package miou

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The Unix layer of Miou.

This module offers a re-implementation of the I/O according to Miou's model. It manages possible suspensions due to I/O

type file_descr

Type of file-descriptors.

val of_file_descr : ?non_blocking:bool -> Unix.file_descr -> file_descr

of_file_descr ?non_blocking ?owner fd creates a new file_descr. Depending on non_blocking (defaults to true), we set the given fd to non-blocking mode or not.

val to_file_descr : file_descr -> Unix.file_descr

to_file_descr fd returns the real Unix.file_descr.

val tcpv4 : unit -> file_descr

tcpv4 () allocates a new IPv4 socket.

val tcpv6 : unit -> file_descr

tcpv6 () allocates a new IPv6 socket.

val bind_and_listen : ?backlog:int -> file_descr -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit

bind_and_listen fd sockaddr binds the given socket to the given sockaddr and set up the given fd for receiving connection requests. backlog is the maximal number of pending requests.

val accept : ?cloexec:bool -> file_descr -> file_descr * Unix.sockaddr

accept ?cloexec fd is a Miou friendly Unix.accept which returns file descritptors in non-blocking mode.

val connect : file_descr -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit

connect fd sockaddr is a Miou friendly Unix.connect. The function accepts only file_descrs in non-blocking mode.

val read : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int

read fd buf ~off ~len reads len bytes from fd into buf starting at off. Return the number of bytes actually read.

val write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> unit

write fd str ~off ~len writes len bytes starting at off from str on fd.

val close : file_descr -> unit

close fd closes properly the given fd.

val sleep : float -> unit

sleep v suspends the current task and sleeps v seconds.

val run : ?g:Stdlib.Random.State.t -> ?domains:int -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
module Ownership : sig ... end


val blocking_read : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val blocking_write : Unix.file_descr -> unit

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