list -> 'a -> Cow.Xml.t
type instrument = {
  1. instrument_id : int;
  2. midi_instrument : Cow.Xml.t;
  3. instrument_and_measures : music_instrument;
val create_instrument : int -> (int -> Cow.Xml.t) -> music_instrument -> instrument
module MidiInstruments : sig ... end
val create : string -> string -> int -> instrument list -> Cow.Xml.t
val to_string : Cow.Xml.t -> string

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