package mirage-xen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Get the start info page.

type t = {
  1. magic : string;


  2. nr_pages : int;

    Total pages allocated to this domain.

  3. shared_info : int;

    MACHINE address of shared info struct.

  4. flags : int;

    SIF_xxx flags.

  5. store_mfn : int;

    MACHINE page number of the shared page used for communication with the XenStore.

  6. store_evtchn : int;

    Event channel for communication with the XenStore.

  7. console_mfn : int;

    MACHINE page number of console page.

  8. console_evtchn : int;

    Event channel for console page.

  9. pt_base : int;

    VIRTUAL address of page directory.

  10. nr_pt_frames : int;

    Number of bootstrap p.t. frames.

  11. mfn_list : int;

    VIRTUAL address of page-frame list.

  12. mod_start : int;

    VIRTUAL address of pre-loaded module.

  13. mod_len : int;

    Size (bytes) of pre-loaded module.

  14. cmd_line : string;

    Command-line arguments passed to the unikernel.

  15. first_p2m_pfn : int;

    1st pfn forming initial P->M table.

  16. nr_p2m_frames : int;

    # of pfns forming initial P->M table.

val get : unit -> t

get () is the record containing the start info page.

val console_start_page : unit -> Cstruct.t

console_start_page () is the console page automatically allocated by Xen.

val xenstore_start_page : unit -> Cstruct.t

xenstore_start_page () is the xenstore page automatically allocated by Xen.