package mirage-crypto-rng-eio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

RNG seeding on Eio backends.

This module initializes a given random number generator with getrandom() and a CPU RNG. Eio.Stdenv.secure_random is used as the getrandom() implementation.

type 'a env = < clock : [> ] Eio.Time.clock ; mono_clock : [> ] Eio.Time.Mono.t ; secure_random : [> ] Eio.Flow.source.. > as 'a
val run : ?g:'a -> ?sleep:int64 -> 'a Mirage_crypto_rng.generator -> _ env -> (unit -> 'b) -> 'b

run ~g ~sleep gen env fn will bring the RNG into a working state. The argument sleep is measured in ns (default 1s), and is used to sleep between collection of entropy from the CPU RNG. Every 10 * sleep getrandom is used to collect entropy.

Note In a multi-domain setting run ensures that entropy collection, feeding and RNG setup are limited to one domain.

fn is the main function that will have access to a running RNG.

g gen denotes random number generator scheme to be used, eg Mirage_crypto_rng.Fortuna.

[ open Mirage_crypto_rng let () = @@ fun env -> (module Fortuna) env @@ fun () -> let random_num = Mirage_crypto_rng.generate 32 in Printf.printf "Random number: %S%!" (Cstruct.to_string random_num) ]

  • deprecated Use 'Mirage_crypto_rng_unix.use_default ()' instead.

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