Module type
Class type
MirageOS signatures for filesystem devices
type error = [
| `Is_a_directory
Cannot read or write the contents of a directory
*)| `No_directory_entry
Cannot find a directory entry
*)| `Not_a_directory
Cannot create a directory entry in a file
*) ]
The type for FS errors.
type write_error = [
| error
| `File_already_exists
Cannot create a file with a duplicate name
*)| `No_directory_entry
Something in the path doesn't exist
*)| `No_space
No space left on the block device
*) ]
The type for FS write errors.
val pp_write_error : write_error Fmt.t
is the pretty-printer for write errors.
type stat = {
filename : string;
Filename within the enclosing directory
*)read_only : bool;
True means the contents are read-only
*)directory : bool;
True means the entity is a directory; false means a file
*)size : int64;
Size of the entity in bytes
The type for Per-file/directory statistics.
module type S = sig ... end