package mirage-block

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val error_to_string : [< `Disconnected | `Is_read_only | `Unimplemented | `Unknown of string ] -> string
module Make_seekable (B : V1_LWT.BLOCK) : sig ... end
val sparse_copy : (module Mirage_block_s.SEEKABLE with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> (module V1_LWT.BLOCK with type t = 'b) -> 'b -> [> `Error of [> `Different_sizes | `Msg of string ] | `Ok of unit ] Lwt.t
val copy : (module V1_LWT.BLOCK with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> (module V1_LWT.BLOCK with type t = 'b) -> 'b -> [> `Error of [> `Different_sizes | `Msg of string ] | `Ok of unit ] Lwt.t

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