package metaquot

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include Metapp.ValueS with type t = Ppxlib.expression
include Metapp.ExtensibleS with type t = Ppxlib.expression
include Metapp.VisitableS with type t = Ppxlib.expression
type t = Ppxlib.expression
val to_loc : t -> Location.t
val iter : Ppxlib.Ast_traverse.iter -> t Metapp.iter
val map : -> t
val extension : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> Ppxlib.extension -> t
val destruct_extension : t -> Metapp.destruct_extension option
val var : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> string -> t
val of_constant : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> Ppxlib.constant -> t
val of_bytes : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> Stdcompat.bytes -> t
val force_tuple : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> t list -> t
val force_construct : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> Ast_helper.lid -> t option -> t
val array : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> t list -> t
val record : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> (Metapp.Longident.t * t) list -> t
val variant : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> string -> t option -> t
val lazy_ : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> t -> t
val choice : (unit -> Ppxlib.expression) -> (unit -> Ppxlib.pattern) -> t
include Metapp.PayloadS with type t := t
val of_payload : Ppxlib.payload -> t
val to_payload : t -> Ppxlib.payload
val of_int : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> int -> t
val of_string : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> string -> t
val of_char : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> char -> t
val of_unit : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> unit -> t
val of_bool : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> bool -> t
val of_float : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> float -> t
val of_int32 : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> int32 -> t
val of_int64 : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> int64 -> t
val of_nativeint : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> nativeint -> t
val none : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> unit -> t
val some : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> t -> t
val option : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> t option -> t
val of_longident : Metapp.Longident.t -> t
val construct : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> Metapp.Longident.t -> t list -> t
val tuple : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> t list -> t
val nil : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> ?prefix:Metapp.Longident.t -> unit -> t
val cons : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> ?prefix:Metapp.Longident.t -> t -> t -> t
val list : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> ?prefix:Metapp.Longident.t -> t list -> t
val quote_location : Location.t -> t
val quote_location_stack : _ -> t
val subst_of_expr : Ppxlib.expression -> t
val is_expr : (t, Ppxlib.expression) Eq.t option
val get_mapper : mapper -> t -> t

Innovation. Community. Security.