Module type
Class type
An in-memory BLOCK device also known as a Ramdisk
include Mirage_block_lwt.S
The type for block errors.
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
is the pretty-printer for errors.
The type for write errors.
val pp_write_error : write_error Fmt.t
is the pretty-printer for write errors.
include Mirage_device.S with type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
val get_info : t -> io
Query the characteristics of a specific block device
val read :
t ->
int64 ->
page_aligned_buffer list ->
(unit, error) Stdlib.result io
read device sector_start buffers
reads data starting at sector_start
from the block device into buffers
. Ok ()
means the buffers have been filled. Error _
indicates an I/O error has happened and some of the buffers may not be filled. Each of elements in the list buffers
must be a whole number of sectors in length. The list of buffers can be of any length.
val write :
t ->
int64 ->
page_aligned_buffer list ->
(unit, write_error) Stdlib.result io
write device sector_start buffers
writes data from buffers
onto the block device starting at sector_start
. Ok ()
means the contents of the buffers have been written. Error _
indicates a partial failure in which some of the writes may not have happened.
Once submitted, it is not possible to cancel a request and there is no timeout.
The operation may fail with:
: the operation has not been implemented, no data has been written.`Is_read_only
: the device is read-only, no data has been written.`Disconnected
: the device has been disconnected at application request, an unknown amount of data has been written.Each of buffers
must be a whole number of sectors in length. The list of buffers can be of any length.
The data will not be copied, so the supplied buffers must not be re-used until the IO operation completes.
Create an in-memory block device (a "ramdisk") with a given name, total size in sectors and sector size. Two calls to connect
with the same name will return the same block device
Destroy removes an in-memory block device. Subsequent calls to connect
will create a fresh empty device.
val resize : t -> int64 -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result io
resize t new_size_sectors
attempts to resize the connected device to have the given number of sectors. If successful, subsequent calls to get_info
will reflect the new size.
seek_unmapped t start
returns the offset of the next guaranteed zero-filled region (typically guaranteed because it is unmapped)
seek_mapped t start
returns the offset of the next regoin of the device which may have data in it (typically this is the next mapped region)
val flush : t -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result io
flush t
is a no-op on a Ramdisk