Module type
Class type
Miou is a simple scheduler for OCaml 5 that uses effects. It allows you to launch tasks (functions) concurrently and/or in parallel, as well as offering your application high availability to system events.
Since OCaml 5, it has been possible to use effects. An effect allows you to suspend the execution of a function and fall into a handler which, depending on the effect, would perform a specific operation that would continue the suspended function with the result of the operation.
For example, a Hello: unit Effect.t
effect can suspend using Effect.perform
. A pre-installed handler will then retrieve this effect, perform the operation (say, display "Hello"
), and unsuspend the function with the result of the operation (here, () : unit
type _ Effect.t += Hello : unit Effect.t
let handler =
let retc = in
let exnc = raise in
let effc
: type c. c Effect.t -> ((c, 'a) continuation -> 'a) option
= function
| Hello ->
Some (fun k -> continue k (print_endline "Hello"))
| _ -> None in
{ retc; exnc; effc }
let my_function () =
Effect.perform Hello;
print_endline "World"
let () = match_with my_function () handler
To go back to familiar OCaml elements, an effect is like an exception in that it breaks the execution flow. The "handler" is the with ...
part of a try ... with ...
in OCaml, and its installation corresponds to the try ...
. Finally, and this is the fundamental difference with exceptions, there is the continuation which allows us to return to the point where the effect was launched.
exception Hello
let my_function () =
raise Hello;
print_endline "World"
let () =
try my_function ()
with Hello k ->
print_endline "Hello";
k ()
Miou defines several effects that allow the user to interact with Miou's "task manager". Miou's effects manager is installed using run
. So, if you want to use Miou, you should always start with run
val my_program : unit -> unit
let () = my_program ()
Miou is a task manager. In other words, it manages a list of to-do tasks (which you can add to with call_cc
) and allows the user to manage these tasks. When a task is created, Miou gives the user a representation of the task: a promise t
From this promise, the user can:
Here's an example where a list of tasks are initiated and awaited. Interaction (task creation and awaiting) with Miou takes place via effects. Miou manages the execution order of these tasks and attempts to finish them all in order to terminate your program.
let digest filename =
Miou.call_cc @@ fun () ->
(filename, Digest.file filename)
let my_program filenames =
(* 1) we create a list of tasks *)
let prms = digest filenames in
(* 2) Miou manages the execution of these tasks *)
(* 3) we wait these tasks *)
let results = Miou.await_exn prms in
(* 4) we print results *)
List.iter (fun (filename, hash) ->
Format.printf "%s: %s\n%!" filename (Digest.to_hex hash))
let () = @@ fun () ->
my_program [""; ""]
Miou suggests a little exercise to implement a task manager with effects. It explains the role of promises, creation and awaiting for a task (it does not, however, describe cancellation).
Since OCaml 5, it has been possible to run functions in parallel. These functions run on a domain that has its own minor heap - so allocating small amounts of data doesn't require synchronization with other domains. Miou provides a pool of domains to which the user can assign tasks to run in parallel.
# let dom = Stdlib.Domain.spawn my_parallel_computation ;;
# Stdlib.Domain.join dom ;;
For more details on parallelism and garbage collection, we recommend reading the OCaml manual.
Miou prepares the allocation of a certain number of domains in advance. These will be waiting for tasks. The call
function is used to assign a new task to one of these domains. The user can specify the number of domains Miou can allocate via the domains
argument to the run
function. We recommend using Domain.recommended_domain_count () - 1
After this brief introduction to the basics of Miou (i.e. the use of effects and domains and the definition of a task manager), Miou stands out from other schedulers through its design, which we'll describe here.
However, we need to define 3 terms that will be used throughout this description:
is a resource representing a processor available to execute a taskOCaml offers only a fundamentally cooperative model for executing these tasks. Indeed, there are no mechanisms in OCaml to force the suspension of a given task. However, a given task can suspend itself in order to cooperate with other tasks on a limited resource such as a particular domain.
Miou offers a way of creating tasks (see call_cc
) that are more precisely called fibers. These fibers must cooperate with each other to share the domain on which they run. This means that a fiber should not have exclusive domain control when other fibers are waiting to be executed.
# @@ fun () ->
let rec pr str n =
if n >= 0 then
begin Miou.yield (); print_endline str; pr str (pred n) end in
let prm0 = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> pr "Hello" 1 in
let prm1 = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> pr "World" 1 in
Miou.await_exn prm0;
Miou.await_exn prm1 ;;
- : unit = ()
This task cooperation is achieved by yield
, which interrupts the current task to leave the domain to another waiting task.
The problem with cooperation is that it does not take into account the irruption of external elements such as system events. Miou's objective is to be able to interrupt your application as soon as these events occur: in other words, to preempt the interruption of your tasks when these events occur.
If it's important for us to interrupt your application as soon as these events are received, it's to increase the availability of your application to handle these events.
Let's take the example of a task making a long calculation. If an event such as the arrival of a TCP/IP connection were to occur at the same time as the calculation, we would consider the latter to be more important than the completion of the calculation. So we'd like to interrupt the calculation so that your application can handle this event as a priority.
let _, _ = @@ fun () ->
let rec server () =
let socket = accept () in
let _ = (handler socket) in
server () in
let prm0 = Miou.call_cc server in
let prm1 = Miou.call_cc my_long_computation in
Miou.both prm0 prm1 ;;
(* [my_long_computation] should have multiple cooperative points to let
the other task (our [server]) to accept incoming TCP/IP connexions. *)
In other words, your application is "more" available to handle events than to perform the calculations requested. This approach becomes interesting for services (such as an HTTP server) where the availability to handle such events is more important than prioritizing the calculation requested by a client.
And therein lies the crux of the problem: how do you preempt in a fundamentally cooperative system?
If we want to be in the best position to manage system events, we need to increase the points of cooperation that the fibers can emit. This is how Miou came up with a fundamental rule: an effect yields.
All effects (those defined by Miou as well as those defined by the user) reorder task execution. During this reordering, Miou can collect the system events that have just occurred. The objective is to do this as often as possible!
At this point, we need to make clear to our future users a crucial choice we made for Miou: we prefer a scheduler that's available for system events, rather than one that performs well in calculations.
Indeed, on the cooperation points presented above, Miou will systematically ask whether any system events have occurred. However, if your ambition is to do nothing but calculations, the latter will be "polluted" by these unnecessary points of cooperation. So, by default, Miou is less efficient than other schedulers.
One of Miou's objectives is to be used in a unikernel. As far as the latter is concerned, possible interactions can be very limited. So we decided to separate the scheduler (Miou
) from interactions with the underlying system (Miou_unix
for a UNIX system).
There is a way to do this:
Miou offers a way of creating what we call a suspension point. This can be created from a value syscall
(with a unique identifier) that the user can keep. This suspension point can be "unblocked" if the select
function given to Miou (via run
) informs it of the "continuation" of this suspension.
Let's take read()
as an example. This function, which interacts with the system, can "block" (for example, if you try to read from a socket). To avoid blocking (and leave it to the system), you can ask Miou to suspend just beforehand so that it can do other tasks, and inform Miou as soon as you know that this read()
will not block.
let global = Hashtbl.create 0x100
let miou_read fd buf off len =
let syscall = Miou.make (Fun.const ()) in
Hashtbl.add global fd syscall;
Miou.suspend syscall; fd buf off len
Here, we use a global table to remind us that the file-descriptor we're using is associated with a syscall
we've just created. The next objective is to define a select
function that will observe whether the added file-descriptor is ready to be read.
function.Miou lets you inject a function to observe system events. This should appear each time tasks are rescheduled, as explained above with regard to application availability. This function should return any suspension points that can be unblocked.
let select ~poll:_ _cancelled_points =
let fds = Hashtbl.to_seq_keys global |> List.of_seq in
match fds [] [] 0.1 with
| fds ->
let continuations = (fun fd ->
let syscall = Hashtbl.find global fd in
Miou.continue_with syscall (fun () -> Hashtbl.remove global fd))
fds in
let run fn =
let events _domain =
{; interrupt= Fun.const () } in ~events fn
As you can see, the next step is to produce a run
function that uses our select
. This is what Miou_unix
proposes for the example. However, there are a number of unresolved issues:
We recommend reading the chapter on system events and its tutorial on sleepers
Users can manipulate their tasks via their promises (see t
). A promise is an OCaml value representing the task. It can be used to await
for or cancel
a task. However, certain rules apply to its use.
It is forbidden to forget your children. The creation of a task necessarily implies that the developer await
s or cancel
s the task afterwards:
# @@ fun () -> Miou.call_cc (Fun.const ()) ;;
Exception: Miou.Still_has_children.
You can only await for your direct children. Transferring a promise to another task so that it can await for it is illegal:
# @@ fun () ->
let p = Miou.call_cc (Fun.const ()) in
let q = Miou.call_cc (fun () -> Miou.await_exn p) in
Miou.await_all [ p; q ] |> ignore
Exception: Miou.Not_a_child.
Task relationship clarifies what is involved in managing tasks and what they should transmit to each other. To answer this question, users will have to find their own mechanisms (mutex, condition, ipc, etc.) to share results between tasks that are not directly related.
Miou only allows you to await for or cancel a task. It is also impossible to detach a task. For more information on this subject, we recommend reading the Daemon and orphan tasks. section and our following rule: background tasks.
By extension, as soon as a task is finished, all its children are finished too. The same applies to cancellation. If you cancel a task, you also cancel its children.
There is, however, a pattern in which we'd like to put a task aside: in other words, forget about it for a while. Miou offers a specific API for this pattern, described here.
There may be a contention problem if you involve dom0
in the tasks to be run in parallel. There may in fact be a situation where dom0
is awaiting for dom1
, which is awaiting for dom0
Miou does not allow dom0
to be assigned a parallel task. These assertions in the code below are true all the time.
# @@ fun () ->
let prm1 = @@ fun () ->
let prm2 = @@ fun () ->
Miou.Domain.self () in
Miou.await_exn prm2, Miou.Domain.self () in
let u, v = Miou.await_exn prm1 in
assert (Miou.Domain.Uid.to_int u <> 0);
assert (Miou.Domain.Uid.to_int v <> 0);
assert (u <> v);;
- : unit = ()
However, you can involve dom0
in the calculations with call_cc
let () = @@ fun () ->
let prm = Miou.call_cc server in
Miou.parallel server (List.init (Miou.Domain.count ()) (Fun.const ()))
|> List.iter (function Ok () -> () | Error exn -> raise exn);
Miou.await_exn prm
The above rule also limits the use of call
if you only have (or want) less than 3 domains. In fact, if you only have one domain, call
cannot launch tasks in parallel. In the event that you only have 2 domains, it is possible to launch a task in parallel from dom0
but it is impossible to launch a task in parallel from this dom1
In both cases and in such a situation, an exception is thrown: No_domain_available
A suspension point is local to the domain. This means that only the domain in which it was created can unlock it. The Event value is created for each domain created by Miou. The unique identifier is also local to the domain.
# @@ fun () ->
let fn () = let s = Miou.make (Fun.const ()) in Miou.uid s in
let uids = Miou.parallel fn (List.init 2 (Fun.const ())) in
let[@warning "-8"] [ a; b ] = Result.get_ok uids in
assert (a = b)
- : unit = ()
This code shows that two suspension points are created in two different domains and their unique ids are the same.
The advantage of making suspension points local to domains is that the domain is solely responsible for these points and there are no inter-domain transfer mechanisms for managing system events. For the example, Domain.DLS
can be used for a table of current events in each domain.
let get, set =
let make () = Hashtbl.create () in
let dom = Stdlib.Domain.DLS.new_key make in
let get () = Stdlib.Domain.DLS.get dom in
let set value = Stdlib.Domain.DLS.set dom value in
get, set
let miou_read fd buf off len =
let syscall = Miou.make (Fun.const ()) in
let tbl = get () in
Hashtbl.add tbl fd syscall;
set tbl;
Miou.suspend syscall; fd buf off len
module State : sig ... end
module Queue : sig ... end
module Ownership : sig ... end
module Domain : sig ... end
module Promise : sig ... end
val self : unit -> Promise.Uid.t * Domain.Uid.t * int
self ()
returns the unique ID of the current promise, the domain which runs the current promise and how many resources has the current promise.
stats ()
returns the number of words (in the OCaml sense) reachable from the current promise. A promise keeps several pieces of information, such as its active children or associated resources. It can be interesting to monitor its memory usage.
The prerogative of absolutely awaiting all of its direct children limits the user to considering certain anti-patterns. The best known is the background task: it consists of running a task that we would like to detach from the main task so that it can continue its life in autonomy. For OCaml/lwt
aficionados, this corresponds to Lwt.async
val detach : (unit -> unit t) -> unit
Not that we want to impose an authoritarian family approach between parent and children, but the fact remains that these orphaned tasks have resources that we need to manage and free-up (even in an abnormal situation). We consider detachment to be an anti-pattern, since it requires the developer to take particular care (compared to other promises) not to 'forget' resources that could lead to memory leaks.
Instead of letting the developer commit to using a function that might be problematic, Miou offers a completely different interface that consists of assisting the developer in a coherent (and consistent) approach to responding to a particular design that is not all that systematic.
So a promise can be associated with an orphans
. The latter will then collect the results of the associated promise tasks and give you back the promises (via care
) in a 'non-blocking' mode: applying await
to them will give you the results directly.
In this way, by creating promises associated with this orphans
value, we can at the same time "clean up" these background tasks, as this code shows:
let rec clean_up orphans =
match orphans with
| None -> ()
| Some prm -> Miou.await_exn prm; clean_up orphans
let rec server orphans =
clean_up orphans;
ignore ( ~orphans handler);
server orphans
let () = @@ fun () -> server (Miou.orphans ())
There is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an echo server and how to create a daemon with Miou.
val orphans : unit -> 'a orphans
val call_cc :
?orphans:'a orphans ->
?give:Ownership.t list ->
(unit -> 'a) ->
'a t
call_cc fn
(for Call with Current Continuation) returns a promise t
representing the state of the task given as an argument. The task will be carried out concurrently with the other tasks in the current domain.
NOTE: About property and argument give
, property deeds are copied and shared between the task initially in possession and the new task. In other words, both must Ownership.disown
before termination. For the example, this code doesn't work because the main task (run
) hasn't Ownership.disown
the resource.
# @@ fun () ->
let r = Miou.Ownership.own () in
let p = ~give:[ r ] @@ fun () -> Miou.Ownership.disown r in
Miou.await_exn p;;
Exception: Miou.Resource_leak.
val call :
?orphans:'a orphans ->
?give:Ownership.t list ->
(unit -> 'a) ->
'a t
call fn
returns a promise t
representing the state of the task given as an argument. The task will be run in parallel: the domain used to run the task is different from the domain with the promise. This assertion is always true:
let () = @@ fun () ->
let p = @@ fun () ->
let u = Miou.Domain.self () in
let q = @@ fun () -> Miou.Domain.self () in
(u, Miou.await_exn q) in
let u, v = Miou.await_exn p in
assert (v <> u) ;;
Sequential calls to call
do not guarantee that different domains are always chosen. This code may be true.
let () = @@ fun () ->
let p = @@ fun () -> Miou.Domain.self () in
let q = @@ fun () -> Miou.Domain.self () in
let u = Miou.await_exn p in
let v = Miou.await_exn q in
assert (u = v);
To ensure that tasks are properly allocated to all domains, you need to use parallel
NOTE: call
will never run a task on dom0 (the main domain). Only the other domains can manage tasks in parallel.
val parallel : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> ('b, exn) result list
parallel fn lst
is the fork-join model: it is a way of setting up and executing parallel tasks, such that execution branches off in parallel at designated points in the program, to "join" (merge) at a subsequent point and resume sequential execution.
Let's take the example of a sequential merge-sort:
let sort ~compare (arr, lo, hi) =
if hi - lo >= 2 then begin
let mi = (lo + hi) / 2 in
sort ~compare (arr, lo, mi);
sort ~compare (arr, mi, hi);
merge ~compare arr lo mi hi
The 2 recursions work on 2 different spaces (from lo
to mi
and from mi
to hi
). We could parallelize their work such that:
let sort ~compare (arr, lo, hi) =
if hi - lo >= 2 then begin
let mi = (lo + hi) / 2 in
ignore (Miou.parallel (sort ~compare)
[ (arr, lo, mi); (arr, mi, hi) ]);
merge ~compare arr lo mi hi
Note that parallel
launches tasks (fork) and awaits for them (join). Conceptually, this corresponds to a call
on each elements of the given list and a await_all
on all of them, with tasks allocated equally to the domains.
NOTE: This function will never assign a task to dom0 - only the other domains can run tasks in parallel. To involve dom0
, it simply has to be the one that launches the parallelization and performs the same task concurrently.
val server : unit -> unit
let () = @@ fun () ->
let p = Miou.call_cc server in
Miou.parallel server (List.init (Miou.Domain.count ()) (Fun.const ())
|> List.iter (function Ok () -> () | Error exn -> raise exn);
Miou.await_exn p
Miou does not monitor system events. We arbitrarily leave this event monitoring to the user (so that Miou only requires OCaml to run). The advantage is that you can inject an event monitor from a specific system (such as a unikernel) if you want. However, Miou_unix
is available if you want to do input/output.
To facilitate the integration of an event monitor, Miou offers an API for creating "suspension points" (see suspend
). In other words, points where execution will be blocked for as long as you wish. These points can be unblocked as soon as the monitor gives Miou a "continuation" to these points with continue_with
The user must specify a select
function (via the run
function and the events
type), which must correspond to system event monitoring (probably using
). From these events, the monitor can decide which suspension point (thanks to its uid
) should be released. Miou will then call this function for each quanta consumed. This gives Miou a high degree of availability to consume and process system events.
Each domain has its own monitor so that the suspension and its continuation given by the monitor is always local to the domain (the domain managing the suspension is the only one allowed to execute the continuation). One events
is allocated per domain - it is given on which domain the event
value is assigned. In this way, the values (such as a table of active file-descriptors) required to monitor system events need not be thread-safe.
Sometimes, Miou only has suspension points. In other words, only system events are required to execute tasks (typically waiting for a TCP/IP connection). We say we're in a sleep state. In this case, Miou informs the monitor select
that it can wait indefinitely (with poll:true
It can happen that a task executed by one domain is cancelled by another domain (if the first was created by call
). This cancellation of a task can also mean the cancellation of existing suspension points into the task. Miou must therefore be able to interrupt a domain (especially if the latter is in a sleep state).
Thus, the user must have a mechanism for stopping event monitoring, which must be given to Miou via the interrupt
field (see events
Finally, Miou informs the monitor of any points that have been cancelled, so that the associated events can no longer be monitored (this could involve cleaning up the table of active file-descritpors).
To help you understand all these related elements, the distribution offers a short tutorial on how to implement functions that can block a given time (such as Unix.sleep
): sleepers
The type of syscalls.
A syscall is an unique ID and function executed as soon as the suspension point is released. This suspension point is created using the suspend
function. 'a
corresponds to the type returned by the function (when the suspension point is released by the monitor).
The type of unique IDs of syscall
val make : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a syscall
make return
creates a syscall which permits the user to create a new suspension point via suspend
val suspend : 'a syscall -> 'a
uid syscall
returns the unique ID of the syscall.
NOTE: Uniqueness is local to the domain! This means that 2 domains can produce the same uid
# @@ fun () ->
let p () =
let s0 = Miou.make (Fun.const ()) in
let s1 = Miou.make (Fun.const ()) in
assert (Miou.uid s0 <> Miou.uid s1);
Miou.uid s0 in
Miou.parallel p (List.init 2 (Fun.const ()))
|> function
| [ Ok p0s; Ok p1s ] -> assert (p0s = p1s)
| _ -> assert false
- : unit = ()
The type of continuations.
A continuation is a syscall that has been suspended (with suspend
) as well as a pre function. This is a value that must be given to Miou (via select
) in order to unblock the previously created suspend point.
continue_with syscall fn
creates a continue
value which can be used by Miou to unblock the suspension point associated with the given syscall. The given function fn
is pre-processed before Miou executes the syscall
's function. Any exception raised by the pre-processing function or the syscall
's function discontinues the suspension point with that exception.
val is_pending : 'a syscall -> bool
is_pending syscall
checks the status of the syscall
's suspension point. A suspension point can be indirectly cancelled (if the user cancel
s the task with the suspension point). The user, in the
function (and only in this function) can check the status of a suspension point. If is_pending
returns true
, then the suspension point still exists and the user should give us a function to continue, otherwise the user can 'forget' the suspension point safely.
NOTE: this function can only be executed in the
function. If the user calls it elsewhere, an exception will be raised by Miou.
await prm
awaits for the task associated with the promise to finish. You can assume that after await
, the task has ended with an exception with the Error
case or normally with the Ok
case. In the case of an abnormal termination (the raising of an exception), the children of the promise are cancelled. For instance, this code is valid:
# @@ fun () ->
let p = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () ->
let child_of_p = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> Miou_unix.sleep 10. in
failwith "p";
Miou.await_exn child_of_p in
Miou.await p ;;
- (unit, exn) result = Error (Failure "p")
# (* [child_of_p] was cancelled and you don't await 10s. *)
Note that you should always await for your children (it's illegal to forget your children), as in the example above (even if an exception occurs). If a task does not await for its children, an uncatchable exception is raised by Miou:
# @@ fun () ->
ignore (Miou.call_cc (Fun.const ())) ;;
Exception: Miou.Still_has_children.
val await_exn : 'a t -> 'a
await_exn prm
is an alias for await
which reraises the exception in the Error
await_all prms
awaits for all the tasks linked to the promises given. If one of the tasks raises an uncatchable exception, await_all
reraises the said exception. All tasks are awaited for, regardless of whether any fail.
await_first prms
awaits for a task to finish (by exception or normally) and cancels all the others. If several tasks finish "at the same time", normally completed tasks are preferred to failed ones. This function can be useful for timeouts:
# exception Timeout ;;
# @@ fun () ->
let p0 = Miou.call_cc (Fun.const ()) in
let p1 = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> Miou_unix.sleep 2.; raise Timeout in
Miou.await_first [ p0; p1 ] ;;
- : (unit, exn) result = Ok ()
await_one prms
awaits for a task to finish (by exception or normally). Despite await_first
, await_one
does not cancel all the others. The user must await
them, otherwise Miou will assume they're still active and will raise Still_has_children
# @@ fun () ->
[ Miou.call_cc (Fun.const 1)
; Miou.call_cc (Fun.const 2) ] ;;
Exception: Miou.Still_has_children
both prm0 prm1
awaits prm0
and) prm1
. It's equivalent to:
let both prm0 prm1 =
let a = Miou.await prm0 in
let b = Miou.await prm1 in
(a, b)
yield ()
reschedules tasks and give an opportunity to carry out the tasks that have been on hold the longest. For intance:
# @@ fun () ->
let p = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> print_endline "Hello" in
print_endline "World";
Miou.await_exn p ;;
- : unit = ()
# @@ fun () ->
let p = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> print_endline "Hello" in
Miou.yield ();
print_endline "World";
Miou.await_exn p
- : unit = ()
Used when a task is cancelled by cancel
val cancel : 'a t -> unit
cancel prm
asynchronously cancels the given promise prm
. Miou allows the forgetting of a cancelled promise and the forgetting of its children. For instance, this code is valid (despite the second one):
# @@ fun () ->
ignore (Miou.cancel ( (Fun.const ()))) ;;
- : unit = ()
# @@ fun () ->
ignore ( (Fun.const ())) ;;
Exception: Miou.Still_has_children
Cancellation terminates all the children. After the cancellation, the promise and its children all stopped. Resolved children are also cancelled (their results are erased). Canceling a task that has already been solved changes the state of the task to abnormal termination Error Cancelled
# @@ fun () ->
let p = Miou.call_cc (Fun.const ()) in
Miou.await_exn p;
Miou.cancel p;
Miou.await_exn p ;;
Exception: Miou.Cancelled.
This case shows that, even if the task has been resolved internally, the cancellation also applies.
# @@ fun () ->
let p = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> print_endline "Resolved!" in
Miou.yield ();
Miou.cancel p;
Miou.await_exn p ;;
Exception: Miou.Cancelled.
Only the creator of a task can cancel
it (the relationship also applies to cancellation, otherwise Miou raises the exception Not_a_child
NOTE: Cancellation asynchronicity means that other concurrent tasks can run while the cancellation is in progress. In fact, in the case of an cancellation of a parallel task (see call
), the cancellation may take a certain amount of time (the time it takes for the domains to synchronise) which should not affect the opportunity for other concurrent tasks to run.
It is possible to compose Miou with a library that also generates effects. The user can compose in 2 ways:{,_cc} @@ fun () -> handler fn ()
Remember that Miou suspends a task as soon as it emits an effect. The second case can be interesting in order to always ensure the availability of the application regardless effect handlers. Here's a basic example of how to compose.
type _ Effect.t += Foo : unit Effect.t
let handler fn v =
let open Effect.Deep in
let retc = and exnc = raise in
let effc : type c. c Effect.t -> ((c, 'a) continuation -> 'b) option =
function Foo -> Some (fun k -> continue k ())
| _ -> None in
match_with fn v { retc; exnc; effc; }
let () = ~handler:{ Miou.handler } @@ fun () ->
let prm = @@ fun () -> Effect.perform Foo in
Miou.await_exn prm
The user can also compose several effects managers:
# let compose { Miou.handler= a } { Miou.handler= b } =
{ Miou.handler= fun fn v -> (a (b fn)) v } ;;
val compose : Miou.handler -> Miou.handler -> Miou.handler = <fun>
NOTE: We want to reiterate that such a composition implies that the effect will not be executed immediately: the task will be suspended and the effect will be produced only as soon as the said task has its execution slot. One type of composition therefore becomes impossible if we want the production of an effect to produce an immediate action.
The example below shows that Effect.perform
suspends and gives _p
the opportunity to execute its task before the Unhandled
exception is raised.
# try @@ fun () ->
let _p = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> print_endline "Hello" in
Effect.perform Foo
with Stdlib.Effect.Unhandled Foo -> print_endline "World"
- : unit = ()
An exception which can be raised by call
if no domain is available to execute the task in parallel.
val run :
?quanta:int ->
?events:(Domain.Uid.t -> events) ->
?g:Random.State.t ->
?domains:int ->
?handler:handler ->
(unit -> 'a) ->