Module type
Class type
Dummy interface for software bridge.
include Mirage_net_lwt.S
The type for network errors.
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
is the pretty-printer for errors.
type page_aligned_buffer = Io_page.t
The type for page-aligned memory buffers.
type buffer = Cstruct.t
The type for memory buffers.
include Mirage_device.S with type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
writev nf bufs
output a list of buffers to netfront nf
as a single packet.
listen nf fn
is a blocking operation that calls fn buf
with every packet that is read from the interface. The function can be stopped by calling disconnect
in the device layer.
val get_stats_counters : t -> Mirage_net.stats
Obtain the most recent snapshot of the device statistics.
val reset_stats_counters : t -> unit
Reset the statistics associated with this device to their defaults.