Module type
Class type
The type for write errors.
val pp_write_error : write_error Fmt.t
is the pretty-printer for write errors.
The type for flows. A flow represents the state of a single reliable stream that is connected to an endpoint.
read flow
blocks until some data is available and returns a fresh buffer containing it.
The returned buffer will be of a size convenient to the flow implementation, but will always have at least 1 byte.
If the remote endpoint calls close
then calls to read
will keep returning data until all the in-flight data has been read. read flow
will return `Eof
when the remote endpoint has called close
and when there is no more in-flight data.
val write : flow -> Cstruct.t -> (unit, write_error) result Lwt.t
write flow buffer
writes a buffer to the flow. There is no indication when the buffer has actually been read and, therefore, it must not be reused. The contents may be transmitted in separate packets, depending on the underlying transport. The result Ok ()
indicates success, Error `Closed
indicates that the connection is now closed and therefore the data could not be written. Other errors are possible.
val writev : flow -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, write_error) result Lwt.t
writev flow buffers
writes a sequence of buffers to the flow. There is no indication when the buffers have actually been read and, therefore, they must not be reused. The result Ok ()
indicates success, Error `Closed
indicates that the connection is now closed and therefore the data could not be written. Other errors are possible.
shutdown flow mode
shuts down the flow
for the specific mode
: A flow which is shutdown `read
(or `read_write
will never be read
again (future calls will return `Eof
); a flow which is shutdown `write
(or `read_write
) flushes all pending writes and signals the remote endpoint there won't be any future write
. In TCP, a FIN is sent.