package mesh

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Planar Straight Line Graph datastructure. By default, creating an object from this class results in all methods being initialized with empty arrays.

method point : 'l mat

Array of points coordinates (x,y). It is of size 2 * n (fortran_layout) where n >= 3 is the number of points. So the coordinates of point number i are (point.{1,i}, point.{2,i}).

method point_marker : 'l int_vec

Array of points coordinates (x,y). It is of size 2 * n (fortran_layout) where n >= 3 is the number of points. So the coordinates of point number i are (point.{1,i}, point.{2,i}).

Array of points markers. Points inside the domain receive the marker 0, so assign markers >= 1 to distinguish different parts of the boundary. It must either be empty (in which case it is equivalent to all the markers being 1), or it must be of size n, where n > 0 is the number of points.

method segment : 'l int_mat

Array of segments endpoints; 2 int per segment (the indices of the corresponding points). Segments are edges whose presence in the triangulation is enforced (although each segment may be subdivided into smaller edges). It is of size 2 * n (fortran_layout) for some n >= 0.

method segment_marker : 'l int_vec

Array of segments endpoints; 2 int per segment (the indices of the corresponding points). Segments are edges whose presence in the triangulation is enforced (although each segment may be subdivided into smaller edges). It is of size 2 * n (fortran_layout) for some n >= 0.

Array of segment markers. It must either be empty (in which case it is equivalent to all the markers being 1), or it must be of size n, where n is the number of segments.

method hole : 'l mat

Array of holes. For each hole, the array specifies a point (x,y) inside the hole. It is of size 2 * n (fortran_layout) where n >= 0 is the number of holes.

method region : 'l mat

Array of regional attributes and area constraints. It is of size 4 * n (fortran_layout) where n >= 0 is the number of regions. For a region i, region{1,i} and region{2,i} are the x and y coordinates of a point inside the region (the region is bounded by segments), region{3,i} is the regional attribute, and region{4,i} is the maximum area. If you wish to specify a regional attribute but not a maximum area for a given region, set region{4,i} to a negative value.


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