You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
type ipv4_src = Ipaddr.V4.t option * int
type ipv4_dst = Ipaddr.V4.t * int
val inet_addr_of_ipaddr : Ipaddr.V4.t -> Unix.inet_addr
val ipaddr_of_inet_addr : Unix.inet_addr -> Ipaddr.V4.t
type arp = {
op : [ `Reply | `Request | `Unknown of int ];
sha : Macaddr.t;
spa : Ipaddr.V4.t;
tha : Macaddr.t;
tpa : Ipaddr.V4.t;
type peer_uid = int
exception Closed
module type FLOW = sig ... end
module type DATAGRAM = sig ... end
module type CHANNEL = sig ... end