package mirage-protocols

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error = private [>
  1. | Ethif.error

The type for ethernet interface errors.

val pp_error : error Fmt.t

pp_error is the pretty-printer for errors.

type buffer

The type for memory buffers.

type netif

The type for ethernet network interfaces.

type macaddr

The type for unique MAC identifiers.

include Mirage_device.S
type +'a io

The type for potentially blocking I/O operation

type t

The type representing the internal state of the device

val disconnect : t -> unit io

Disconnect from the device. While this might take some time to complete, it can never result in an error.

val write : t -> buffer -> (unit, error) result io

write nf buf outputs buf to netfront nf.

val writev : t -> buffer list -> (unit, error) result io

writev nf bufs output a list of buffers to netfront nf as a single packet.

val mac : t -> macaddr

mac nf is the MAC address of nf.

val input : arpv4:(buffer -> unit io) -> ipv4:(buffer -> unit io) -> ipv6:(buffer -> unit io) -> t -> buffer -> unit io

listen nf fn is a blocking operation that calls fn buf with every packet that is read from the interface. The function can be stopped by calling disconnect in the device layer.


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